Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Little Guy With A Big Heart


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Someone needed to be shown that there was always a bigger fish, and today Shado was that bigger fish. Sporting the Czar armor with the Vong crap attached to it, and his skin, he walked through a forest, searching for the boy. "Come on little guy, you need a time out." He yelled out through his helmet mic, the voice would echo out for maybe miles, he didnt know, didnt care. Vibrosword on back, and that beautiful rifle of his, Zealot, he was ready to kill a child if need be. Grenades on person, and a crap loud of ammo, this was going to be nasty fight.

"So I hear you're a pest needs dealing with, and I'm the exterminator, come taste my poison." He called out again, taunting the boy. Jerrick's HUD display showed the boy's face, and some small info on him. " use swords?" He asked out loud. He was no good against anyone who knew how to use a sword the right way.
Still though he would try, and try hard to show the boy how they did it back in his day of fighting.
Hunted like an animal.

All because of my damned Diathim heritage that was mixed with a near human. I was currently testing out my armor when he started to go after me. I could feel the force in him just slightly, and that gave me the hint of how close he was to me. I looked around in the trees that surrounded me. Nothing metal. I cursed myself for having magboots, but testing them in the forest. Either way, I had my sword drawn as well as my left arm already up and ready should a shot be fired at me. The Seraphiel Battle Armor was heavy enough for me not to have the ability to fly. And from the sound of his voice, as well as the small tidbits of his armor that I saw, he was prepared to fight me.

I allowed the force to flow through me. Giving me heightened senses. I could hear the booming megaphone that he was using through his suit. Trying to lure me after him. I was half tempted to simply just disappear with force illusion. But another part of me, my stronger part, wanted to go and attack him. Prove to him that I am not just something to be hunted.

I smiled as I spoke out, Using the voice scrambler to sound different. "Then come my Exterminator, try and end my life." Walking out from behind a tree, I held my sword in my right hand, out in the open to my right, while my left arm was folded in like a shield. Ready for him.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"],


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Voice scramblers, and all that mess, apparently he thought this would confuse him, or frighten him, something. He didnt know what the pit squeak was up to, but he could have cared less. "You make sound so romantic boy, like I'ma sweep you off your feet, and take you to some castle. Sounds lame." He said lifting his Zealot rifle, potting a shot at the boy's mid center using a armor piercing round, though he had explosive rounds, and inferno rounds to help do the job. Aside from that he popped another shot at the boy, aiming again mid center. "I'm walking on sunshine, oooh, and dont my bullets taste good." He sung out loud. He was obnoxious, and sarcastic for a super soldier.

Afterwards, Jerrick would throw a thermal at the boy's direction with all his strength, which actually missed the boy, and stuck into a tree next to him. "Well...that's awkward..." he said shrugging to himself. He took a few steps backwards, keeping his distant from the boy with, the golden rule of fighting a force users. Stay the hell away from them.
I shook my head as the man clearly was a little messed up in the head. I allowed for his charade of being in love continue. However, I could feel myself flow more into the force considering with how I was going to go around this man. I smiled as the rounds of blaster fire came at me. The first one was dealt with my blade. The face, or the flat of the blade. was turned to face between us and with a twist of my wrist, sent the blade into the path of the projectile. Letting the bolt slam into the sword and fading into ash and spent energy.

I shook my head as the grenade was thrown. I stood there. even as the grenade went off. However, I was not harmed.

After the lull in shots, I had used the force to create an illusion of myself. Standing in the same spot as before as I would move around. I used silence as my ally when the thermal detonator went off. Blowing the illusion to shreds. I shimmered into existence off to the left side of the man. Zooming through the trees right at him, and at the last moment, I yelled out in a war cry as I sent my blade to cleave down on his helmet made of what looked to be biological materials.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"],


Jerrick had seen it coming, the damn illusion tore to shreds, but Jerrick ignored it once he noticed it, thing was though, he had this chip that made his reaction speed match that of probably a some of more average to better force users. Jerrick just turned his head to look at the boy as he charged him, the blast didnt really muffle much of the noise for him, but it did some, so he was unsure if the boy was screaming, or crying.
He gave his head a limp look as the boy's blade came down, but he was able to react more then in time with a side step, and a very strong kick that, if he had not that armor on, would break his rib cage if it landed, then he would spin, for another kick to the back that again, if it wasnt for the armor, would probably break his spine if it landed.

