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Private The Little Droid That Got Lost


Excited Chirps for Accidental Theft
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

MA-F6R shuddered out of the hold of a cargo area it had stowed away in. Even though it felt no cold, it gave a clacking shiver at the new environment it found itself in. A large facility it seemed. One dedicated to building equally large vessels. Droids worked around it, moving freight to and fro in a silent waltz of moving steel and circuitry as cargo was moved off the ship and into designated areas of the facility.

Little notice was given to the DUM-series droid as it clacked out of the cargo hold into the facility.

The single photoreceptor watched in silent wonder at the overhead system of cranes working tirelessly in tandem, seemingly of their own accord. A soft chirp of wonder came from the little droid as it stepped in the path of a loaded dock droid, colliding and earning an angry buzz of protest from the larger and well built automaton.

The little droid picked itself up with an angry chirp in response, raising its tiny metal fist with indignation at the larger droid that continued on after rolling MA across the floor for a few meters. Giving itself a once over, the little droid moved aside, observing the pathway the dock droids were taking and making sure to steer well clear of it as it continued trotting along.

A few stalls over, a vessel was being produced with lots of options it seemed. The little droid chirped excitedly before meandering it’s way over to examine the thing. There was a mix of organic and mechanical workers around the site, the little DUM droid keeping to the automated side of the line as best it could since their path’s were more predictable.

The droids were humming their own tunes, expertly hoisting large sheets of metal into place as a number of other automatons came and created sparks as the sheets were then fused to the suspended frame. The little droid examined its own digits as it watched another droid, held aloft by repulsorlift systems begin to fully weld where the other set had tacked the sheet on.

The three ‘fingers’ clacked shut before opening again. MA examining his stock digits before gazing up at the majestic droid welding high in the air. Moving along, following the progress slowly, a bin came into sight ahead, and the little droid trundled towards it.

A few things were organized inside the roller cart, a few select pieces of material, a canister of some kind, and a handful of wires as well. There was an excessive amount of squeaking from the cart that the droids could see as MA tried to open the front panel of the cart.

His little form bending the handle but not opening it as they left the handle alone, scratching the top of their domed head and examining the cart once more.


Excited Chirps for Accidental Theft
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

The droids knew their programming was not flawed. They had been using these same systems with up to date information, regularly purged and updated with double and triple checked algorithms and enough independence coding to allow them to even produce their own safety protocols at a moments notice.

But the DUM droid before them made the pair of assembly droids look to each other in confusion as they watched the sight.

The smaller droid noticed the pair, quickly waving them closer as the simple vocabulator worked to express it's plight of the locked door. MA politely asked for the droids to open the cart before him. The droids in kind, inquired as to the nature of his request for additional building materials. The blatant confusion of the little droid was brief as it looked back to the ship and pointed toward the open loading dock.

Another shared look as the pair of assembly droids filtered through the requests currently forming on both external and internal communication systems. When nothing appeared for the request of the materials stored in the cabinet, the little droid spoke up once more in protest to their searches.

The mock motions of a hammer were made, followed quickly by both hands making an exploding motion with the added sound of glass breaking for dramatic effect. Hands went to the domed head as the photoreceptor moved back and forth quickly before focusing on a non-existent spot.

A hand pointed to the floor, pointed to another spot on the floor before pointing behind it in increasingly sharp and panicked tones as the false story was passed along to the larger droids.

The aha moment was achieved it seemed.

After a brief exchange questioning the strange regularity with which the organics loved to break things and attempt to repair them without notice, one of the two unlocked the storage bin and trundled off to begin work in their section after the alert for their sector came through.

MA waved to them as they went, happy and pleased chirps coming from him as he tugged on the handle once more. An excited whirring sound came from him as this time the cabinet opened.

Tiny arms reached inside, pulling out a pair of canisters and examining them with interest. There did not seem to be external labels on the item as it twisted it back and forth, the large photoreceptor taking in the simple item before setting it atop the rolling cart and putting its face into the open door once more.


Excited Chirps for Accidental Theft
Poking its head back into the roller cart, it found a clear material with a number of wires and small mechanical oddities inlaid into the section of strange building supply. It pulled out the small section, pulling along with it a small device that looked similar to the charging system it had stashed aboard the vessel that had brought it here. The photoreceptor blinked, staring at the clear material and attached systems before setting it beside the canisters and taking a final look into the roller cart before giving a pleased chirp.

It grabbed up the contents it had found, holding them as carefully as its tiny arms could before spying a pair of droids working on an exposed section of internal components. Wiring was laid bare before it as the duo slid their auxiliary arms into slots along their sides.

MA watched as they retrieved canisters of similar fashion and placed them into sprayer attachments, moving along the exposed wiring and spraying what seemed to be a covering over them. MA tilted its head in wonder as it watched them, three clawed hand holding the cylinder aloft a moment before dropping its loot on the floor.

Droids did not stop moving at the sound, but a curious sentient did perk up at the strange noise against the usual cacophony of sound. An anxious warbling came from the little droid as it dropped the canister and folded up into its transport mode without shutting down.


Excited Chirps for Accidental Theft
The sentient approached, a curious look given to the droid as they scooped up the cannisters before studying the folded up droid with confusion.

"Mack. We have any DUM's running around?" The sentient tagged a badge while cautiously nudging the collapsed droid with their boot. A voice came back, a grunt of annoyance coming from the one standing over MA at the moment.

"That's what I thought. I'll bring it to the desk and send out a notice." Unceremoniously picked up, the sentient complained of their weight, a haphazard grab made to readjust their grip before MA found itself being hauled off the floor and carried into what looked like a work desk.

"Where was it?"

"Out on the floor by bay three. Had a recent ship come in by bay one but they didn't have any droids listed."

"A droid stowaway. Is that what you're suggesting?"

"It's a DUM droid. Probably snagged it when someone wasn't looking. These things like groups last I knew."

"Poor thing. Ah well. I'll put a notice out."

The pair of sentients spoke while MA listened, careful not to budge until one left and the other worked on their desk tapping away at something. Time passed, all the while the little droid stared ceaselessly waiting for a chance to escape.

The sentient stood, stretching before looking at the little droid.

"You'll be here a while it seems. No one's come to get you yet." They spoke at MA, running a hand over the droids dome before walking off and away. A door opened and closed, the little droid waiting barely a moment later to spring open and make a mad dash for the door it had come in through.

It didn't budge as the droid tried the handle. A frustrated warble emitting as it stared at the other door. Footsteps from came from another hallway, prompting the little thing to scamper to a spot beneath the desk as voices entered the room.

"Ma-feth. Off to the bathroom. I'll show you to the testing room then and get you a badge on the way back." Another pair of sentients were coming through, the sound of beeping making the little droid peek out to see the door it had opted to avoid.

It opened, the pair passing through as it swung wide and hung open for a time. MA placed its feet against the wall and pushed, sliding across the floor and catching the door before it closed. Pushing it open, the little droid slid into the next hallway, nervously chirping as the sound of activity gave it pause.

More sentients and machines in this area, working on smaller things.

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