Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Masked, The Young & The Dirty

The sounds of running water against smooth stone can be heard in the background, as the Sith lord makes his way through the old ruins of Malif Bay with his incredibly young apprentice, [member="Egil"]. The ruins were smoothed out from years of water fall and carrosion weathering the land away, ending up in very spherical shaped pathways and corridors, which uncovered some technology of old and with such brings out everyone's inner scavanger.

Carolus made his way around the ruins, mapping them in his mind as he takes careful steps and keeping his attention on the force around him, mostly to make sure his young apprentice followed suit but something caught his attention, a light connection that seemed to blip into his mind and like the curious man he is, began to walk in the direction only to find a room filled with old technology.

"Strange, I swe-"

Carolus cut off his sentence as the large pile of, what he saw as trash, began to move and shift, as if someone or something was underneath the pile. A couple pieces shifted and fell from the heap to reveal a hole which allowed light to shine in enough to reveal a young woman looking through the pile, [member="Zemi Madstone"].
Malif Cove was also on the list of places Zemi neither liked nor approved of. Not as bad as Coruscant and the Spectres home to be sure, but still. The ocean for one. What did anyone need that much water for? And you couldn't even drink it! Well, you could, if you wanted to be ill. Still, with the number of times folks had tried to throw her into some form of water recently Zemi had taken to giving the ocean very dark looks when it was in view. Who even knew what was hidden under all that useless water? No, the ocean was not to be trusted. And grasslands! At least in some places it was tall enough to hide a person, but you still had to be careful. Move with the wind, make sure you bent the stalks back up behind you.. Otherwise you left a trail a blind Junker could follow.

She had found a place that felt halfway to natural to her at least. Ruins. Abandoned was best, so she did not have to deal with the largely incomprehensible wishes and wants of others. She was still in a bit of a huff over the flowered yellow dress. At the very least Ferus had seen to it that she had access to clothes of a more neutral colour, with many useful pockets.

Pockets she was currently filling with all sorts of treasures scavenged both from the ruins themselves and the debris left by previous explorers. Burrowing expertly through a pile, shoring walls as she delved, a necessary skill learned on Lotho Minor, the girl actually failed to hear the approach of the man and boy, unusual for her.

When she did hear them, she turned within her burrow, brown eyes narrowing as they peered out through a gap, surprisingly white teeth revealed in a quick, silent snarl, hand immediately went to the vicious kitchen knife she'd stolen and refused to give up. What to do? This pile was small, as such things went, no true cover was to be found here. In a fairly usual burst of speed she was out the far side and up an old pitted wall. Height was near as much safety as being hidden. Both was best of course. Now she was torn. Run or fight? She'd been told this was a secret place, what was he doing here? She hissed slightly between her teeth, knife still firmly in hand as she crouched, looking down at the two.

"Hsssst, Bloodface says no little feet, little heartbeats here, secret, silent, hidden, but here sees this I, intruders, prodders, pokers, should-nots."

[member="Darth Carolus"]
Egil stands behind Curolus Not really getting a look at anything in front of him his curiosity gets the best of him "What's Strange master?" asking softly. He closes his hands together tapping his fingers together awaiting for a response.

[member="Zemi Madstone"] [member="Darth Carolus"]
The Sith lord would place his hands upon his own hips, staring at [member="Zemi Madstone"] a moment before emitting a chuckle. It would seem that he was in a good mood, or at the very least good for himself. With a quick clearing of his throat, would his speak aloud to the person.

"What is your name, dirty-one?"

Carolus's tone would be uneasily harsh but not in a demeaning way, more of something that stuck to him as familiar and unyielding. As he stood his ground, the lord couldn't help but raise a hand backwards and in an attempt to seem protective of [member="Egil"].
Her name? Eyes narrowed briefly and nose wrinkled. As if she was just going to give her name to some intruder and his little also-intruder. Names had power, everyone knew this. Bad enough the Spectre had hers, she wasn't giving it out to anyone else.

"Who be you to ask this I? Bloodface said no. What right you? Who granted permission, consent, agreement to you to wander unharmed, unbloodied?"

And implied within that statement, as well as by her tightening grip on the knife was that the two could and likely would soon be bloodied. The Spectre had been summone dby blood and through more death brought her to a new home. Bloodface had offered the chance to perfect the art of death. All those who had any sort of tie to or control over her were largely in favour of violence, and her previous life had taught her that once spotted, one had to either kill or run.

[member="Darth Carolus"] [member="Egil"]

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