"You're no fun." He said in the midst of the attacks, the boy truly didn't know whom he was dealing with. Jerrick was a top notch super soldier, he didnt talk like it, but he knew what he had, and he used every bit of those resources to take down the enemies that stood in his path, for example the boy. "You're attacking me head on, regardless of that armor, I'm still stronger, and faster boy. Try again." He would say after the attack, whipping out his own vibrosword. [member="Erin Ecthelion"]
I smiled as the man sidestepped. Perfect. I brought my left arm up. and with a loud clang, his boot made contact with my left armored arm. I felt little on the impact because of the thickness of the metals on my arm, however, I was hit back off my feet for a moment. I looked to him in time to see a second kick. The thing about kicking is that you had to rear up your leg to kick someone in the chest. Even if you were taller than them. So in the time between kicks, and him talking to me about not being fun, I had gathered myself and taken a second blow to the left arm.

I took a step back away from him. Almost as though we were circling one another as he drew his vibrosword. His words of being faster than me were commendable, seeing as he was an adult and probably had more experience than myself. However, I was faster than a bladeswoman that I had trained under. I could move as fast, if not faster than her. While she never admitted it, I knew it to be true.

I smiled under my helm. Still using the voice to sound just deeper than my normal tone. "Strong and fast you may be, but are you fast enough for me?" I smiled as in a blur I stabbed at his mid section. Followed quickly with a twist of my wrist to send the sword towards his left arm. And in a smooth pulling on my sword, I came back with my arm over my head in a circular motion, only to come back down on his head once more. Adding momentum and interta to my blade. Being heavier and thicker than most vibroblades, and even swords, it would bring a more kinetic blow than what he could offer.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"],


He smirked. "We're rhyming now are we?" The whole deeper voice thing had he know it was not real, wouldnt have mattered to him. It was just a voice, but his hits barely did anything, which was funny cause his kicks were probably one of the most powerful kicks in the galaxy, strong enough to even break Czar bones, and that was very hard to do. The boy attempted to cut into his mid section, which if he didnt know by, he soon would now, didnt do jack. His armor was meant to deflect swords, plus it was heavy armor. Very heavy armor that this boy would not be able to use if he put it on. Then he twisted for an attack to his left arm, which he blocked with his right blade arm, that seemed to just shatter the damn sword.

"Thats interesting..." He said to himself, as the boy came back down with his blade to his head. Jerrick quickly saw it coming, and stepped forward into the boy, so that the attack would go behind him, and thus allow Jerrick to reach after the boy's arm, and attempt to sling him with all his might. this meant that because Jerrick could lift eight hundred pounds easily, this boy would be like tossing a pillow, and he would go sailing off into the woods. After wards, Jerrick would pull out his rifle, a slug thrower, and fire off his explosive rounds at the boy. [member="Erin Ecthelion"]
Rhyming was not something of mine. However, when the chance came to sound smart because of it, I would use it. I would rather come off more smart and intelligent than not. My strike had missed, and in a sudden clutch, I was thrown. Kind of hard to avoid that. I was thrown hard and tried to right myself. Slamming my right side into a tree. I dropped my sword for a moment as I could hear the clatter of a gun being pulled from the holster. The man was using the availability of his weapons, rather than stick with one and work with it. I dropped down to one knee as the first round of a slugthrower slammed into the tree where my upper chest once was. A quick grab of my sword lead to a second one lower close to my head as I ducked it.

With a roll backwards, I took cover behind a tree, to allow a third and fourth shot to slam home in the bark. I smiled as if this man was going to use guns, then I would have to be prepared. I held my left arm close to my chest and came out of cover for a fifth shot to slam about where my wrist and forearm are connected. Slamming into the Laminanium that was on my arm. it would take a few minutes to fully repair itself, but I would be fine until them. I continued to almost jog forwards trying to get back at him. If he was using weapons of a longer range, then I would have a better time up close.

