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The Maverickal Repesentive

Cresan Dexir

Name: Cresan Dexir
Age: 34
Eyes: Teal to Torquies color
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 136 lbs
Hair: Redish pink color. originally black.
Rank: Maverick Representative
Faction: Maverickal Legals
Species: Maverick

Bio: Cresan started out just like any other Maverick. School, and then more School. Rising above his other class mates in law, and business, he went from accountant, to Representative pretty fast. Hes was born just before the fall of Palpatine. Now his goals are set a place for Mavericka in the galaxy. In his spare time he is associating with the citizens, and his friends. He's a politican, giving him a escort where ever he goes. His escort a two droid team. His ideas are pure, and his Will strong.

Near Genius: Cresan as a Maverick is extremely smart, and brilliant.
Details: Unlike other Mavericks, he can notice the details without having to ask, giving him an advantage as a Representative.
Golden Personality: With a smile all the time, its safe to say anyone could like him, regardless of third disposition.

Frail: Cresan isn't strong at all, hitting him hard enough could break a lot of bones.
Ocd: Picking up from the nature if Mavericks, he cleans a lot, and washes his hands after shaking another's that not a Maverick. This can be received as rude by other species.

Small hold out blaster (hardly used.)

Protocol Droid named X4
Battle droid he built from scrap (nothing special about it) SC-00
(These droids escort him everywhere)

Ship: yacht class. The Fragility

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