King of Makrosia
[SIZE=10.5pt]Piloting a shuttle down to the planet Tygara, Nikias sat behind the steering yolk of the ship guiding it down and into the atmosphere of the planet. On his quest to learn more about the galaxy and become more cultured Nikias had decided to pay a visit to the planet Tygara. He'd heard many things about their people and tales of how the people were divided similar to how the City-States were on his homeworld. It would be interesting to see how the inhabitants of Tygara progressed differently from the Hellyni. Though Nikias was not alone on this journey, another of the Silver Sanctum jedi by the name of [member="Orihime Ike"] had decided to join him. Nikias had no clue as to why she wanted to, but he had no problem with it at all. They were both apart of the same faction and it would be good to forge bonds between the others there. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"You're getting soft." [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]The voice that Nikias had named Trellos said as it taunted the young man. "You can fool yourself that thinking joining those mystics will change you, but I still know the truth! You are nothing more than a killer! A murderer! You sent the men under your command to their deaths..."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gritting his teeth Nikias shook his head trying to chase the voice away. "They were murders, rapists! They were not real soldiers!" Nikias growled out as he sped up the ship as though trying to outrun the voice.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Even so what about your brother? Hmm, I remember that day. The two were at each other’s necks like wild rancors. You were nothing more than beasts." [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Trellos said taunting Nikias and laughing at the memories he was bringing up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Temper flaring Nikias slammed a fist into the control panel. "He sacrificed himself for me! I know I'm at fault!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Are you sure he sacrificed himself? Or did you really kill him purposely?" The dark voice asked.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Not wanting to think of such a thing, that he had purposely killed his brother Nikias felt a surge of sorrow and rage overtake him. "NO!" Nikias screamed but the blaring from the control panel caught his attention. Looking out the viewport he saw it all too late. A large tree stood before the shuttle and grasping the steering yolk Nikias had avoided a head on collision though the sound of metal being torn filled the cockpit. Activating the coms Nikias sent a warning back to Orihime. "Brace for impact!" He screamed as the ship went flying into the forest canopy. The shuttle didn't stand a chance as it tore through trees the hull being heavily damaged and as it slammed into the ground Nikias' head hit the control panel and everything went black.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"You're getting soft." [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]The voice that Nikias had named Trellos said as it taunted the young man. "You can fool yourself that thinking joining those mystics will change you, but I still know the truth! You are nothing more than a killer! A murderer! You sent the men under your command to their deaths..."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gritting his teeth Nikias shook his head trying to chase the voice away. "They were murders, rapists! They were not real soldiers!" Nikias growled out as he sped up the ship as though trying to outrun the voice.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Even so what about your brother? Hmm, I remember that day. The two were at each other’s necks like wild rancors. You were nothing more than beasts." [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Trellos said taunting Nikias and laughing at the memories he was bringing up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Temper flaring Nikias slammed a fist into the control panel. "He sacrificed himself for me! I know I'm at fault!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Are you sure he sacrificed himself? Or did you really kill him purposely?" The dark voice asked.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Not wanting to think of such a thing, that he had purposely killed his brother Nikias felt a surge of sorrow and rage overtake him. "NO!" Nikias screamed but the blaring from the control panel caught his attention. Looking out the viewport he saw it all too late. A large tree stood before the shuttle and grasping the steering yolk Nikias had avoided a head on collision though the sound of metal being torn filled the cockpit. Activating the coms Nikias sent a warning back to Orihime. "Brace for impact!" He screamed as the ship went flying into the forest canopy. The shuttle didn't stand a chance as it tore through trees the hull being heavily damaged and as it slammed into the ground Nikias' head hit the control panel and everything went black.[/SIZE]