Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Meet And Greet (Genu Kudd)

Zavzen strode down the ramp of his ship, The Eternal Saviour, and out into the humid and hot atmosphere of the rainforest planet Tortuga, a hub of only slightly unmoral criminal activity that the Expeditionary Fleet often used as a meeting point, unless they were in space. He easily strode past the attendant working at the port to collect the fees, depositing the required money in the man's outstretched hand as he did so.

The Zabrak was currently wearing his usual outfit of a black silk tunic and matching trousers as well as a sash tied around his waist. Attached to his sash was two wooden sheaths holding Zavzen's swords. His lightsabers were hidden inside his tunic while a knife was hidden beneath his sash and in the sole of the low heeled, leather Geta. On his right thigh a blaster pistol was holstered, hidden from view by the brown wool cloak he was wearing.

He was currently on Tortuga to meet a potential new student who had contacted him through the Fleet. Zavzen had sent the planet's coordinates within the galaxy to the potential student, [member="Genu Kudd"], as well as the coordinates on the planet of where he wished to meet the Mirialan as well as where to dock his ship.

Zavzen confidentiley strode into Red Beard's Tavern, a tavern that the Fleet owned, and strode up to the bar where he picked up his favourite drink from where it had been placed by the bartender on duty, a male Twi'lek named Crijcesik, when he had seen the Zabrak walk in, already knowing what he would order due to the numerous time Zavzen had been to the Tavern. Nodding in thanks to the Twi'lek, Zavzen handed over a datachip containing a description of Genu, requested, quietly, that Crijcesik send the Mirialam through to the private room he was going to rent and dropped some coins for the drink and room before turning and striding up the strairs to the VIP/Private section of the Tavern, cloak swirling around him.

Once he arrived in the room, Zavzen walked over to the rug on the floor, depositing his drink on the table as he went, and sank into a Seiza pose. He removed his sword sheaths and lay them across his lap before sinking into a healing and meditative state to wait for his potential student.
The planet was warm and Genu knew he would be discarding some of his clothing before the day was over. As it was the had the hood of his jacket pulled up over his head, the old battered wrap covered the worn black pants he wore. His belt jingled slightly as he walked, the sword at his hip a comforting weight , dragging the belt down towards the wooden floors of the small village he was in. The planet was harder to find than he figured it would be, but he wasn't all that knowledgeable on navigation, but he has found it.

There were forests everywhere and the dirt had already covered his boots to the point that he knew that it wasn't worth the trouble to clean them until he left this place. It was a stark contrast to Nar Kreeta, which was a filthy planet with buildings piled close together, and people packed into those buildings even closer. The tavern didn't look like much of anything except a death trap to Genu, but this is where he was supposed to be, so he pushed open the door and wandered in.

The Insides were as he expected them to be, this was the type of place one came to brawl as much to drink. There was a Twi'lek behind the bar that stared at him intently. Genu tilted his head and stared intently at him. He was certain that the Twi'lek was not who he was supposed to meet. " Where is he," was all he asked, knowing that asking more questions would be a waste of his time, either the bartender knew or he didn't.

" He's upstairs, he's expecting you." The bartender replied, Genu nodded and held up his hand to stall anymore words that may have followed.

He looked up at the stairs for a moment and shrugged as he began to ascend the stairs. The door to the room was closed and he frowned and then smirked a bit as he tapped on the door a single time. He knew that he would be allowed to enter, but he wasn't one to take the liberty to just assume he could enter any room he pleased.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Zavzen exited his trance when an almost silent chime rang through the room. Although the Tavern looked run down it was actually quite hightech due to the fact that the Fleet often used it for meetings. The chime that had rang could only be triggered from the bar and was used as an alert. The chime had two volume settings, a loud one to signify trouble and a quiet one for a conformation of a completion of a task, in this case it alerted him to the fact that Crijcesik was sending Genu to him.

