Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mighty Shield And The Scientist

WD-334 had sat about on the planet of Geonosis for some time. There was much here, and it held the droid's interest. It thought that perhaps it could take a visit to elsewhere on the planet. So where did the droid head? To the Science HQ on the planet where it would perhaps find some things that would interest it more. Was it supposed to? It was even sure, but it did not mind. WD-334 wished to see what was being made, what was being researched by the CIS. And perhaps where it could help in the research.

The droid arrived, standing at the entrance. It had at least two guards, and with WD it came hard to appear non-threatening. "Hold at entrance" the war droid ordered to the guard. They remained as the war droid began approaching more and more towards the entrance of the HQ.

[member="Rex Taff"]


King of Pumpkins
Location: Genosis Ministry of Science HQ
Rex was in his office doing some papers. His weapons and armour in it usual places within his office. E-ESPO was standing in the corner deactivated. With all the new militia around Rex found it hard to keep the droid from randomly killing people. However Crow his Rakghoul droid was sitting beside him. He was looking over new statistics from below. Looks like the hydroponics was working quite well and was even cleaning sewage very well. He smiled he was glad he had went with Cassiopeia to Naboo. It had allowed him to find some genes he hadn't found before.

Just then there was a knock on his door. "Come in." The door would open showing the leader of the militia in the prototype armour that they were still finishing off. "Sir, there is a droid here, just entering the building now." Rex would pretend to sigh but even the captain could see he was excited to have a visitor. "I will make sure he is shown to you right away sir." "Thank you Captain." Rex would finish up the review and then wait for the droid to be shown to his office.

WD-334 was allowed entry, only to be greeted by some militia. The droid halted once it was inside, and one of them approached. They began to lead the droid off, and WD-334 was led through the HQ. The security was admirable, for such an establishment. Such security would be needed, after all. The war droid was led to an office, with double doors. The militia man who led the droid this way waited outside, opening the door to the droid, letting it pass through. It ducked a little, even though it would have fit just fine.

And there in the office was who it assumed was in charge. It just stood there, staring down at them. WD...WD was not the social type. "Security is admirable. Much droid security as well." WD had spotted some types of droids. Some that seemed familiar for some reason...from a time before WD's own time. At least in similar design. "What is researched here?" Another thing WD-334 was terrible at; introductions.


King of Pumpkins
When the droid was finally shown through. It was an imperial style droid. Rex was interested by it's design and the shield on it. The fist thing the droid commented on was the amount of security. "Well it needs to be very high to protect some of my newer designs and this is nothing on what I have in my main R&D Area." Rex was then shocked a little before laughing "Straight to business very well then. There are many thing researched here most of it is weapons and armour as well as droids. There are a few vehicle concepts that come through some bio stuff and even the occasional ship design."

Then Rex asks a question "What can I do for you today anyways?"

WD-334 stood there. Listening with it's audio receptors. Perhaps it would have been a very forward request, one that would no doubt be denied... "This unit wishes to see the security. If it may." WD had become one for designing new things, such as weapons and droids and ships. It had taken a liking to it. And from the type of research that [member="Rex Taff"] spoke of, it held WD's interest. Then the question came and it stood there silently, computing an answer.

"This unit only wished to inspect. You are now ally to this unit, are you not?" it asked, leaning a little forward. "This unit also designs weapons and droid units. Also occasionally ships. This unit has designed drones, first-line infantry, support infantry and this chassis." The droid leaned back up, standing upright once more. "What is designation? This unit's designation is WD-334." Perhaps a bit late for the intros, and WD tended to be.


King of Pumpkins
Rex thinks about it. "I can show you designs of the security systems there but I don't know if you would make it down there. Maybe if we use the service elevator. The choice is your if you wish to have a look at it." Rex says not moving. "That is correct if you are part of the CIS then we are allies. Then perhaps since you have created droids you could give your opinions on the droid prototype down stairs you will be able to see my most secure facility."

Rex would get up. "Pleasure to meet you WD - 334, My designation is Rex, Rex Taff. If you would kindly follow me I will take you to my most secure facility." Rex would open the doors calling crow with him. He would then turn to his captain "Captain I need you to authorise this unit to see the underground labs he is coming with me to have a look." "Very well Sir." The captain would pull out a pad tapping it a few times. "He is authorised at your command sir." "Thank you, you now have operational command of the defences here." "Very well sir."

It was just a formal thing to say it. The militia knew when Rex wasn't around the captain was in charge. Both men were good people so no one really minded. Rex would then walk to a wall. It would suddenly open. "Are you ready WD-334, what you see is between us understood?"

