Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Message Received [Open to Sith / Sith Aligned]

Hours earlier... Jutrand 5th Cohort Barracks

He tried to stand, to resist, but his legs gave way, collapsing beneath him. His vision tunneled, black spots dancing before his eyes. He could barely make out the shapes of the Sith Knights approaching, their riot gear gleaming in the dim light, shields raised as they advanced through the gas-filled room. He felt the cuffs snap onto his wrists—Force-nullifying restraints that made his limbs feel like dead weight. He heard the sickening thud as his face hit the floor, but the pain didn't register anymore. Everything was fading.

The last thing Karok heard before the world went black was the sound of the Provost's voice echoing through the chaos:

"All students be advised, a Lockdown has been initiated. Please return to your dorms and apartments. All students found outside their rooms will be subject to beatings and punishment. You have three minutes."

His body was still trying to heal, skin knitting together, but it was too much to allocate. He was burned, electricuted and all but paralyzed by nerve gas. Darkness swallowed him whole as his body's instinct to preserve itself forced Karok to become unconcious. He was dragged away, limp and unresponsive, the burn marks on his body still smoldering.


The present... Jutrand Academy Dungeons

When Karok finally awoke, his head was pounding, the remnants of the nerve gas still lingering in his system. He could feel his body repairing itself, the familiar sensation of regeneration stirring in his muscles, but it was sluggish, slow. He blinked, trying to clear his vision and saw only the sight of his own cell. Then what he noticed was the stench—a foul, putrid mixture of sweat, blood, and rot that clung to the air like a heavy fog. It was suffocating, worse than anything he'd ever smelled in the Hutt arenas.

His eyes adjusted to the dim, flickering light, revealing the dungeon he'd been thrown into. The walls were rough, damp black stone, slick with moisture and streaked with grime. Rusted alchemical bars lined the small cells, and the floor beneath him was cold, slick with something he didn't need to identify. From every corner, there were sounds of suffering—cries of pain, the rattling of chains, the occasional scream of pure agony. Karok could hear Sith interrogators at work, their cold, precise voices commanding the prisoners, demanding answers, only to be met with shrieks of protest or the sound of flesh being struck.

He lifted his head, muscles burning as they healed from the burns and nerve damage. Across the small, filthy cell, he saw other members of the Fifth Cohort, their faces contorted in pain. Some were strapped to crude chairs, their bodies writhing under the effects of shock collars or being whipped by thin cords of energy. Others were slumped against the walls, too broken to move, their eyes hollow, mouths muttering incoherent words. The air was heavy with despair, thick and oppressive. The dungeon was more than just a place of punishment—it was a place of breaking. A place where they would strip everything from you, bit by bit, until all that was left was a shell.


"You know I didn't realize just how much freedom the First are given till they allowed me to come down here."

Firrerreo's voice spoke from outside the cell. Just across the way the golden skinned boy stared at the Gen'dai. The Fifth really were treated like absolute trash. It was entertaining, in a way, if the boy actually cared for the suffering of others. Right now though, none of those thoughts existed in his mind. A Gen'dai was one of the most incredible species in the galaxy. Don't wound their head, and they can regrow and regenerate forever.

Those parts were ideal.

"I'm fairly certain it's meant to be a scare technique. Make us paranoid about ending up here ourselves if we fail. Everything is made to keep us scared. Fear's a strength, right?" He was rambling. He knew he was rambling, but he didn't much care. Not like the Gen'dai could do anything about it.

"Why'd you get in my way? I wasn't planning on fighting. Just terrorizing those that tried to poison me, stir up the pot so these dumb alliances everyone keeps trying to make fall flat. You know it well, there's only room for what, seven at the top? One at the very top?"

Karok Karok
"You know I didn't realize just how much freedom the First are given till they allowed me to come down here."

Firrerreo's voice spoke from outside the cell. Just across the way the golden skinned boy stared at the Gen'dai. The Fifth really were treated like absolute trash. It was entertaining, in a way, if the boy actually cared for the suffering of others. Right now though, none of those thoughts existed in his mind. A Gen'dai was one of the most incredible species in the galaxy. Don't wound their head, and they can regrow and regenerate forever.

Those parts were ideal.

"I'm fairly certain it's meant to be a scare technique. Make us paranoid about ending up here ourselves if we fail. Everything is made to keep us scared. Fear's a strength, right?" He was rambling. He knew he was rambling, but he didn't much care. Not like the Gen'dai could do anything about it.

"Why'd you get in my way? I wasn't planning on fighting. Just terrorizing those that tried to poison me, stir up the pot so these dumb alliances everyone keeps trying to make fall flat. You know it well, there's only room for what, seven at the top? One at the very top?"

The Gen'dai was in the process of examining the Force-cuffs that shackled him to the wall. They were oddly part electronic and yet he knew the sight of capacitors when he saw some. Shock collar tech with high intensity capacitors. Someone had been doing research on my species. Question was how high did they go? Tempted to test a theory, Karok paused and glanced over slowly when he heard a familiar snarky voice. It was Firrerreo Firrerreo .

What the feth is going on?

He listened to what he had to say. The nonsense rambling and rhetoric. At least it sounded like rhetoric. The sounds of teeth grinding together was audible and screeched like nails on a chalkboard, Karoks eyes flared with anger and his memory took him back to being stabbed and burned by force lightning at the hands of his now interrogator.

