Fallen Knight
Somewhere in Wild Space
Cold... and moist. Something cold and moist repeatedly cascaded onto what felt like his forehead? Cas Tynen's eyes slowly fluttered open, the image that would first meet his eyes was a large leaf, sprouted over his head. Wet and dripping. Guess that's where the cold, moist feeling was coming from. It must have been raining before, seeing as there was now barely a cloud in sight and the warm sun continuously beamed on the Kiffar's bronze skin. 
A groan escaped his lips as the Jedi Knight proceeded to rise, stopping in a seated position. Cas rubbed his eyes as if he'd just woken up from a pleasant sleep, he glanced around his immediate vicinity. "Uhhh...?" he sounded, unfamiliar with his current surroundings, recalling back to his most recent memory Cas remembered that his travels had taken him to Wild Space. It had been about a month since he left Silver Rest and 'went dark' in search of Darth Insatious... or more accurately, the woman and child he'd failed to save all that time ago. He'd promised Ki'an to make it right before then leaving without as much as a word to anyone.
The Kiffar recalled being on some moon, searching for leads, then his attention was caught by a little girl with scarlet red hair. She seemed distressed. Obviously Cas wasn't one to neglect someone in need, the little girl led the Jedi Knight into an abandoned alley way. Cas remembered sensing something bad was about to happen but before he could press the girl for information everything went black and only the feeling of electricity surging through his body remained.
Sighing, he stood up "At this rate every time I'm shocked, I lose a year off my lifespan. Which isn't even that long when you're friends with Sephi, Morellians and... whatever Yen is." the Kiffar suddenly felt a tight sensation around his neck. He released a gasp and glanced down toward his neck, wrapping his fingers around a collar before realising that he couldn't feel the familiar warmth of the Force. Whoever brought him to this place must have slapped on some Force dampening tech onto him, similar to the cuffs Insatious used on his ship. "Ugh." he said with disdain, releasing his grip from the collar and lowering his arms.
Scratching at his temple, Cas took a few steps forward before transitioning into a cautious stroll "Last time I help a random kid on the street. Who am I kidding... no it isn't." the Jedi continued to converse with himself aloud, it was the only way to calm his nerves currently "What is this place anyway? I mean... it's not not nice. Nice weather, lucious trees and...ugh!" Cas proceeded to swat at a buzzing insect "Great." a frown quickly formed on the Jedi's soft features.