Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Littlest Jedi (Syn)

Isabella waited as patiently as she could for Master [member="Syn"] to arrive. According to her parents he was to teach her how to be a Jedi and everything she needed to know about the Force. The little one was so excited she could almost not contain herself but sat on the floor she did instead of running around. The last thing she wanted was for him to change his mind and not train her. Mommy had told her if she wasn't good he wouldn't train her.

Ever since she learned that she was gifted in the Force and could move things around with her mind Izzy had wanted to learn more. After what seemed like forever she was getting her chance. The five year old was determined to become a great Jedi like her mommy and daddy.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Now this was something he hadn't really experienced before, training a daughter of one he had taught before. It wasn't that he didn't like the idea it just reminded him that he was old compared to other despite what he might look like. That was why when he came in and stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, the robes her was wearing showing off the two amulets. The silver star and the sigil that amplified his force energies before he spoke running a hand through his hair. "Welcome young one, I trust you are ready for what is to come?"
The little one nodded happily as she held her hands in front of her. Izzy was doing the best that she could to contain her excitement about actually getting some real training. This time the little one even had her parents blessing to get actual training. She had a habit of going places and doing things she ought not to because she was curious. She wanted to know what everything did and to do everything. "Are you going to teach me to fly? My daddy can fly!"

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Fly? Well the force could do many things and with enough talent in telekinesis it was more then possible. ""I can show you how but it is a long and tedious process, it will take dedication to your skills and training to a degree few really wish to undertake but if you want to learn I can teach you. We'll have you flying high and helping people in time. Now lets get you a training saber and make sure you have on some protective gear." The jedi master moved about and motioned for her to follow while going off towards the quartermaster and get her gear that she needed.
Nodding she smiled just happy to be there. The little one could dedicate herself to training if it meant that one day she could learn to fly with her daddy. She didn't have much else to do anyway since her parents were always so busy doing nonfun things like working. Izabella liked playing with her Force abilities and therefore figured that this would be tons of fun plus her master seemed really nice too.

"Ooo, a lightsaber? Can it be purple? Do I get to make my own?" The little one questioned as she ran after her master as he led her out to get the necessary things she would need to begin her training. "What do I call you Mister? Master? I'm Isabella but everyone calls me Izzy." Izzy had a million questions for her master but for now would start with these.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Syn gave a small grin to her questions and gave a nod. "Yes you will build one but before you have your own a training one will be needed so you learn to not cut your limbs off." He continued forward though and didn't actually know what color purple was but it was more then worth it as he came to the quartermaster and did the requisition forms. Robes, boots and a purple training saber as the jedi master set them down for Isabella and he spoke. "You may call me Master Syn or just Syn, I am not hardpressed for titles if it can be helped and training like what you will go through will be long and tiring. You'll ache in places you didn't know you had and then you'll shed tears. Now be dressed and ready we are headed into the mountains and we already have the food."
[SIZE=10pt]“Is that why I was never given a light saber before?” Izzy’s parents were always worried that she was going to hurt herself. They kept her from doing all of the exploring that she wanted to do. The five year hoped that they could and would trust her to do things once she had training. She was sure that Master Syn would allow her to go places with him on like missions. The idea of going on missions sounded very exciting and something she always wanted to do. She wanted to save the galaxy just like mommy and daddy did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Taking the robes, boots and lightsaber from him the little one hurried off to go get changed. The robe was a little big on her however it would do plus she assumed that she would grow into it. The boots were really cool! Before rushing back to her master Isabella glanced in the mirror to look herself over and also to look a[/SIZE]t the saber wondering how to turn it on before placing it on her belt.

“I’m ready to go,” she grinned as she skipped back out to where he was waiting for her.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Syn looked on while Isabella got ready, not at her but he was focusing in the force while he got a few pieces of equipment. He let out a small breath when she returned ready to go and brought to bare the majority of his senses onto her. While he wasn't able to recall meeting her father he knew her mother and her mother was endearing. He'd protect the girl and not put her in too much danger... well as much as he normally put padawans in.

Then he was moving and speaking with his hood coming up before crouching and doing the same for her. "A lightsaber can be many things, a jedi tool a sith weapon, a deterrent to conflict and used to incite it. It must be respected in all aspects and cared for, when you build one it will be your life. An extension of your own limbs and possibly the first thing you will have to use against someone meaning you harm." He gave a smirk though to that and rose turning around and walking out into the jungle.

"But there is much you will have to learn first and it starts here in the area's where the force and life flow freely. Where everything can be untouched sometimes and learn to live. We are going to go here and later when you have some training maybe journey across the galaxy. There is plenty you can learn from different worlds in the galaxy."
The little one lived around the beach so going into the jungle was a new exciting experience all in of itself for the little girl. Whenever she had asked her parents about going into the jungle the little one had been told no time and time again with no reason why. The little one finally had given up asking and figured one day she would have to go alone. Going with Master Syn was a bit overwhelming as while she walked she tried to listen to what he was saying and take in her surroundings as well.

Light saber not a play toy, check!

“It’s really pretty, I have never been out in the forest before or to other worlds really. Mommy says I’m too little to go to other worlds on my own. I have been all around Chroma Zed though. What is the Force? I know it allows me to move things but why me? My friends can’t use it.”
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

What was the force? Oh there were answers needed and he smirked to that. He could give the easy answer that it was what gave a jedi or any force uiser their power but there was much more to it. Stopping in a clearing in the jungle he turned and crouched down motioning her to be close enough to listen but have some space to view and look at everything. He might even have to say a little about his childhood.

