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Approved Location The Lost Lands (Gratos)

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Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Name: The Lost Lands

Image Source:

Classification: Bombarded Jungle/swamp lands


The Lost Lands, formerly known as the Ascension Point, once housed the Graug Holy City of Groxus in the southern hemisphere of their homeworld Gratos. This region was nestled in the shadow of the Peaks of Sorrow; a mountain range stretching most of the southern hemisphere, and was heavily bombarded by the Jedi during and after the Gratos Occupation.


Medium: stretching over 800 kilometers

Population: Uninhabited (after bombardment)

Demographics: Uninhabited (after bombardment)

Points of Interest:

- Ruins of Groxus

- Jorasus Hills

- Ruins of the Morhal Military Complex

- Mount Grax (volcano)


The term "Lost Lands" refer to the hundreds of miles of glassed territory in the radius surrounding the holy city of Groxus. A mixture of Republic/Jedi bombardment and volcanic activity have turned this region into hell on the surface, covered in ash and magma with a highly toxic atmosphere of sulfur that can only be survived with the use of a full environment suit. In multiple areas, large fissures are present that open up to underground military complexes that have been flooded by magma from subterranean volcanic eruptions. People may even find pieces of buildings from Groxus dozens or hundreds miles from the city borders; the effect of heavy orbital bombardment.


The Lost Lands were once covered in thick jungles, some being infamous for being massive nesting grounds for the viscous stym swarms. During the pre-graug times, this valley was observed from the New Republic observation post on the moon of Kedor. During this time, the Republic made several landing to test soil samples and observed the effects of the natural darkside nexus of the planet on individuals. Most of all these tests took place in this valley as it offered the strongest concentration of darkside energies.

After the Yuuzhan Vong war brought about the destruction of the research station on Kedor, the planet fell out of galactic history for quite sometime. It continued to remain quietly in the darkness of space as the One Sith rose and fell and the Galactic Triumvirate took power over the galaxy. It wasn't until the great darkness that the planet was started on the road of galactic importance. A group of rouge Sith Acolytes, led by a Sith Lord, ran from the plague and took refuge on Gratos in what is now "The Lost Lands".

It was in this valley that these Sith planned on creating an army of servants immune to the plague that would serve them to install a Sith Empire in the galaxy. To do this, they used Sith Sorcery to bind a species of lizard with the DNA of a female among the group while using the Darkside to mutate them even further; making a Sith Spawn that would be come to known as "The Graug". The experiments were a success and a primitive version of the now galaxy-known species was crafted. Unfortunately for the Sith, the group responsible for their creation began to fight amongst themselves; eventually leading to a small war among the Sith who used Graug as their soldiers, none of the Sith would survive.

To the ancient Graug, these Sith were like gods and stories of their power would later become the foundations of Graug legend and faith. Later civilizations of Graug would decorate the landscape with religious icons, all of which dot the landscape as ruins. When the Imperial Clan took over, a military facility was built in the Jorasus Hills; this base would then be used as the main deployment site for defensive forces during the Jedi attack on the planet. This led to an orbital bombardment by the Jedi which scorched hundreds of miles of land and completely incinerated the Graug holy city.
[member="Horde Mother Kyriss"]

Hey there, I'll be overseeing this submission.

Could I have a little bit more of a description? Specifically of the Points of Interest. I understand that a glassed and bombarded planet wouldn't have that many wonders to comment upon, but if there are points of interest then they should warrant a description of their own.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Jyn Sol"]

I'm actually planning to make each of them a submission of their own, so if you would like to hold off on judging it for a bit I can get those up soon and add hyperlinks to this sub in the next day or two to fill it all out nicely :)
[member="Ozamu Tzang"]

You can only have 3 submissions in the Codex at any time - with this in mind, I'll approve this but it will be your responsibility to have this brought back out to have the links edited in once the rest are approved.

Approved, Pending Secondary

[member='Valiens Nantaris']
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