Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Lysandra-Class Greenhouse (Herdship Vonnuvi)

Objective: Oversee delivery of trees to the Vonnuvi Herdship

Hours prior...

Magdalena Bloodscrawl , The Sorceress of Ossus, smiled as she saw gathered employees in the section of the Breath of Lysandra that had been reserved as a Church of The Force for this occasion. In attendance were a wide range of peoples, many employees first started out as refugees who had had their lives destroyed by brutal invasions by the Mawite and standard Sith Empires.

Magdalena was here to try and convert them fully to the cause of House Bloodscrawl in secret. These employees before her had been carefully vetted in a discrete manner by trained psychology androids. It was a subtle conversion campaign taking place across the whole ship. Fliers left out, overheard conversations, presence of Light Side imagery across the massive vessel. It had drawn the curious, those hungering for an even greater purpose.

Bacta-Works had given her official permission to give sermons in refugee camps, the past few weeks since Nathan's retrieval had been her journeying to camps, trying to inspire damaged souls to heal themselves.

"Greetings everyone..." Magdalena said, speaking in front of a large podium, her gown blood red. "It warms my heart to see you all here. My name is Magdalena Bloodscrawl. A Priestess of The Light Side of The Force. Sworn to uplift others with it."

Magdalena stepped down from the Podium, walking amongst them to make her Sermon more personal. More intimate.

"So many, gathered under the Force's banner, affecting it's strings across the Galaxy with their actions..." she trailed as she walked amongst them. "So many, taken from the conditions Bacta-Works finds everywhere."

Magdalena observed them starting to pay attention in the serene environment surrounded by trees.

"The Jedi are only guardians of peace and justice, but they are not the source of the light. Only it's greatest enforcers. The truth is simple...that all the truly great struggles of the Light rest in the hands of those like yourselves..."

Magdalena watched as they began to pay more attention.

"Each of you devoting your energy, your lives to lifting others out of despair and cruelty. To binding their wounds, to filling their stomachs...each of you are more important than one thousand of me..."

It was at this point she sensed she had their undivided she pressed it.

"But how is that possible, you ask? You have no force powers. No can you be more important? More essential to the Light? Because no one Jedi Order could shoulder the burden you are asked to carry. No one Jedi Master could match the passion and commitment of all those I see before me, those who lack my gifts, yet change lives all the same. And in doing so, you are drawn ever further into balance. Into the Light's embrace."

She smiled faintly as they began to hang on her words more.

"This ship around you, forged by those like you. All of this made possible by the Force uniting you, guiding you to this. Most of you were guided unconsciously to this point by it. My goal today, is to hopefully convince you to embrace it openly. To actively let it guide your well as to join my family as members in a great endeavor to stem the tragedy billions of others like you have faced. To become a whole on the principles of compassion, justice, and a selfless devotion to the good of the Galaxy."

She heard the shocked whispers amongst themselves. Saw the surprised expressions.

"The prospect is not so daunting. To be a Bloodscrawl Family Member requires only that you follow three, simple Directives: Serve The Public Trust, Protect The Innocent, Uphold The Will Of The Force."

She now had them hanging on her every word, even as they occasionally debated among themselves.

"What is the Will of The Force? Exactly what you are doing now. Strengthening that which lives in the invisible web that binds us all together... healing disruptions. It is only through the efforts of others like yourselves that a world, or a Galaxy heals. And it must be healed. Neither the Jedi nor The Alliance can do it alone. Under a united banner, we shall create a network unrivaled by our contemporaries and spread the Unity of The Force to all corners of Alliance territory. Where we walk, we shall always do our best to leave a place better than when we found it...and we shall be one family, no matter our origin, in the process..."

Magdalena smiled as she was pelted with questions. She would answer all of them...


Magdalena, deciding to play a Force Spawn's typical Face Switcheroo, decided to go on her equivalent of incognito and drained the energy from a nearby conduit after her sermon was over and she was in the privacy of her personal quarters. Her flesh shuddered violently everywhere as she absorbed more and more, her cells greedily drinking the energy in before pulling away just before they could reach full capacity.

When her flesh stopped shuddering, her age had reverted to that of a woman much younger, looking almost entirely different, save for the skin tone and blond hair.

Still in the same crimson gown, she immediately switched it out for an Armor now rarely worn, but hugged her figure and decided to go aboard as a member of the security team, heading to the docking port.

She watched as the Employees carted aboard the fourteen small Bio Bacta Trees on Repulsor lift Carts before going aboard the Herdship herself...

Sera Mina Sera Mina had sworn to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa that this delivery would happen. And it would give the Jedi of the Vonnuvi Enclave a chance to explore the Ten Kilometer vessel that had docked with it...


Amani Serys Amani Serys

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla

All Vonnuvi Herdship members

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