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Approved Melee Weapon The Lumen Petras

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Manufacturer: Vivi Irius | Ember Knights
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Large
The Burning Star





  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy

  • Flame Extension: The Ember Knights blades were made for one purpose, to have a physical weapon in close quarters combat outside of their natural fire whip to match modern technology. The newly formed blades were made with allied technology and funneled fire energy through the base of the hilt and into the bridge of the blades metal. This allowed the Fytar to shorten and extend the length of their elemental flame to become unpredictable during combat.

  • Unpredictable Changes: The blades are capable of extension based on morphed engineering between allies and the Fytars within their company. The Ember Knights can muster their own energy patterns into the hilt to cause extreme burns much like that of a lightsaber in both a short form and long form attack.
  • Intense Heat Functionality: The Ember Knights are comprised of Fytars, so materials used in a physical capacity have to withstand the natural heat levels of a Novatars genetic compound.
  • Pulsar Containment: due to the Ember Knights using their own form of energy to extend their blades and wield them with their pulsars. The core durability is intensified by the pulsar field around the blade making it difficult to deal with.

  • Weight Isn’t Everything: Weighing at a rating of very heavy means access to wield the weapon is incredibly difficult for average humanoids. If pulsars of a Fytar were disrupted, the sword could potentially become lethal for the Wielder.
  • Quantity of Quality: Many of these resources and materials were gained through long forms of travel. Having many things doesn’t mean having a lot of protection or offensive capability. It takes long periods for the Ember Knights to craft forms of creations like this and at times can cause faulty function. This could result in a shatter or potential crack in the functionality of the extension systems in place.
  • Suspended Partial: Part of the blade was made for protection of the hilt with Novatar pulsars in mind. Thus hovering side pieces of protective metal typically float around the blade. Those without this ability will immediately lose such protection and will leave primary crystals exposed.


Vivi Irius created the Ignis Impulsa for himself and knew that those following him would need their own form of offensive weapons.

Following his own methods behind the Ignis Impulsa, he used leftover sources of materials to manifest a blade that could harness the ability of a Fytar in his ranks. The Ember Knights were used to the natural method of slinging magical fireballs and manifesting fire whips through manipulation of molecular levels, but Vivi didn’t find that to be enough.

Instead, Vivi asked himself, what if their whip was a sword? Or an Axe? Or Hammer?

Careful not to get ahead of himself, he retained knowledge of his first craft and began to work on the creation of blades that could take a Fytars energy and use it to an advantage. While their fighting styles were typically known to be pyrokinetic, Vivi wanted to make sure his men and women were prepared for close quarters combat.

]He knew without cracked Nova Crystals he wouldn’t be able to harness explosive destruction like the Ignis Impulsa. So, he proceeded to funnel allied technology and gained resources into the forge. With the help of his Ember Knights he pressed each of them to provide parts of their energy into the making of the blades.

In a year’s time Vivi had created a blade for each of his Ember Knights.

Blades that they called, “The Lumen Petras.”

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a weapon for the Ember Knights to use in combat.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ember Knights | Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Modular: No
Material: N/A
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