Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Long Goodbye

When I first came to Chaos, I was very scared about how to do things and how to go about writing and roleplaying. And one of the first people to write with me, really was [member="Bryce Bantam"] so for that I want to say thank you. I also want to thank [member="Jorus Merrill"] who was at the time the leader of the Underground and made it easier for me to sort of transition. And then I just, I just decided to give the force user route a try and by creating Charlyra I had the privilege of writing with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and [member="Valiens Nantaris"].

One day I saw that you all played SWTOR and I was just, estactic because I was like; you play on my server! And I really got to enjoy playing SWTOR again so to that I will say thank you [member="Cira"], and the others (sorry your names escape me!) who made playing SWTOR fun.

It was during this time I created Valessia Brentioch and then before you knew it I had created another alt and another, and another and before I knew it. I was knee deep with the First Order and exchanging PMs with [member="Natasi Fortan"] so fast that we actually had to go to Skype to avoid the clutter. I've gotten to see [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] and [member="Kyrel Ren"] get their footing here and truly come into their own as members of this board and of this community. And I remember making my first submission to the factory and I was so nervous about it, so scared I actually sent an IM to both Valiens and [member="Malok"] (at the time was Isley) and they were both very patient and understanding.

It would be a hot minute or two before I made another dip into the factory this time with a starship. I had, taken a look at the First Order's then (small) naval offerings and I thought. I thought what if I were just to make a few ships for them, just a few. And every night I would get a new idea and I'd sit there and I'd bug Valiens or Jorus all the time, just like the same questions over and over because I just wanted to make sure that I got it right.

And now, the First Order certainly has a more diverse Navy. So to Jorus and Valiens, I thank you both immensely from the bottom of my heart no matter what was said in the heat of the moment I truly do thank both of you. But today, is a bit of a sad day, after months of talking with [member="Darth Prazutis"] about how I felt and how much pressure I was putting on myself to do x, y and z for the First Order or to try and do this, that and the third for this person or that person. I realized, I realized that I was no longer here for me. I was here for other people and I had become so invested that I was losing sight of what it meant to really roleplay and to write.

I sat there and I talked with him and it helped me to realize. I need to take a giant step away from SWRP. I am getting way too stressed out, and honestly a little paranoid about whether or not someone really wants to write with me because they want to or they want to underhand me or the First Order.

And, to you in the First Order right now who are reading this. I hope, I honestly hope you do you and that you don't change. That you continue to be a loveable bunch of coconuts. You guys are crazy, nuts, very, very inappropriate but you guys are why I did all of the city subs, why I subbed a planet. So I hope that whenever I return that you're still here, and that you're still a bunch of crazy, nutters. Most of all, I'd like to thank [member="Runi Verin"] who I know is at University so she won't see this for another month or two, but to you Runi. If it had not been for you I would have never found this place.

I'm not leaving right this moment, I'm going to finish up a few submissions (whenever the factory opens up) and finish up open faction threads that I'm in. I will be around (lurking) and just mostly working on private threads and the occassional group story. So this isn't so much as a goodbye as it is a see you later.

It's been a fun ride SWRP; I'll be around discord if you need me.


RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
[member="Ria Misrani"]

You've been one of the best people on this site, and I will miss you terribly.

We are all the poorer with you leaving and I wish you, from the very bottom of my heart, the best.

Keep kicking arse and taking names.
[member="Ria Misrani"]

I had the pleasure of rping you, even though it is at once location. The voice chats we had in the First Order were also extremely fun. I look forward to your return.
[member="Ria Misrani"]

I'd like to thank you for all the help you gave me during my time in the First Order. The Navy really needed a lot of help and I helped benefit it about a fraction of what you did, and I was supposed to be the one who should have done all that. You really stepped up and helped the First Order insurmountably, and I thank you.

If not anyone else, I will certainly miss you, and the joy you brought to this website.
[member="Ria Misrani"]

Been there for sure, a couple of times, especially during the 'oh gosh grad school and new baby and running a major faction and also i'm staff' phase. There have absolutely been times when it's been necessary to step away for a couple months and do other things. Eventually, though, I always come back with a bit of a new perspective, because I love the community. I don't know the extent to which my experience is generalizable to yours, but I do hope you come back once things level out.

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