While yes the man could throw me, I doubt that he would a second time. Yes he may try, but I will be more prepared. As well, I was not getting a better idea of his fighting style. While he did have heavy armor on, and the sword at first would do nothing against him, it would soon enough. There are other ways to get around armor. I just need to implement one that would take him over.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"],


Jerrick gritted his teeth, and watching the boy jog at him. "Oh you wanna dance!" He said dropping the rifle, though this wasnt his only firearm he possessed on his person so it was okay, and through all this he was sprinting at the boy, reaching speeds of twenty miles an hour. This meant he was already on the boy, and would give him a taste of a drop kick to the chest, so if he ran at top speeds of thirty-two mph, this kick would do the exact same thing as throwing the boy, it would send him flying backwards, all the while he would pull out his dual pistols. Two beautiful KD-30 Dissuaders firing two shots from each slugthrower pretty much at point blank. These pistols were nasty little things, with acid rounds that ate through any armor, and devoured flesh with ease. Ten rounds in each clip, he was set, and stone with makng this boy learn is place. [member="Erin Ecthelion"]
Speed was a thing that the man had. His was a pure form of speed. Running. Mine was different. Not in a pure speed, but in a reaction time. One of the leading causes of this was a power called precognition. While I was not the best at it, I was avid enough to help predict the movements of my foes. In the beginning of a fight, it was harder to do that. However, once you got a feel for the person style of fighting, you could more easily predict their movements. My face was void of all emotion as I dropped down to my knees and then to my back sliding under the man's kick and continuing as he was going faster than myself, and from my own inertia.

With an easy push up with my legs, I came to my feet still sliding as I turned to face him while he pulled out his pistols and began to fire. Too bad he would not be able to do that again. My left hand lashed out and with the force gripped around the barrels of the pistols. Just the ends where it was more susceptible to bend, and crunched down with the force. Should he fire again. the gun would either blow up in his hands, or it would shoot through the closed passage way, but leave him at an even worse condition of not being able to correctly aim as the rifling inside the barrel would be fethed up. it was his choice at this moment.

With his back turned to me, even with his armor on, it was exposed. To follow that up, a log about the size of my body was thrown at him. While yes it could protect one against attacks, it would not protect against whiplash or the pure blunt force of an object hitting someone. Rarely was there an armor that could withstand attacks like that. Mine could withstand the cutting and some blunt, but even at that, someone with powerful enough strikes would be able to break through my armor by the sheer force of impact. It would likely be the same for this man.

"Let's dance."

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"]


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

This kid could dodge like crazy, he gave him that, with a blink of the eye, he had slid under him, and even had enough time to destroy his pistols. He thought to himself about getting new ones. That was till the log was tossed at his back, and set him, and the log sailing a few feet away from the kid. It hurt, it certainly hurt, would it cause sever damage? No. It was bruise his back up, and leave him aching in the morning, but this wasnt over by a long shot. The log must have weighed maybe a good five hundred pounds at least. Nothing to Jerrick. His reaction speed was fast too, maybe not as fast as the kids, but fast enough that when landing, he easily rolled over, and picked up the log like it was a squat exercise time. He cracked his neck, and ignored his back's pain.

"I like you kid. Now you're talking!" he said as he lunged the log at the boy with ease. What the kid did next was of no matter to him as he threw a thermal, along with a flashbang after the log was half way at the kid. He shielded his eyes, and took a few steps back. It was time to brawl with the boy now as he had no other long range weapons, now this would give the boy that 'cutting' edge with the sword, but Jerrick's hand to hand was something to fear.
My face was still emotionless even as the man picked up the log. it was clearly heavy. No doubt about that. All it did was show me how much he could lift. Meaning if we got into a hand to hand fight, he would deal some mean ass punches. Something I wanted to stay away from. His neck cracked as his voice rang out in liking me. All I did was flip the sword around and take a wide stance. Left foot forward, right foot backward, left arm out in the front, palm up and open, while my blade was held out to my right. Ready for this man.

I was clearly visible to be a person who knew how to use a sword. I also had other weapons with me that I had not used either. I still had much to reveal. With a throw, the log was launched at me. I smiled as I ran forward. Fully intent on taking this head on. Despite the swords looks, it was nearly indestructible by the way of the force. Created to be withstanding the test of time. Using the sword, I slammed the point of the blade into the log, and pulled up on myself. Yanking my legs up into the air, I pushed off with the force. Sending myself flying over the two grenades that he had also thrown at me.