Standing, Zavzen addressed the room at large, confident in the fact that his AI would be using the cameras to observe him. "HAELI, please conduct a scan of my brain and send all result to the datapad here." He walked over to the expensive looking wooden table set in the middle of the room and removed his cloak, settling it over the back of one of the large, expensive looking and comfortable seats before sitting in the seat. He set his sheathes on the table, hilts of his swords facing him, and pulled a datapad resting at the centre towards him where a file containing the result of the scan conducted through a chip inside the back of his neck, which used to be his slave chip before he had HAELI hack into it and alter it. He had been sitting for a few seconds before he felt the Force Presence that he had followed since it began to climb the stairs stop in front of the door and a knock rang through the room.


Zavzen heard the door open and close while the Force Presence came closer, stopping just inside the room. "Please, take a seat." He gestured at one of the seats opposite him, still reading the datapad. A few seconds after the Presence had taken a seat he deleted the file after committing its content to memory and placed the datapad down in front of him. He lifted his head and took in his first sight of [member="Genu Kudd"].

Smiling at the Mirialan, Zavzen spoke. "It's nice to put a face to a name and also to meet you, Genu. May I call you that?"
Genu nodded and smiled faintly as he entered, the room wasn't elaborate, it had exactly everything someone would need to live. [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] was seated behind a desk and Genu smiled inwardly as he saw that the zabrak had left his swords in plain site. they were just sitting on the desk, but the hilts were resting near enough for him to draw them should trouble arise. forward thinking, even meeting a guest he's not stupid enough to leave himself defenseless.

"Genu is fine, I know no other name. It a pleasure to meet you we well. I have spent most of this trip wondering what to expect, and it is nice to see that I was not mistaken in my decision to venture out here to meet with you." He said while he took lightly dropped into the chair. He pulled the hood of his jacket back revealing a young face topped with a short haircut, the deception of his youth was countered with the depth within his eyes. His life had been a hard one, and it showed in his eyes.
Nodding, Zavzen eased himself to his feet and strode over to the small bar that sat along one of the walls to refill the drink he had acquired earlier. As he was doing so he turned his head briefly to look at Genu, more out of politeness when he asked a question than to keep track of him, his Force Sense was handling that. "Would you like anything to drink?"

While fixing his drink, a complicated mix of many different, highly alcoholic drinks and a few pain killers, he started to speak. "I suppose we should begin by looking at what you want to learn. And I don't just mean Force Powers, I also mean things like: philosophy; how to dance, you'll be surprised how helpful this can be in a variety of situations; languages , if I know them or weapons, any weapons at all. As such my question to you is thus: What do you want to learn?"

[member="Genu Kudd"]
Genu nodded at the offered drink, " Just water is fine, thank you." He had grown up a lot since his days of hard parting with swoop gangs, and he preferred not to ingest anything that could alter his mood. The chances of losing control at the wrong moment were a common enough sight for him to decide against drinking any more.

He tilted his head and thought about the question, " I have spent a bit of time with the art of philosophy, it intrigues me. I also do enjoy going to art galleries, the simple pleasure of sitting and wondering what the artist was intending on a specific piece is always a fun exercise. I speak Gamorrean fluently, as well as a bit of Huttese, although I have yet to master the formal form. I can use almost any melee weapon well enough to survive an encounter. I primarily use a sword, of which I believe I am very proficient. I spent many years as a duelist on Nar Kreeta. I don't dance, but I can see how it would be useful, fights are often won or lost by simple movements." His eyes never seemed to stay in one place, he was always looking around, taking in every detail of the room, how the light fixtures were placed, the simple carvings of the table legs, the different liquids on the bar.

"I wish to learn as much as you can teach me, I want to master my craft as a duelist and I want to become a great warrior and great Jedi. I do not believe the Jedi order is where I will learn the skills necessary to become a great warrior, their views on combat and violence are childish." He was very matter of fact in his statement, as if everyone should understand that the Jedi would always fail of they didn't take a different view of how to fight a conflict.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Zavzen hummed as he made his way back to table, sliding Genu's requested drink towards him as he slid into his seat. "I agree with your sentiment of the Jedi Order, their views are wrong." He reached down as he said this and withdrew one of his hidden knives. Bringing one hand to his chin Zavzen brought the knife into view where he began to spin it around his fingers.

