Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Living World's Solutions ATTN: Jedi

So many worlds were needing help. The wars with the Sith, and the Bryn'adul had caused untold damage in the galaxy. The Jedi, namely those in the Ossus Initiative were doing what they could, but a Jedi couldn't world alone. The Scar Worlds, lead by many old friends of Coren, were doing very well, and there were even other groups, ones he couldn't speak at length or openly about.

What he did know was where they could find lots of help. The galaxy had many who were tired of war, and that meant it was time for reparations. Starchaser had recently come to the thought that working with Sekot may provide some much needed relief. What he needed was Jedi, though, and that meant going to the Silvers, and Ossus. They needed seed partners, and as much as he was going to regret it, he was pulling from the ancient era and could contact the Yuuzhan Vong, their biotechnology was second to none.

But the first goal was arrival. He had sent out the call to the Jedi who wanted to come, just with the strong addendum that they were going to be guests of the Enclave. And a guest of Sekot aboard Zonama. The Tachyon Rising was loaded with several Jedi, but was only one of a handful of ships. Aboard, there were several Force imbued trinkets, some weapons, kyber crystals, and most importantly, knowledge.

The ask that he had? Living ships. For all others? That may be different.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

The call had gone out and the jedi master answered... brigning what she could which was a fair amount. Sasori had worked for things like this self sustaining modules for housing, terraforming technologies, cargo ships able to hold tonnage upon tonnage and biot droids that were able to work in poisoned atmosphere as well as reconstruction droids. Their medical labs would also help as it could grow and create the medical supplies... so aiding Coren in his efforts was important as she stood at the head of the Skywalker class looking out and allowed the force to guide all of them. THe ancilla was in use and going to be abel to aid in the purposes that they needed with its massive construction bays and food reserves as well.
Mykal-class Courier Rimward Repose, en route to meeting location

"Master, what does this mean?"

With the flowing lines of hyperspace travel surrounding them in the ship's bubble canopy, Travot pondered Lanyria's question carefully. How many layers to peel back with this? That always seemed to be the difficulty for him as a teacher. A superficial answer might satisfy some people, but knowing Lanyria's curiosity, he guessed that it wouldn't. And the deeper one went, the more prone he'd be to accidentally interjecting his own views and values on a discussion - and that wasn't necessarily a good thing if his goal as a teacher was to share multiple points of view.

"Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser is a very accomplished Jedi Master," started the knight, "and one who commands a lot of respect from the Council. At the very least, on a superficial level, the Silver Order and the Concord government share his goals of restoring the worlds devastated by the Bryn'adul. It would be ideal if we could cooperate on this in order to better the galaxy for its people."

"You are hedging your thoughts, master."

Always an observant one...

"There's a lot of unknowns," said the man quietly, "one of the few things that the governments of the Concord have agreed to is rebuilding the space ravaged by the Bryn'adul. The Concord and CIS combined efforts on Sarka are proof of that - governments and corporations there have started to combine their technological know how practically. The Concord and the Eternal Empire similarly have started to share research on restoring the Bryn'adul worlds, as have a few other outside governments. But even within the Concord itself there are separate efforts by Sarkans, corporations like Lucerne Labs, and a few non profit organizations. Many of these players have different ideas - some of them are compatible. Some of them are not. Some are focused on different worlds or species, or even within saving or restoring different parts of an ecosystem."

"And you're not sure that this will work with all of those?"

"We don't know anything about it to make any sort of judgement call," said the susevfian, "and I'm not sure how much we'll be able to do. I hope we'll be able to, at least individuals. But we don't have the authority of the Council or the Concord to represent them as full entities - I fear that there are some decisions that we may encounter on this mission that we will have to move up the chain of the command. I'm not sure how those present will react to that.."

"You're stressed," observed the padawan.

Travot nodded, "But that's how it is with most worthwhile things, isn't it?"

The glowing lines of hyperspace disappeared as the jedi courier vessel reverted to realspace. This is the place...He took ahold of the controls and maneuver their vessel to glide down to their meeting place.
The seed partners, that was what Coren was here for. He had many requests, and was hoping. There were a few Jedi from the ExplorCorps that came along, and if they were able to get something akin to a worldship? That would require many more hands, and the goal was, the natives would come along for that. But a world ship, that could launch several smaller Sekotan vessels into damaged worlds to begin jump starting a healing process? That was the real goal.

As the ships descended towards the planet, native Langhesi and Ferrorans approached and watched them land.

"There are several of us who are hoping to go through the Seed Partner trial, while many more may select to explore the planet. My personal first stop is to meet at the Temple. I have had dealings with Sekot before… and my ship has since found its way back to become one once again with Zonama Sekot. For those interested, please join me at the following coordinates. For the rest, remember, we are guests of the Empire.

"Do not do anything to sully the name of the Jedi, your travel companions, or the organizations that you represent."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna
How long had it really been since he'd been on Zonama? How long had it been since CrossCurrent had come to return home, to rejoin with Sekot and the world? Too long. And while that living ship had a mind of its own, and Coren did not try to harder that ships spirit, and allowed it free range to be itself, he wished he had done more with what he had when he had it. Still, there was the invite to return to the world and to pair with seed partners once again.