"The force is an energy source that resides in the galaxy, it bonds all living things from the smallest life form to the largest star, it feeds us, it protects us, it penetrates our being, it gives all who feel it the ability to protect others. It isn't something one should take lightly, or one that should be lorded over with. Those who have it have a duty to protect people, to serve and try to lift up others. Many forget this and use it for their own selfish gain."

He looked at her through the force and moved his fingers to the ground as he drew with it. "When I was little my master used to play a game with me. She taught me by taking me to a world blind dead to the force and where my sight would be gone then hunted me with other prisoners. I was about your age and the sith masters were a dangerous lot but my master believed in a more rounded view of the force."
The little Jedi continued walking along as she listened about the Force. She could sense things around her like mom and dad. Izzy had just thought that it was because they were her parents that was why she could sense them. It didn't seem to always be that way.

"Mommy and Daddy use the Force to help people. I want to help too and not be in the way of others." She used it sometimes to help her clean up her room but she doubted that this was selfish. It wasn't as if she was hurting someone by doing this. That's what that had to mean..hopefully. M

"Hunted?" She stopped for a moment as if a little scared. "Your not going to hunt me? Are you?"

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

He gave a small laugh to that. "No no no hunting someone is a way to induce fear and is something the darkside feeds off of. The negative emotions, the hate, it can consume some people and make them into dangerous beings." He remained there looking at her for a moment and dug around in his pockets while holding his hands out with a small crystal. "This is a padawan's healing crystal to help you focus the force in your own body. With some work you'll be able to heal small scraps and bruises."

He remained there for a brief moment more with a look before standing up. Unclipping one of the sabers from his belt and Adjusting the power level of it turned it down to the level of a training saber. He put it back on his belt and looked around the jungle with a quick flick of his head. "Now we are going to train your force senses. With a game..... of hide and go seek. One of the best ways to find another person is to feel them in the force. I shall find and you'll find me."
Taking the crystal from her master she rolled it around in the palm of her hand. It wasn't only pretty but she knew it would do good things. Her mother had healed her scraps and bruises before using the Force. She very much liked the idea of being able to help people like her mother did. Learning how to heal people would be a good thing she reckoned and was happy to learn. Really the little girl was happy to learn anything that he was willing to teach.

Isabel's ears perked up at the sound of playing a game. She loved playing games and this one sounded fun as she would also be learning something as well. "Ok, I count to ten and than come find you." Closing her eyes Izzy put her hands over her eyes as she began to count.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Syn gave a nod when Isabella started to count and he moved, running quickly but quietly while not going so far into the jungle. He wasn't going to make her search the planet for him just in the area around her. His hands grabbing one of the branches and pulling him up into the foliage. He had played this game several times with his own children and Iella so he was getting better at hiding like he was good at seeking in his youth. Those spans of seconds between one and ten though felt like it went on forever.

As the little girl began to count she placed her hands over her eyes. Daddy used to play games like this with her but she hadn't seen him for a while. Her parents always seemed too busy to do stuff with her. All she ever wanted to do was have fun and play but they had these things called 'responsibilities' which were in her eyes dumb. She ought to come first to her parents! They ought to drop everything for her.

"6...7...8...9...10. Ready or not here I come!!!"

Opening her eyes up with a smile she looked about as if expecting him to be there still and not hidden. When she didn't see him she wrinkled her nose and rushed off to her right in search of him. If she concentrated she would be able to sense him but right now she couldn't sense anything.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

He was prepared and not that far off at least, making sure to broadcast his presence in the force loudly. He did use the force to speak though and focused on his padawan. "Your eyes can deceive you Isabella don't trust them always, your senses within the force can become stronger allowing you to see beyond the crack in the door many others use. Close your eyes and imagine the stillness of water, all being within the force create ripples in the water, they are all around you. Find mine and use it to lead you to me."
She could hear Master Syn’s voice however she could not see him which caused the little girl to spin in circles a few times looking for him. When she didn’t see him she decided to stop spinning and actually take his advice. Closing her eyes Isabella reached out with the Force. She had learned that the Force was within everything but sometimes were stronger than others. She had found her parents were stronger which allowed her to find them pretty easy.

As she reached out Izzy could sense everything but the biggest wave in the Force came from behind her and above her. Turning around pointed to the tree above where she had just been counting. “You’re up there!”'
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

He remained very still and gave a nod of his head as he looked down. She had done well and he came out of the tree now standing there. ""Very good, now you go and hide this time. I shall count to ten just as you did but stay within the area so you don't get lost okay." He covered his sash and sat down with a look while he motioned for her to be ready and play. Her enjoyment of the training would be the best way to learn now. Same way he worked with his own children who were around her age.
Nodding she ran off to find somewhere to hide where her master couldn’t find her. She ended up hiding behind a tree a few feet away from him but not too far. As she hide the little girl did the best that she could to hide her Force signature so that Syn couldn’t find her. She was good at this game or at least she liked to think that she was good.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Isabella Denko"]

Syn continued to count and waited a few seconds after that. He could feel her in the force, see her in his own force sense until she started to hide herself and then he just listened to the faint hum of it. The scents in the jungle easier to follow as his hands touched the ground just barely making little sound while he walked more catlike into one of the tree's. In the opposite direction of course while he played to teach her, she had been working hard to teach herself. This wasn't even part of the lesson but he approved climbing into a tree and walking across branches until he was starring down at her and spoke bringing his head close enough to be heard but not get into range of her headbutting him in surprise or possibly screaming into his ears. "Gotcha"

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