WD-334 gave a low toned affirmative beep. The war droid was happy to accept the proposal, or at least as happy as WD could get. Which wasn't much at all. It gave another affirmative beep as the droid was indeed now part of the CIS. So to that fact, they were indeed now allies. The suggestion to give it's opinion on droid designs, WD practically bleeped at it. In a good way, of course. The other introduced themselves as [member="Rex Taff"]. "This unit will kindly follow you" it answered back. Taking it perhaps....too literally. "This facility is nice" it said, saying kind things about the facility.

"This unit is prepared to see. This unit understands it is between WD-334 and Rex Taff." The droid stood still, waiting for Rex to begin taking the lead. From then it would move behind the Chiss, through the facility.


King of Pumpkins
Rex would board the Elevator with WD-343 and lead him into the underground area. Several droidekas where deactivated near the elevator door. "Don't mind them part of the defenses. The would walk past an underground lake with a Dam. "Supplies water to the whole building and the Dam does our electricity. This way." WD-343 could see Aqua droids on the far side of the dam doing some things.

Rex would lead him to a Large room. Inside would be several scientists and some more droidikeas also deactivated. "Okay WD-343 this is what I want you to have a look at" Showing the droid a prototype of the sb-1-shield-bearer. "Thoughts, it isn't working yet."

WD-334 moved through and saw a familiar model. Droideka. There was a faint memory of having a part of a droideka. Was it an arm? It must have been an arm. WD could faintly see the aqua droids by the dam, swimming about as if they were creatures of the water. The droid continued to move along. Water worried it, because of rust. It was one of the things that the droid had emotions towards, not happy towards water and the many problems it caused to droids.

As they came past more deactivated droidekas and some scientists that had to stand aside for the towering droid, the pair stopped. WD looked it over. Scanning over it. "Heavy armament, heavy armor. Heavy, slow?" the droid asked, pivoting on it's waist towards [member="Rex Taff"]. Then back to the prototype. "A forward shield would improve effectiveness on battlefield. Why does this unit not work? Ineffective power source? Too heavy?"


King of Pumpkins
"Very slow. I think to heavy armour but it was the only way I could think of it being not damaged by ion. Forward shield would be smarter. I think to heavy but I am not sure." He looks the droid up and down "Did you wanna rebuild it?" He calls over a scientist and tells him to take it apart. "Okay have a look and tell me what we need to change." All the pieces lying down on the table.

Wd-334 stepped back so that the scientist could take apart the prototype. The war droid looked it over. Hovering it's metal hand over the many pieces. "Laminasteel plating for heavy shield. Extendable at front. Magnetic seal on bottom for mobile deployment. More effective in front line combat and be used as defending infantry" the droid answered back. "Legs, add better hydraulics and strengthen the joints. Counter the weight, lower some amount of rear armor for movement." Wasn't like they would be getting to the rear, with infantry there. Not with what WD-334 had in mind for the design.

[member="Rex Taff"]


King of Pumpkins
"That is an idea I like" As the scientists went about fixing and adding and removing part. "Lamianium plating interesting. Magnetic seal I like means even on ships in battle it can set down. I am not so sure about removing the back plating though. I am willing to trust your judgement." The scientists would put it back together again and activate the droid it began rolling around and setting itself up. "Well done WD-343, it would have taken me weeks to figure that out."

"Laminasteel makes for a strong frame. Plating will be plenty strong and durable." The droid looked down at the chiss. "I am a droid, I am able to compute quickly" it answered back. Lacking the common sense that [member="Rex Taff"] was giving a compliment. "Taking the rear plating will help with weight. Too much weighting will prevent movement." A very slow target was bait to artillery, an easy prize to artillery. They would be decimated, and would be needed for the frontline so would need to move fast enough to keep up.


King of Pumpkins
Rex would nod as he watched the droid still rolling around. Before long he would lead [member="WD-334"] Back to the surface and to the front doors. "If there is anything else don't be afraid to ask, we try to help everyone around here. So anything else today or will that be all?" He would ask with a smile hoping that was all.
WD-334 groaned as it bent downwards. "This unit is never afraid. Not even to ask." But...then again, it had nothing else to ask anyway. "This facility is most indeed impressive. Strong defense and research. This unit would like to provide assistance in anyway, to participate where it can." There was much potential to be had. And WD-334 could provide extra security, if needed. And the droid enjoyed researching, especially military projects. "This unit will now leave, if [member="Rex Taff"] permits this." And as always, WD was blunt.


King of Pumpkins
Rex nodded. "It is indeed" Rex thought about all the projects he had done to get this place up and running. He then had a few contemplative thoughts before saying "You are allowed to leave now [member="WD-334"] . I hope you have a safe travel else where in the galaxy. Run fast and shoot straight." He says before leaving back into the depths of the ministry for science and in there he had some thoughts on some different things.

(End of Thread)

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