Xion Vala
Space Hippie
Wayland... A planet not forgotten by many, but remembered for the tragedies it had faced. Mainly at the hands of the Sith during their conquest to take over the galaxy. The horrors that had happened still haven't been repaired such as the wild vegetation on the planet that had been mutated. Xion had came to this planet in hopes of mining the phrik that the planet had been said to possess. There was no point going to a planet such as Alderaan where the sith lingered and he could put himself in danger. Though this planet was dangerous in its own way. It may not be loaded with sith but the environment was still dangerous to those not accustomed to it.
Vong roamed the planet till this very day and amphistaffs grew in the wild free to attack and that passed by. Something Xion wasn't to keen about especially with the dangers that the vegetation could pose. All these thoughts and more went through the young Miraluka's mind as he hopped out of his starfighter. Feet hitting the soft ground the thick grass up to his knees Xion opened himself to the living force. Upon which he was bombarded by the natural power of the planet. He could feel the animals within a short distance and how they waited for prey or foe to come to them. What he felt most though was the pain the planet had suffered beneath the rule of others. It was a terrible feeling, one that Xion opened himself to fully as he walked forward letting the living force flow through him. He wanted nothing more than to get off this planet as fast as possible. Weighed down by the mining gear he had brought along with him Xion made his way across the perilous land.
Vong roamed the planet till this very day and amphistaffs grew in the wild free to attack and that passed by. Something Xion wasn't to keen about especially with the dangers that the vegetation could pose. All these thoughts and more went through the young Miraluka's mind as he hopped out of his starfighter. Feet hitting the soft ground the thick grass up to his knees Xion opened himself to the living force. Upon which he was bombarded by the natural power of the planet. He could feel the animals within a short distance and how they waited for prey or foe to come to them. What he felt most though was the pain the planet had suffered beneath the rule of others. It was a terrible feeling, one that Xion opened himself to fully as he walked forward letting the living force flow through him. He wanted nothing more than to get off this planet as fast as possible. Weighed down by the mining gear he had brought along with him Xion made his way across the perilous land.