Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mines of Wayland

Wayland... A planet not forgotten by many, but remembered for the tragedies it had faced. Mainly at the hands of the Sith during their conquest to take over the galaxy. The horrors that had happened still haven't been repaired such as the wild vegetation on the planet that had been mutated. Xion had came to this planet in hopes of mining the phrik that the planet had been said to possess. There was no point going to a planet such as Alderaan where the sith lingered and he could put himself in danger. Though this planet was dangerous in its own way. It may not be loaded with sith but the environment was still dangerous to those not accustomed to it.

Vong roamed the planet till this very day and amphistaffs grew in the wild free to attack and that passed by. Something Xion wasn't to keen about especially with the dangers that the vegetation could pose. All these thoughts and more went through the young Miraluka's mind as he hopped out of his starfighter. Feet hitting the soft ground the thick grass up to his knees Xion opened himself to the living force. Upon which he was bombarded by the natural power of the planet. He could feel the animals within a short distance and how they waited for prey or foe to come to them. What he felt most though was the pain the planet had suffered beneath the rule of others. It was a terrible feeling, one that Xion opened himself to fully as he walked forward letting the living force flow through him. He wanted nothing more than to get off this planet as fast as possible. Weighed down by the mining gear he had brought along with him Xion made his way across the perilous land.
Sweat had formed on Xion's brow as he marched through the forests small bugs flying all around constantly bugging him. Feeling one land on his face he lifted his hand and swung to slap that part of his face. The slap was harder than he intended for it to be and even when he looked down in his hand saw that he hadn't even caught the bug. He had even taken off his shirt and wrapped it around his head to keep the sun off his brow and protect his eyes. The temperature and walk wasn't why he was truly sweating, but the mining equipment that he carried with him making the venture harder than it should be. The pack that he had dug into his shoulders due to the weight and his brown skin was glistening in the sun.

And then there was the hill. Oh that steep bastard was the bane of Xion's existence at the moment as step after step he made his way up the hill strands of his crimson hair falling into his face. At the edges the hair curled more than ever due to the sweat. Xion's brow creased in concentration as branch after branch from low hanging trees reached out scratching him. His empty sockets stared forward but if he had eyeballs he was sure they would be more than filled with anger.
The thing about being a Miraluka is the inherent use of Force Sight. Xion could see the Vine snakes hanging onto the lower branches waiting to ensnare someone. He didn't plan on it being him though. Reaching out through the living force Xion used it almost soothing the snakes like a owner would sooth a pet. Sending calming emotions torward the snakes, he tried to ensure the creatures knew that he meant them no harm. All he wanted was to pass and go on his way.He wouldn't intrude on their land for to much longer. The moment he got what he had came here for he would leave the planet. That's what most people in the galaxy didn't understand. They didn't own the planet, it wasn't their land. It was land they had taken.

Reaching the low hanging branches Xion kept his wits about him, even though he had tried to soothe the snakes didn't mean it would work. He had not yet even truly tried to calm any animals besides the few crystal snakes on Yavin. But that was one at a time, he had never tried it on larger numbers. The trio of snakes at first seemed calm but as Xion crossed beneath him the lunged down towards him.
As the three vine snakes flew towards him Xion jumped backwards dodging the first one the sound of hissing could be heard. The weight of his mining equipment did throw his balance off due to the weight. Falling back Xion landed on his rear dust kicking up from beneath the thin Miraluka. Still dazed from the fall he was caught off guard as the second snake landed upon his leg and the third on his shoulder. The snake on his leg slowly started to slither around Xion's left leg constricting the limb. Pain radiated up Xion's body as the snake did this his mouth open as though he were going to yell. At least he would've if the third snake hadn't started to coil around his neck. The slimy scales of the snake could be felt slithering across his bare skin. Reaching up with both arms he grabbed onto the snakes body trying to prevent himself from being completely suffocated. If Xion had eyes they would be wide with horror.
Gasping for air Xion's mouth hung open as his air was slowly being cut off. The pain in his leg had become so extreme that he thought the bone would break. His muscles burned from trying to fight off the snake constricting his throat. Sweat poured all down his face as he constantly gasped trying to take in what little air he could. He had nothing to defend himself from the snakes or to kill them, all he could do was try to calm them once again. Opening himself to the living force once again though it was a struggle under the circumstances Xion sent calming emotions towards the snakes. Projecting more emotions of peace and caring. He didn't come to hurt them, he had only came to acquire one thing from the planet so he could leave once again. The thought of using the force to dominate the creatures mind came to mind, but he would not do that even if it meant loosing his life. He was not some sith, not someone that bent the others and the worlds to their will. Xion had no thoughts of such things, and would never force his will upon another.
His force vision blacking out at the edges Xion tried to fight it off, but it was to much. His sense of the living beings in the force was slowly dimming growing darker and darker. His only hope was that the snakes would give up after his soothing through the force. Xion was trying to calm their minds, but it was incredibly difficult. There was no malice radiating from the snakes though they were simply doing what was natural to them. It was neither evil nor good. The same way humans must eat to survive. His right leg slowly started to stop kicking as the last bit of energy left his body and the darkness began to consume him. Xion's vision in the force had been completely cut off. But right before he passed out Xion was sure he had felt the pressure on his body weakening. Falling back he let himself be taken unthinking, the darkness welcomed him like a mothers embrace. Had his life really been wasted going on one mining trip, one mission that was of little importance to the galaxy. What would happen to the strills he had adopted and left on Yavin? Yes they could care for themselves now but Xion was still worried. Finally his mind stopped thinking and he blacked out.
Xion seemed at peace the snakes had even left his body, but there was a light breathing coming from him. The minuscule movements of his chest could be seen if looked closely enough. Then he darted up gulping in a large breath of air. He had lived, Xion had successfully calmed the snakes and gotten them to release him. He had almost been to late though. If he hoped to not find himself in the same situation he would train more on such things once returning back to Yavin. Pushing himself back to his feet he still felt dizzy from the ordeal and had to cling to a tree to keep steady. A extremely large purple bruise now found itself upon his neck and around his shoulders. Reaching up to touch it Xion instinctively flinched from the pain.