But his ask this time was much grander. The offer was open to other Jedi, and he was surprised that the one known as Vooltroo wasn't here, but there were several of his ExplorCorps Jedi. They stepped out of the ship and were greeted by several representatives.

"We greet you, Jedi, and welcome you to Zonama. Sekot has been expecting you."
Said the lead male, a red skinned Langhesi. "Please, if you will follow us?" The gathered lead the Jedi, with Coren at the lead, towards the temple.

The ones that came with him knew what was to be expected, several days of ritual, of meeting Sekot, of Sekot deciding who was worthy, and moving to the partners. From here, though, Coren bid his gathered to excuse him as he was escorted away.


In the next room, the one where his people, and the buffet, was not, were several high ranking members of the locals gathered on Zonama, and he could feel the world's mind, Sekot, being present, as it were.

"We understand you come with a unique request, Jedi Starchaser."
A Ferroran spoke first.

"We know that you are familiar with what the Living World has to offer, but also remind you that Sekot will not get involved in the wars of the Jedi and the Sith." This came from a Human, one of the Jedi of the region, or one of the orders who had decided to remain on the world.

"Respected Elders… I am aware of the line Sekot has drawn. I do not wish for vessels of war. Despite what the galaxy at large has known me to be, I have… moved away from such. I represent an organization called the Ossus initiative. Lead by many Jedi, some warriors, some not, the project I have in mind would be for very unique ships, including one large enough to transport the smaller vessels. The only goal is restoration."

Asked the initial Ferroran.

"Yes, the galaxy has seen its fair share of war, from my time, to the Sith, to the recent Bryn'adul strikes. I have come to you seeking to allow Jedi to have seed partners. These Jedi are explorers, they're healers… Yes, they will fight when required, but it is not their primary goal. We are going to be seeking to restore worlds that were forever changed, xenoforming… Vong forming… with seeds and the Force, and I feel that Sekot, and the ships from here could lend a much needed hand in that."

"You seek ships to assist in healing worlds?"

"Not only that, but to explore the darkest regions of space, to know where the galaxy hurts, and to bring help, in the ways of supplies for the locals, but seeds as well, and if possible, to assist the Jedi and other beings in advanced healing techniques…"

He would be spending some time outlining and providing a list of Jedi, from Romi Jade Romi Jade to Kyra Perl Kyra Perl and Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun who may arrive on the planet, to pair with seed partners. But the biggest ask, that he held until the idea was showing its merit for the elders.

That of a world ship.

Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

The planet itself as the jedi master came there was something she always found.. awe inspiring... there was not a lot that surprised her which could be good or bad. She needed the excitement of it all and here on the world she walked carefully with deep respect. The ships thatwere produced were beautiful... they were amazing even and she had worked with the world and its workers to develop for Atrisia and the jedi the choushin class of jedi vessels thaat adopted many of the things. She knew how to shape and working with the vong to try and recover many fo the worlds well those would come in handy as her head bowed leading herself towards some of the worrkers to converse with them and project serenity.
Travot and Lanyria followed in Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser 's wake. Most of the jedi present were better known - Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was in her own way already legendary, and yet he felt not out place. More like he was kindred spirits. A reluctant warrior himself, if war had not kept the galaxy occupied as it had for the dozens of years in his life time already, he would have put out to space to simply explore it and help those in need. In a sense, he saw around him what could have been - a thought only reinforced by Starchaser's words to the natives gathered on the world. Lanyria tugged at his sleeves.

"A seedship?" she whispered.

"Biologically based vessels, of which our own courier is but of a small emulation of. A true Sekotan seedship is extremely fast and actually forms a bond with its user. There are rare vessels, and we will indeed be honored if they grant Starchaser's request."

"And the Council will be fine with this?"

"Everything he's mentioned so far matches with the Concord's wishes..."
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna

Awaiting a pause to enter and arriving behind those gathered. Each within sight received a half bow from the three Echani that had arrived, Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , none were missed in formal greeting. Taresa Kae was of course present not far from Taiden's side, a familiar face by now to any that saw his honorguard. Today the Echani carried datapads, wore visors and would calculate the projects potential as it was described to them. Later referring to the movement of information in how to advise potential solutions, as was their way of reading from motion.

"It has been too long Master." He said quietly. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike would likely know he was here before she even saw him. If not by how predictably soft his footsteps were, then by his overly bright aura in the force. Same silver hair and silver eyes. Not much had changed on him, save being a few years older. Stilling carrying the Keth sword across his back and lightsaber on his hip. His footsteps meaningful in pace and purpose, but still measured in placement.

In pure Echani white purity, ignore the silver boots, he pressed his hands together and gave a very long bow respectfully to Master Matsu. They had over the years collaborated on many projects and hopefully this would be no different, if he could benefit the initiative he would. It was more than that, there was deep affection and friendship for the Jedi Master, barely shown in his expressionless features, only the slightest inward turn of a deepened stance demonstrated it.

"If you will have our assistance." Taiden said directly to Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser He would stand somewhere behind Matsu at the meeting as they listened. Hearing Coren describe what was needed. Patiently watching, motionlessly, reading his bodylanguage for the word beyond language.

Healing. That was his specialty, the language of healing to be specific

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