Corvetta Salvo
Always Crankin'
Lost Cause gets around. One of the few unaffiliated worlds this side of the Outer Rim was Praesitlyn, a rather unenchanting wilderness planet. A few forests were sprouted here or there, but it was mostly grasslands or desert. But at least they got immaculate Holonet reception. That was what counted, after all.
The cities here were not composed of the spectacular towers one might see on worlds like Chandrila, and certainly not like anything that could be viewed on Coruscant. However, there was the kilometer-tall communications tower at the hub city that relayed to thousands of broadcasters throughout this part of the galaxy, making Praesitlyn a lot more important than just a settlement world.
It was also a great rest stop for the likes of spacers and a quiet place for political dissidents to colonize--and then transmit their rantings from the media centers. Yes, Praesitlyn had an economy: the market of information.
Out for a stroll with her shipmate and overall best bud, [member="Kohai Drenn"], Corvetta Salvo swatted at the annoying little flies that seemed to swarm around her and her nerf steak-and-egg sandwich. "Ugh. We could make a fortune just by trucking in pesticides, I bet," she grumbled, sneaking a bite of her lunch before the bugs did.
There seemed to be a gathering going on outside one of the local shops on the unpaved street. Corvetta had heard that sometimes people arranged impromptu bonfires out in the dusty streets here. Whether that was true or not had yet to be determined by her, but she figured this could be one of them. "Whatcha think, Koko? Should we stop and check this out?"
The cities here were not composed of the spectacular towers one might see on worlds like Chandrila, and certainly not like anything that could be viewed on Coruscant. However, there was the kilometer-tall communications tower at the hub city that relayed to thousands of broadcasters throughout this part of the galaxy, making Praesitlyn a lot more important than just a settlement world.
It was also a great rest stop for the likes of spacers and a quiet place for political dissidents to colonize--and then transmit their rantings from the media centers. Yes, Praesitlyn had an economy: the market of information.
Out for a stroll with her shipmate and overall best bud, [member="Kohai Drenn"], Corvetta Salvo swatted at the annoying little flies that seemed to swarm around her and her nerf steak-and-egg sandwich. "Ugh. We could make a fortune just by trucking in pesticides, I bet," she grumbled, sneaking a bite of her lunch before the bugs did.
There seemed to be a gathering going on outside one of the local shops on the unpaved street. Corvetta had heard that sometimes people arranged impromptu bonfires out in the dusty streets here. Whether that was true or not had yet to be determined by her, but she figured this could be one of them. "Whatcha think, Koko? Should we stop and check this out?"