I was a good 3 meters in the air as I brought my sword over head. Held in both hands as I would come down with enough force to cut through some medium class armors. Fully intending to beat this man. I was just hoping that I could last longer than this man in the fight. Once more, I had an ace up my sleeve with the stamina as well. Really this would be over who could last the longest, and who would be able to stand alone.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"]


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

The boy was a high flier, well so was Jerrick, in a sense. He was not even using his full potential against the kid, and what he didn't know was what his other augmentations did for him. Stamina was something he had in abundance actually, and this boy wouldnt see that till later. Even though he had covered his eyes, he heard the bangs go off, and gave them a second before he uncovered them only to see the boy come down hard with that nasty blade of his. He grinned at the boy through his helmet. He leaped up at the boy, coming at him with the full intent on facing the blade face on. He kicked his feet upwards in a spin kick to push the blade away from him.

If this worked Jerrick would grab the boy while he was upside down, and land on top of him in the fall. He had finally shut up enough to start kicking the fight into high gear. If he could grab the boy, he would fall with him, send punches into his rib cage, if he had too, he would take the blade to the thigh. It most likely would cut through the Vonduun Crab armor attached to the Zodiac armor, and go into his thigh, but he would take it if it came to that. This way regardless he would be on the side of the battlefield that his sniper laid.
The man was fast and strong. While I had come down on him, his foot came out of nowhere to push the blade to the side. I tried to direct it back at him and got him in the thigh. It went into his armor and was still in him as he gripped me. We fell and I landed on my back hard. I knew I would end up with a few bruises. It was then he began to punch at my ribs. He hit one, two three times before my left arm came up to my chest. I could feel my arm hurt even more than it was as he laid down on me.

I was under this man's weight and will. If I didn't do something fast, then I would be dead in a few seconds. I kept taking the punishment. Smiling as I gathered the force in my left hand. I would not be defeated. I would be beaten. I would not be breakable. I kept taking the punishment. But the entire time I was welling up the force to form in my hand. as it was clutched close to my chest.

The result of my idea, would be worth the few broken ribs and bruised chest. Even if he was hitting my chest, I was surprised that he was not hitting my exposed stomach. I crunched up and closed the gap before he could aim there. and used my elbow as another form of protection on my stomach. Taking all of this in. I was tired. I was becoming angry.

My left arm released it. A power called Force Burst. An ability that if held long enough, would send even the most powerful of foes flying into the air. Seeing as how I was taking a good 10 seconds to gather this force, and fire it at him at point blank range with the distance between us less than a foot, I doubt the man would still be able to hold onto me for long. Powerful and much like a force push, only gathered with enough strength to break mountains if needed.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"]


The blade stuck in, and he grimaced at it, but kept going. As long as it was in, no blood would come out, even if it did, well that was okay. The boy was taking this beating like a champ, with it came some respect for him from Jerrick, but respect was respect, it wasnt enough to keep one from killing another. It meant he would make it quick, and fast. A honorable death. So he though. Some more voodoo came out of the boys hand, and send him flying high in the sky, knocking the wind out of him. As he flew up the blade came out, and blood gushed out of it, but already the blood clotting at taken effect, and was beginning to stop it. It was gonna hurt that leg when he landed, but he fell from a thousand feet in the air, without a scratch.

In his drop, he saw he was dropping just where he wanted to be. His prized Zealot rifle. He dropped in a roll, blood still slowly pouring out of his thigh, but it wasnt going to kill him, or stop him. With a fluid motion that was practiced over, and over, he rolled over the sniper, taking the clip out, and putting in a fresh clip of explosive rounds in it, coming back up in a crouched position. He took aim at the boy's legs, and fired the clip, nothing stopping till there was clicks coming from the trigger. Each round would make a explosion. He was feeling that log on his back now, and his leg was still healing, but he wasnt out yet.

[member="Erin Ecthelion"]
He flew up into the air. I could feel the throbbing in my chest. While I could have attacked him in the air, I didn't. Because I was readying myself. I had to use it now. or I would lose. Sliding up to my knees, I grabbed my blade from the ground as it had fallen from his leg. Blood covered about a third of the top end of the sword. I let it stay on there dripping from the tip as I picked it up. I then used the force again.

Only this time on myself. I could feel my body recharge. Almost as though I had just taken a good 8 hours worth of rest. The pain came with it, but the bruises were dulled to a degree, and the few broken ribs on my left side were dulled as well. However, I could still feel it. I breathed in almost in a renewed life. Now my face was completely clairvoyant.