The more Karok listened the more his face seemed to contort into a genuine expression of confusion. "Sithspit, I wish you would just stop. Have you ever stopped to consider what you are saying Firrerreo?" He scoffed at him and continued on in a voice that almost mirrored the firrerreo.

" I wasn't planning on fighting. Just terrorizing those that..." Karok whined and paused for a moment before barking out. " WHY ARE YOU HERE!? WHY ARE WE TALKING!?"

I knew my situation well. This was not the first time I had received a beating. But I had to admit I was afraid of what could happen in this place to me. I did my best to hide it with anger, but being shackled inside a cage was enough to take my mind to places I did not want to be again. Imagines of the hutts and their ruthless guards. Karok then flinched slightly and blinked twice to shake away a intangible resurfacing. A moment mysterious and traumatic. Being taken away from his father and chained like a beast with his brother.

No not now. Not here, infront of Him...


"Why am I here?"

Firrerreo echoed the question, but he was actively asking himself that. Why was he here? To see the Gen'dai tortured? No. To get parts? He could've just asked for them, they wouldn't have said no. He frowned a bit, glancing to the torturer. They were wholly engrossed in their task. Sithspawn, made to only inflict pain and misery. Pleading would fall on deaf ears.

"Do you want out of here, king of the worms?"

Karok Karok
"Do you want out of here, king of the worms?"

He did not answer my question and yet.... it was enough of an answer to give my anger respite. Just enough to actually hear him. Didn't mean that I trusted Firrerreo Firrerreo though. The Gen'dai flashed his teeth as a display of hostility and dominance. A gesture that was laughable considering he was chained to a wall. That toothy maw began to contort into a shovel wide grin. Veins on his visage twitched in reaction to the title that he heard.

King of worms.

He hated that title and hated how it stuck to him.

" Yesssss. Of course i want out." he hissed aloud and glanced at the torturer nearby. The words left his mouth and immediately a form of regret came into his heart. This could go very good for him or very bad. The last thing anyone wanted as a Acolyte was to be indebted to another student or black mailed. And despite Karok's impressive biology and ferocity, there were those in the academy that could end him if enough pressure and time was present. A strange silence fell over the Gen'dai and then he admited...

" I got in your way, because your the only worthy fight in here."


In an ironic twist of fate, Firrerreo was referring to the Gen'dai not by name, but with terms. An unspoken respect, all things considered, though he didn't do much else with it. Instead he looked to the torturer with a frown. Then stood. His familiar drifted from his shoulder, through the bars, and landed on the spawn's shoulder. All at once it stopped moving as the Acolyte stood and broke the lock with a quick pull.

These cells weren't hard to break out of. They didn't have to be.

"Then consider this making us even for me stepping on your toes first." He stepped back then. They weren't allies, and he knew that the Gen'dai, free, could choose to fight him instead. None of the other Spawn here seemed to care, but Firrerreo had a feeling it wouldn't be long until the Guards found their way down. This was a place of torture and hopelessness.

But it was a place that the determined could escape. A trial of pain.

"Get out, and we'll see what happens next."

Karok Karok
The riots, if that is what you would call them, caused the Sith security forces that paraded the halls of the academy to bunch and gather up individuals who had failed, or broke rules, and threw them into a cage. A dungeon for which they were not held purely for torture, but to break them. To make them fail and fall further in the ranks. Being here even once showed that you had caused problems and thus were worse off than others. It would hurt your ranking. Yet here I was, lumped into them because I was grabbed even when I had not been participating in such activities. There was nothing in the cells. Not even items to hold you down or prevent the force.

A cold hard floor to call a bed, with no air to ease the mind. The air was hot, yet the floor was cold. Sitting still as a mental breaking feeling. Masters, mentors would come down to beat those who had failed. Not just for fun, but to give a message. If you can't handle this, then you are not fit to be an academy member. Let alone a Sith.

Breathing in, My eyes followed one of the Academy members that came down here to tease someone in another cell. Speaking and talking with such an air of superiority. Considering their rank was upon the uniform, it showed he was within the top seven individuals. Given the most, even face time with media outlets and near celebrity levels of allowance.

My eyes rolled where they couldn't see. Yet as the door was broken open to allow the Gen'dai out, I just had to open my mouth. As if the filter that had been there was removed by unseen hands.

"Oh so kind of you. Gonna make out with him later? I hear Gen'dai have tongues long enough to fill your stomach."

Firrerreo Firrerreo Karok Karok
"Get out, and we'll see what happens next."

This was unexpected to say the least. I could feel the doubt and trickery of this game and, Oh how i tired of these games. This welp had sealed their doom right here and now. Atleast intill my anger was interrupted by another.

"Oh so kind of you. Gonna make out with him later? I hear Gen'dai have tongues long enough to fill your stomach."

Karok turned his head to the young woman that approached and couldn't help but raise a brow and scoff at the remark she made. For a Gen'dai to even consider such a action with another species was most likely shameful. Then again there were never enough of his own kind out there to set a great example. She is demented. I like her. But why is she here?

" Was this your plan along Firrerreo Firrerreo ? To release me and then ambush me? " He asked and looked around his cell briefly before standing to his full height.

Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron Svenja Fürstin Von Exocron

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