Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mines Of Eclipstica

[member="Xaefo Mardekin"]

Within the lands of Black Gate, where is rains almost every from light drizzles, to storming, Romeo had a whole set ready for the beginning of a mine for the planet. It would be called the Bora Mining Colony, and with the help of a new comer to the group, the mine would only take a few days to get up, and started.
He had two-hundred DRDs marching to a site that was a small mountain, and a mining facility being carried by the Hazard Beauty. In a speeder with his new faction member, Romeo wondered if the man knew he was a king, or if he was only aware he was the leader. It didnt matter really, but he was a curious man, and with the canopy up on the speeder to keep dry from the light drizzle that was coming down, and the windows down to enjoy the air, the day light was at it's beginning of the day, with only eight hours left of true day light.
The boy found it hard to focus, running his palms across the fancy interior of Romeo's speeder. He had never experienced the luxury of one up until this point. If he wanted to get somewhere, he was forced to walk. He peered cautiously out the window, examining the surroundings as rain drops splashed the turf around the duo. As he sat there, his stomach began to growl violently, and a scowl found its way to his face. Curses.. he thought, Have to work on an empty stomach.. Blinking quietly, he would turn his gaze to look at Romeo, observing him in total silence, before finally deciding to speak up, "So where exactly are we going, then?"

[member="The Shadow King"]
As of such Romeo had brought food for the ride there, and when the boy's stomach growl, he motioned to the back of the speeder.
"Look in the back, should be a lunch made for you. it'll be a few before we get there."
He focused around the surroundings.
"Were heading to a small mountain, there's a nice ore depot of a few different kinds of metal down inside it, though we're unsure what kind of ore it is. We're heading there to build a mining colony." He smeared the boy. [member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
Almost immediately after Xaefo had heard the word food, he was climbing into the back, scrambling to find his lunch. "Wait, a real lunch?!" he exclaimed, grasping the rations within his hands as he climbed back into the passenger seat. It wasn't often that the boy ate more than two small meals a day, so getting a lunch was one heck of a treat for him. Without even thinking to thank [member="The Shadow King"] he began digging into what the man had prepared for him, eating it in a rather hurried manner. "So we're mining, then?" he wondered aloud.
Romeo nodded in response, and turned the speeder to autopilot. "Indeed we are sir. We need a economy for the planet." he said turning to look at the young man, and observed him. "So, tell me about yourself. Why did you come to join my empire of shadows?" He said, his red eyes watching him. The ship was over head, and was already landing the facility down for them. [member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
Mouth entirely full, Xaefo turned to look at [member="The Shadow King"] for a second, pondering on how he should respond. The man before him was rather powerful, after all, so he figured that he should watch his wording. "Well," he spoke softly, "Freedom, I suppose.. Justice.. Food.. Not necessarily in that order." He gave a small shrug before turning to look through the window of the speeder, gazing up at the ship. "Is that thing.. Real?!" he exclaimed, a little surprised that Romeo could afford things such as these. "That must have cost a fortune! I can barely afford some soup.."
"Freedom, justice, and food? Now I have heard many here say freedom, and Justice, but Food? That is a new one. One I approve of, the little things matter. As for is it real? My child...there's a story behind that ship that makes it very real." He said amused by the boy. children of any age were his weak spot.
"A story?" the boy questioned, still staring in complete astonishment at the ship. "Please, go on." Xaefo was now very much interested in hearing about this. He didn't know much about ships in general, or the man which he was speaking to, but he assumed that this would at least tell him a little bit about the both of them. Perhaps it would prove to be rather interesting..

[member="The Shadow King"]
Romeo cleared his throat.
"That ship didn't cost me fact its safe to say it was pretty much free. After taking a knife to the gut for a very important person, I left for something...less pointy. I came across this ship, among others who had found it. I was shot, blown up, even poisoned to get that damn the midst of it all...I had gained a ship that was a flying vault." He spoke as they neared the sight. He had a special someone coming this way as well, to help out with the mining. [member="Xaefo Mardekin"] [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

"Ya really think we can trust this shadow king boss?" Raul said.

Razz glared at Raul, Raul was a pain in Razz's neck.

"Coming into the atmosphere." Zane stated.

"Take her down slowly Zane." Razz said before putting his hand on Zane's shoulder.

The ship was slowly taken down near the mining site.

Zane landed the ship and opened the ramp down.

"Mask's on..." Razz said.

Zane pulled his bloodied clown mask over his face, and Raul did the same.

"Ok...start to bring some of the extra supplies for Mr. Sin." Razz said.

Razz picked up a case that contained one hundred thousand credits from selling his spice. Zane and Raul picked up a crate that contained extra picks. They walked down the ramp and on to the surface fo the planet.

"Put the extra picks over there." Razz said while pointing near the mine's entrance.

They brought it over and set it down.

"The Shadow King Sin will be joining the area momentarily." Razz said.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
The boy's expression changed drastically as the conversation took a turn for the worse. "You've survived all that?" he asked, obviously surprised by what he had just learned. He couldn't help but to slide away a few inches, turning to look at the mining facility which they were approaching stoically. It was in this moment that he realized what a powerful leader he had sitting only a few feet away from him. The boy was definitely too prideful to admit it, but he was scared out of his mind.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Razz Michaels"]
"And more, fires, explosions, and lightsabers." he looked at the boy, Romeo noticed everything, and read people's body language like a therapist.
"Afraid of me boy?" He said as he looked at the dig site, and saw the friend already there who would help in every way he could. Sin was thinking of taking his nephew as an apprentice. Maybe even a full fledged apprentice. As the speeder finally made it's way to the dig site, the 200 DRDs were also unloaded from the Hazard Beauty, marching like an army, a mining army.

