Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Magrath Family History
Considered one of the oldest human families on the planet Avidon, the Magraths were able to prove that they were among some of the first colonist to arrive on the planet. It was during this time that this first generation of Avidon Magraths began to stockpile their wealth. They would accomplish this through shrewd trading with the other local colonist. This meant that nothing was off the table when it came to a negotiation and it was even documented that the Magraths bartered with their sons and daughters are merely another tool to use in these proceedings.
It was well known that even the children of the Magraths had their own cunning minds. This was seen in a recovered diary of a young woman who was married off for the deed to a substantial parcel of land.
Date: [Illegible]
“I was put on the bargaining table today by my father as a means to get a hold of a vast tract of land that he had his eye on for quite some time. The young man I am to marry is not as sharp as some of the other gentlemen that I’ve run across; though this just means that he’ll be all the more easier to use to further my families own name. I’ve already been able to convince him to even take on the Magrath name and to give up that silly last name of Starwatcher. It’s for the best as this means that we’ll no longer have any kind of trouble from that family since after all I am marrying their only son.”
Deals and trades such as this were nothing more than another tool in a very large chest of tricks that the Magraths employed. Among them also being the use of assassins, kidnaping rival family members, along with blackmailing and extortion to get what they want. This would all culminate in the Magraths owning most of the land around the Magrath Plantation. With so much land and so little family members to work on it, they began to hire slavers to bring them the needed slaves.
In time the Magraths would ensure that they remained entrenched on the planet Avidon. To this end they continued their deals with newer colonists that arrived, as well as striking deals with more prominent families and humans that were passing through the starport.
The Magrath Family are looking for a few good / new family members to join their ranks. With the Baroness already serving as the Matriarch and her otherwise non-present husband off doing what NPCs do best (what ever that may be) the family is looking to add a few new members to its roster.
I already have a bit of the core family fleshed out.
If one were to desire to play as one of the above (whom are still living other than Gerard or Benedict [or Cole as there remains the possibility of a plot to remove him]) I would be more than happy to help in the establishment of the character. Of course due to the family being of a sizable portion, and the Baroness happening to be the head of the main Avidon Branch, there is the possibility of numerous cousins from other parts of the Galaxy.Father:
- Charlie Oakshott Magrath Deceased at 53 in Landspeeder Accident
- Palatine Edwina Morrisay Magrath nee Riley Deceased at 50; Grief Striken
- Gerard Devary Magrath Eldest Brother; 31; Institutionalized
- Benedict McAloon Magrath Middle Brother; 26; Location Unknown
- Isaac W. Magrath Youngest Brother; Deceased at 10 in Landspeeder Accident
- Audrey Isabel Magrath Youngest Sister; 16; Living at Magrath Plantation; Engaged to Esmond Broughal Hanson - Heir to Hanson Plantation
- Cole Rafferty Magrath nee Dargan 48; Living at Magrath Plantation; Landowner of Dargan Estate
- Margrave J. Lawney Telford Magrath Oldest Son; 18; Living at Magrath Plantation; Engaged to Hannah Mealin Roach - Only heiress to Roach Estate
- Zylphia Feany Magrath Oldest Daughter; 16; Living at Magrath Plantation; Engaged to Micajah R. Gavan - Land owner
I've even found a rather nice image for use as the template for either Audrey or Zylphia.

Note: Please do not take the image for use on another character.