Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The lurk may end.

So. No one will really know me because it has been like 3 years and I was not active long enough to earn an amazing (or infamous) reputation, but I am slowly going to be creeping back into writing some stories here. Probably just Baros at first. Let me know if you are interested in doing business with a fashion designer who dabbles in other 'legitimate' enterprises.

Eline Djo

[member="Teyla Ee'everwest"]

I'm sure your... whatever he is... won't appreciate you giving other men hearts, dear sister. Though I will say this one looks more respectable.
[member="Aram Kalast"] You! Have any Nadias shoot you recently?

[member="Damon Riggs"] Ah. You're sweet. I can see that Teyla wanted something...uncomplicated.

[member="Atara Themis"] Time to get to work.

[member="Eline Djo"] Respectable? Well, shouldn't we have already been introduced by now!?

[member="Balor Sal-Soren"] Pappy?

[member="Rhia Kesyk"] Oh. Hey kid. *shudder*

[member="Teyla Ee'everwest"] Job is still yours Tay. Always.


Eline Djo

[member="Baros Sal-Soren"]

I don't see how that would have been at all possible, but I'm certain I can make time in my oh-so-busy schedule... :rolleyes:

Ordon Trozky

[member="Baros Sal-Soren"]

About time you crawled out from whatever rock you've been hiding under, Baros.

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