Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Melodious Dirge

[member=Darth Morgoth]

Orion was hunting a member of the One Sith, how powerful he didn't know,
nor did he care, a check's a check no matter how much blood it's covered in.
He stood waiting on the heights of one of the many buildings of Byss, waiting for his mark to show.
Orion had forced one of the Darth's lackeys to call his master with a din,
under the pretence of having knowledge of an ancient holocron of Ex-Korn or someone, doesn't matter.
Orion lowered his head when he saw a ship lower and out stepped it's master.
He raised his head and his eyes followed the latter,
keeping one hand on his hook and another on the blaster.
[member="Jason Miles"]

Melkor had received a message, from his lacky Tobias/
Saying that a lost treasure was found, and asking if he would buy it/
He knew somthing was wrong, for well the lacky didnt disguise it/
But he rsponded any ways his anger incited/

He showed up to the spot dressed in full battle attire/
His weapons at the ready and his eyes were on fire/
And seeing he had been stood up? The candles turned to pires/
There were many things he could forgive, but never a liar/
Orion saw a man dressed up for a battle,
but Orion's skill would force him to retire.
He threw his hook at the Sith causing a rattle,
he had to finish this quick lest the contract expire.

His blade lashed angrily, whipping the air.
And pulled out a blaster causing a scene.
Orion tried to use his distance to not make it fair.
He liked to avoid him, for he looked rather mean.

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