Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Master Returns (Open)

Over 700 years has passed since Mak Manto, Jedi Master, was sent into cryogenic stasis for his crimes. Locked away, centuries passed without any regard of the once famous Jedi; people forgetting who he was, of what he did to protect the Galaxy...

As friends, colleagues and old enemies finally died away, the Galaxy began to change in drastic ways, all the while a silent Jedi was hidden from the public. Though, after a freak explosion rips apart the prison where he's kept at, Mak is finally awaken...

Now, he has returned...

Coming back to a Galaxy that has changed extraordinarily, he will have to understand the new and strange environment, trying to piece together what has happened in the hundreds of years since he's been gone, and what his next move will be.

All the while, someone is taking notice that Mak has come back, and will do anything they can to stop him once and for all...
Well-Known Member
Oh how wonderful! Being chased by the Imperial Remnant are we? I'll request that I persue you in the name of terrorism! You Jedi, shall make an excellent message to the Republic of the Leech Lord's intentions. I also suspect your hair would make an excellent fur coat.
In the RP, Mak was not being being chased by the Imperial Remnant. They were chasing pirates on Sernpidal, where Mak was in cryostasis. After they blew their ships up, debris damaged the building Mak was held in, releasing him unexpectedly.

Now that Mak is free, he's going to try to figure out what's going on. He doesn't yet know he's in the future, just that he was in cryostasis.

My RPs are always open for someone to come into. I hate having a set plot, so how your characters handle the RP is up to you.

I just hate a set story. It bores me.
Well-Known Member
I'm desperately looking for a reason to be there. I don't think I've actually faced down with any Jedi before on this Character. Actually that isn't true, he has but they ran away before he could do any real damage. I'm hoping that this will enlighten me a bit more.
Mak doesn't know the Galaxy as of yet, so it doesn't need to be a duel thread. My RPs aren't just "Duel" or "Invade" or anything like that. They have a deep background for which anyone is able to join.
Well-Known Member
Yeah I know that all things aren't all on duels, it's just this characters nature (he wants to become a god [though he will inevitably fail]). If you don't want it to be duel (which would make sense considering you just got here) I could come up with an alternative character (I have seven to choose from)


Well-Known Member
Hmm....will look into this and be dropping by. Thought just as heads up Mak......the Ronin am bring over here is far different from one you might have know.Slightly retcon him bit where in thought he had some history with the Jedi. He did not join their ranks and instead set off on his own choose to follow his kashi Mer heritage.

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