As the man was coming down, I started out in a small jog, and then came up to a full sprint towards him as he pulled up his gun to fire. Left arm came up and with another slight tug of the force, pushed the mussel of the gun up as the shot fired. The round missing my head by a mere hair's length away as I already had closed the distance. The sword lusting after the man's blood after tasting it's first drops. The sword was coming for his neck and upper shoulders. While a second round went off, with the barrel being pushed up by my left hand. Avoiding the shots that he fired at me. While also getting in an attack.

This would be the beginning of the fight.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"]


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

This guy just never gave up, and with all that fancy voodoo crap, he just kept coming back for more. Jerrick cracked his fists as he watched to the boy coming back with that large blade of his. It was crazy that this boy was so talented in the force, and with that blade. It was time for the real fight to begin. Jerrick's augmentations began to click into action, the chip in his head working to show what was about to happen a few seconds just before the boy reached him. The chip was designed to give him an extreme reaction speed with a sort of precognition, and you was seeing the boy was trying to cleave his head off with one good, strong strike. Jerrick fell side ways as the sword came swiftly at him, everything was happening in slow motion for him as his adrenaline augmentation began pumping more into his system.

As he fell, his left arm landed on the ground for support as his his right foot came sweeping at the boys midsection with really fast speeds, and then came his left foot coming up high, and down to strike his head, which would only result in his right arm coming over his left arm to help spin him around. This would make his right to sweep at his feet, and his left foot would come up at a firm strike at his rip cage. Hand-to-hand, it was something you didn't do with Jerrick. Jerrick's emotions clicked off now, and it was all attack, attack, attack. Jerrick was using all his strength in his attacks, mainly cause he could keep going, pushing his body to their limits, and over. Even pushing himself, Jerrick was trained to keep going, and dont stop till he was dead.
This is where the fun began.

You see, A person my size would never really be able to jump up around a log being thrown without practicing it time and time again before hand. Nor would I be moving so fast that my body was a blur to the man's eyes. No. That was way over my limit. I had used Force illusion once more. This time to get ahead of his game.

While the phantom of my body rushed forwards, I did as well. but I simply ducked the thrown log. Not jump it. While the phantom fell through the air, I had jumped up over the man. landing on the ground behind him as he went into a movement of a very complicated form of hand to hand combat. I was expecting it with the way that he was fighting. If one was not confident in their skills as a fighter, then why would they be hunting a force user in the first place? I had to assume that he was really good. With his increase in an almost superhuman speeds, as well as hard punches to my armor, and chest. I had to think about using trickery to get at him.

His kicks faded through the phantom of me while the sword it held, phased through him and the entire image shattered once hitting the ground. Only for me to stab my own sword at his back. Aiming to go through his gut while my left hand gripped his throat and tried to pull him towards me.

With the cross section of a pulling and pushing action, it was very liable for the sword, made out of sith alchemy to never break, and to always be sharp, to pierce through the armor. Unless he had a form of precognition that dated itself steps ahead of myself, then maybe, just maybe, he could move out of the way to only be yanked back with a force grip on his neck. or even, I would miss entirely. To where he would actually hit me. it was a gamble, but one the would end the fight, or only cause it to last even longer.

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"],


[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

He roared out as he realized his attacks came into contact with a illusion.

This was okay, because the precognition was fast enough for him to hear the boy behind him, and see the blade coming at his own midsection. He stepped to the side slightly away from the blade, and to be jerked to him by the force grip around his neck. Again the boy must not understand Jerrick's misconception that earlier he had been trying to keep the game at a distance. In fact, Czars were meant to be able to go head-to-head with Jedi, and Sith. They're built to take them down with their fist, and feet.

As he was pulled into the boys grip, his throat couldn't pull in any air, which was making his lungs burn. No way was this boy going to break his neck with force grip, that just didn't seem to be within his grasp of doing, but he surely could choke him to death. That was, had he not now had him right in front of him. Jerrick grinned under his mask, and slammed his fist in the direction of his rip cage. He had been aiming here for many reasons. Through gritted teeth, and a grin, Jerrick then slammed his other hand into the boy's rip cage hell bent on breaking the boy's respiratory system himself.

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