"The fact that you have some experience in swordsmanship is good, it offers a foundation for us to work from. Three languages is good, it shows your dedication to learning and it'll help exercise the mind, but if you wish to learn more feel free to ask. Your like of art is good, it could be used as a release for stress to stop you from driving yourself insane." With a sudden movement Zavzen threw the knife in his hand at Genu, wishing to see how quickly he would react. Just in case Genu did not react fast enough, he aimed to the side of his head.

"Your wish to become a warrior does help me narrow down what Force Abilities to teach you first, combat orientated ones. First we'll focus on the 'basic' Force skills, perfecting them, before looking at how they could be applied in a fight. We'll then go from there, focussing on skills you can use in a solo fight, Force Barrier or Healing for example, before we look at things like Mind Meld. As for melee combat, I will train in any form you chose to learn, however I will only train you in the core principles of the form or forms, it'll be up to you to focus on expanding your skills. If you wish to learn to fight using the Bo Staff, feel free to ask. I will train with you to help, but I will not hold your hand. We will be having a few sessions where we will be focussing on just philosophy of the Force, to help keep your mind active."

Zavzen took a sip of his drink so as to sooth his throat which had become dry while he was speaking. "Is this agreeable with you? Do you wish to add anything?"

[member="Genu Kudd"]
Genu smiled as he took the offered drink,nodded in acknowledgement as the other man shared his sentiment about the Jedi order. He did notice the knife but he didn't worry about it, he was supposed to meet someone that could train him, so he wasn't worried about death. " I believe that conflict is unavoidable. If they were more proactive about stopping it, there might be more of a stable galaxy to live in."

" I learned the first three languages more to survive the underworld, but over time it has come to be something I have enjoyed greatly, as well as the sat. It has become my escape from the violence of the cages and the duels." He knew that [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] understood why he appreciated art and that it would help them connect on the level needed for the training ahead.

The knife was coming at him very quickly. He knew it would only be the blink of an eye and he would be hit by it, it was as if time showed down for him as he focused on the knife, the direction it was thrown from, and the trajectory it was taking towards him. He had it's path figured out almost instantly, and while he didn't have the speed needed to catch it, he knew that he would be able to dodge it easily enough, turning his head slightly he watched at the knife flew past him, close enough for him to feel it displacing air next to him. He watched it as it flew by him and his eyes tracked it as it hit the wall and stuck firmly into it. Turning back to Zavzen he smiled, " Did I pass your little test?"

He listened as the conversation continued, everything seemed to be to his liking, he was going to learn a lot more than he knew now and that was something he wanted. Only through improving himself and making himself stronger would he be able to gain the freedom he truly craved. " It sounds good to me, better than I expected honestly."
Zavzen nodded at Genu's acception to his current plan for training. Gesturing, causing the knife that was embedded in the wall to fly back into his hand. "Since art is your method of relaxation, meet me here at these coordinates on Naboo," Zavzen reached into the draw within the desk next to him and withdrew a small Datachip. After inserting it into the Datapad in front of him he set the coordinates for his home and Naboo before withdrawing the chip, storing the pad and threw the chip towards Genu.

After throwing back the remains of his drink, he pushed himself to his feet and replaced his sword sheaths at his side, retying them to his belt and picked up his datapad. Walking over to the door Zavzen turned to face Genu. "Feel free to stay here as long as you need. But, I'll hope to see you within the month." He bowed slight from the waist before turning to leave.

As he walked down hall he murmured under his breathe. "HAELI, cancel all recording software within the room and archive the video." Confident that the AI had heard him, the Zabrak didn't feel the need to speak the order again, so said nothing as he returned to his ship apart from a quick word with Crijcesik, the bartender.

[member="Genu Kudd"]

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