Runi Kuryida, Speaker of the Mandokarla, knelt atop a precipice that overlooked one of many expansive forests of Krant nestled in a deep valley. Her hands rested atop her thighs. A gentle breeze swept over the outcropping. The wind was pure here unadulterated by industrial pursuits. There were a few settlements on the world, but they were no so populous or near for there to be chemicals, lights, or noise of the countless souls in the galaxy to intrude upon the moment. Even the wildlife was relatively at peace over most of the world; Krant not being known for its carnivorous species.
It was not an untouched paradise, however. Even worlds on the very Rim of the galaxy scarcely managed that after such a long life-age. Krant was, perhaps, fortunate enough to escape the worst of fates. It thrived despite the challenges.
Even from where the Shaman knelt in communion with the surround she could feel the ebb and flow of energy from opposing sites on Krant. Forlorn refuges of the Jedi, the Sith, and even those of long-passed military encampments. Krant was not untouched, but it held its own. Which was in part why Runi was there -- the world offered a great deal of possibilities to explore. Alone, certainly, or with another.
Slowly her hazel eyes slid open and her left hand calmly adjusted the smoldering timber at the center of a ring of stone. The flame kept the water hot. Runi had a practiced hand at maintaining the right temperature for whatever brew or tea she was making. After all, there had been plenty of time to perfect the art and not an ounce of haste to warrant relying entirely on all the technological development of the galaxy for something so simple. Not everything required a sense of urgency.
It wouldn't hurt if Yenna joined the Shaman there sooner than later, however. If it was solitude Runi sought she knew quite a few places to stake a retreat with no possibility of being disturbed. Though, admittedly, few were as enjoyable in view or possibility as Krant's forests.