He turned back to the boy, "Don't be afraid of me, be afraid of this man." He said quickly as he stepped out of the speeder, and waved to his friend. "Mr.Michaels! I humbly welcome you to my abode! I take it you're enjoying yourself? I've brought you a gift, and something ti help you with you'r...'business'." He called out as he pulled out a sac of the planets Delvas Fruit, some me the most sweetest fruit to be known to Romeo. He walked over to the crime Lord, and nodded at his bodyguards. "I was thinking it could..sweeten the pot of your business." [member="Razz Michaels"] [member="Xaefo Mardekin"]

Razz Michaels

"Ahh Mr. Sin, it is a pleasure to see you again." Razz said while giving a slight bow and a wave of his hand.

"Oh how so Mr. Sin" Razz asked.

Zane nnodded back.

"Who's the boy?" Razz asked noticing the boy who was in the speeder.

"Anyway...this is a lovely planet." Razz said while walking towards Sin.

Zane noticed all the droids coming out of the ship.

He was amazed.

"RRazz stuck his hand out for a handshake from Sin.

[member="The Shadow King"]

[member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
Xaefo sat in the speeder rather quietly, observing the interaction between the two men before him. Who exactly /is/ this guy? The boy was unaware, but he wasn't stupid; these men looked like they were no good, at least on account of their masks. Who knows? The boy was just assuming. With a grunt he jumped out of the speeder, kicking up dust as his feet made contact with the ground. His hands in his pockets, he would approach with caution. "The name's Xaefo.."

[member="Razz Michaels"]

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Xaefo Mardekin"] [member="Razz Michaels"]

"Indeed, I just think your 'spice' needs to be more sweet." He said handing over the fruits. "Also their just a good snack, healthy too." He said watching the men unload the boxes, and the droids march to the dig site. "So, how do you want to go about this Mr.Michaels. Let the droids go in, and do work? I may have a few organic bodies coming in from the ship. The Hutt Gardora sent me a full crew, Im sure some of them know how to work a pickax."

Razz Michaels

Razz looked at the boy.

"Ah it is a pleasure to meet you young master Xaefo." He said.

"Hehe well I guess it does." Razz responded to the shadow king.

He accepted the fruit.

"It would be great to put some people to work, we can't let the droids have all the fun." Razz stated.

He turned back to the boy.

"How impolite of me I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Razz Michaels, a close friend of The Shadow King." He said.

He then turned his attention back to Sin.

"Here...I brought more credits to assist your....'projects'." Razz said before opening the case of credits.

"Here is one hundred thousand credits." He said, Zane walked back onto te ship and came back with wine and three glasses.

He poured them handing it out to Romeo, Razz and Xaefo.

Zane looked at the boy.

"It is quite fine for you to drink today is a good day." Zane reassured Xaefo.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
Hesitantly, the boy reached for his glass, taking a small sip. Upon tasting it, a sour expression would come upon his face, having never tasted anything remotely similar to this before, but it would quickly fade away into complete shock as he registered what the men were talking about. "Excuse me.. Did you say one hundred thousand credits?!" he exclaimed, with his mouth now hanging open widely. The boy was so used to scrounging to survive, that the thought of that many credits for one person completely blew his mind. "H-How is that even possible?!"

[member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
"My my Mr.Michaels, you are certainly a amazing friend. As well I have brought lunch for us all." He laughed at the boy as he drank, and laughed harder as the boy went on about credits.
"These are not for, their for the empire. Xaefo here already ate lunch, but would you two men like something to eat?" [member="Razz Michaels"] [member="Xaefo Mardekin"]

Razz Michaels

Razz smiled at the boy's sour expression.

"You'll get used to it don't worry." Zane said as he held the wine in his hand.

The boy was pretty polite for a young man.

When the boy asked the question Raul must've overheard. He came up and spoke loudly. "Boy...don't be askin' bout people's businesses." He said.

By that time Razz had enough of Raul, he had got on his nerve for way to long.

"Excuse me Mr. Sin, young master Xaefo." Razz said before turning and staring at Raul.

"Raul, I left somthing on the ship...a box."

Raul turned to get the box and Razz smiled. He put th wine glass down and slid the knife from his sheath on his waist, then took a step towards Raul's turned back. He used his strength to smash his leg into Raul's back and Raul crumbled to his knee.

"you crossed the line one to many times Raul." Razz said.

Zane looked away, he knew what would happen at that point.

Razz pulled the knife up close to Raul's neck.

"You know my motto Raul, 'I do not fear an army of Lions if they are led by a lamb, I do fear an army of lambs if they are led by a lion.' Raul...I am that lion who leads the army of lost your sorry, oh...say hi to my brother." Razz said.

Raul tried to struggle but it was too late, the blade slid across his neck with ease, or prehaps Razz was just so strong that his power made it easier. Raul fell to the ground gargling, within minutes he was dead.

"I am sorry you had to see that young master Xaefo... it was out of practice." Razz said. He then remembered Xaefo's question.

"Yes I did Xaefo, I my business you see it is not so uncommon as you'd think."

Razz paused

"You see, I am a Crime Lord...or as the more wealthy and profound say, a businessman. I buy mercs who in turn steal spice, or rob credit reserves, they bring me what I need and they get a cut of it. It is pretty simple really, Raul and Zane do get paid a bit more though...oh well now that Raul is gone...he doesn't get paid." He said.

He turned to the Shadow King.

"I would love somthing to eat." Razz said.

He held up his finger as if to say wait.

He waved Zane over before grabb Raul's shoulder area.

Zane grabbed the legs and together they moved Raul back on to the ship.

They came back out.

"Don't worry people would love a strong body such as Raul's." He said with a smile.

He felt bad for Zane...but it didn't matter, Zane would get another friend soon enough.

[member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
[member="The Shadow King"]

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