Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Making Of A Sociopath

Connor Harrison

noun, Psychiatry.

1. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

So my Force Warrior, Krius Syonis, has travelled the galaxy with a simple notion.

He thinks Jedi and Sith are just as blind as each other, working for one always hidden in the shadows for a Faction covering up an operation just like slavery; each person doing the bidding of someone else until they become worthless and tossed aside.

He thinks Non-Force Users are simply prehistoric parasites who use technology, greed and money to take what they want from the galaxy and destroy anything they feel inferior or too powerful, like those born with the Force.

All Force users should be their own Master; in control of their own destiny to become something so powerful that no-one will stand in their way to show that real Gods born with the gift of the Force can be like.

BUT on encountering one Matsu Xiangu, whom he broke and manipulated once she showed her resolve at standing beside him, he was injured, betrayed and left angry at not just her but also those who dared to stand against him which made him see himself as a prophet even more.

He is not immortal, but he is starting to think he is. He has taken on armour to protect himself from any such attacks from those he encounters on his travels but I need to develop him more as a sociopath. I need him to really enforce his ideas, to really let others know what he wants to do and either have them share his idea or oppose him and fuel his deranged, blind vision.

If anyone wants to do a thread(s) to explore either a physical or psychological story with Krius, please let me know. Krius doesn't care who he hurts, or kills, so even if you have a character you need to be hurt, killed, abused physically or mentally, Krius will be the one to find and shape you anyway you require.

He may be summoned before a Council to try explain his actions and ideas in a battle of wills, or simply encounter those who agree or oppose. There is no limit, except imagination.

Thanks guys! :)
[member="Krius Syonis"]

I would love to help you enforce your ideals. I think it may also help me with one of the characters I am stuck with. We can help each other! Would you prefer a Force User or non-Force user or does it not matter?

Zooey Walsh would be good as she's a non-force user.

Katrina Garnier may be good as a Force-user seeing she's more a lightsided empath Scientist. I don't know if she would be with or against these ideals.

Keziah I want to develop more as a Force-user so this could be interesting..

I'm open to ideas for my other characters too.

Connor Harrison

Thanks for the replies - lots of good input! I'll have a think what I can make with it all and knock some ideas around. :)

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