His whole body was sore, but he continued on. He only had a few more steps to go before he reached the crest of the hill. There was no way he was turning back now. He had hiked up a extremely steep hill and survived almost being killed. By the force if he would turn around and leave at a point like this. Each step had became a struggle as he made his way up the last few steps feeling as though he would fall if he didn't use the trees for balance.
Reaching the top of the hill Xion looked out at the forest that was now beneath him. Trees stretching on as far as the eye could see but in the center of them lay a huge cave entrance that seemed to go underground. It was the mines that he had came looking for. He was almost there, and making his way down the hill would be tons easier than having to climb the accursed thing. Taking a step off the edge of the hill Xion let his feet skid across the ground as he slid down the hill instead of walked. It was easier as well as quite a bit quicker. The burning from the grass and dirt rubbing against the bottom of his foot at such a speed wasn't comfortable though. Felt almost as if the skin would be ripped off before he reached the bottom of the hill.

Sliding down was the easy part, however stopping was a completely other challenge in and of its own. Xion flexed his calf muscles and changed his feet position in a hope to slow his progression down the hill to no avail. Reaching the bottom of the hill he lost his balance tumbling forward into some bushes the leaves sharp and painful. The cuts bit into his skin and blood leaked from the fresh wounds. Can things get worse? Xion thought to himself as he lay face down in the bushes.
Pushing himself out the bushes needles sticking in his skin from the bushes Xion brushed himself off. It would be a miracle that after all the falls he'd taken if the mining equipment still worked. He had been ready to make his way to the mines when he heard a large amount of footsteps heading in his direction. There weren't to many natives on the planet, and from what Xion had heard they never truly meant harm as long as you presented yourself as a friend. He could see these beings in the force though, they didn't radiate with peaceful intentions or cheer. They were brutal, bloodthirsty and greedy. Diving back into the bushes Xion cursed himself, the hill and everything else that found itself interfeering with him trying to get the phrik and escape the planet.

Xion could smell the alcohol on the humans as they approached. All of them had a dingy look to them and wore cheap and ragged clothes, heck it looked like hygiene wasn't a priority for them either. Stains adorned their shirts, and some spots seemed to have been there for so long that they had discolored the clothes. It was disgusting. Xion had been living out in the wild for quite awhile and was still cleaner than them on his worst of days. "Let's start setting up camp around the mines. These are ours now! With the way the Sith and Republic are at each others throats we can make a killing selling this stuff." The man that seemed to be the leader said. He had a long thick beard and beady black eyes like a rodent.
"Get to cutting! Burn down what we don't need. We need a clearing if we're gonna set up here." The pirate said taking a swig from the bottle in his hand then throwing the rest of the bottle into a tree. Glass rained down onto the ground and the man wasn't worried in the least. He had just waltzed onto Wayland claiming he owned the mines, and then had enough nerve to want to destroy the homes of the animals on the planet. It was disgusting, the man was focused on nothing more than lining his pockets with credits. Shrugging off the mining equipment Xion felt a huge relied taken off his shoulders literally. What he was about to do was foolhardy but he wasn't just going to let them trash the area for their wants.

Popping out the bushes he brushed himself off and began walking to the pirates. They eyed him like he was a complete psycho, but Xion had gotten used to the look. Many did the same thing when they saw his empty eye sockets considering most Miraluka covered them. This land is not meant for the likes of you scum. I suggest you leave and not come back. This planet is under the protection of the jedi." Xion lied knowing that the jedi hadn't even permitted him to go on such a trip.
"The Jedi?! I think you're a bit out your reach... Boy!" The pirate spat as his hand began to slide to the holster on his waist. His men followed their leaders action and reached for their own weapons as well. "What you gonna teach us a lesson boy? Hmm.. Scare us off?" The pirate had a look of amusement on his face as though he frightened Xion who hadn't budged and kept his face in a calm manner as he looked at the men. He was outnumbered and outgunned, but that mattered little to him. Xion knew the force would help him, protect him even. Opening himself to the living force Xion connected himself to the nature that surrounded them. He felt the torture that the planet had suffered at the hands of those craving power and he used the good and the bad to power himself.

Arms spreading as though he was offering a hug the pirates laughed. "Shame we have to kill you. You're pretty cute for a bo-" The captain had begun saying but a vine snake fell from the branch above him and began to coil around his neck. The time while the pirates found themselves laughing at Xion he had been reaching out to the Vine snakes in the area and pointing their hostility in the direction of the pirates. Barraging the snakes with the intents of the pirates was all Xion had to do to get them to act. They jumped down upon the pirates in numbers.
For men who had acted so tough and fearless the moment their life was on the line they cried and begged for mercy. Xion stood back watching as the snakes coiled around the pirates cutting off their blood circulation and some even suffocating the pirates. "Like I said. This planet is under the protection of the jedi. I suggest you leave before I have to take more drastic measures." Xion said reaching out and soothing the ten snakes that had came to his aid. It was hard enough for him to control them earlier, but as he allowed the force to flow through him and guide his actions this time around was much easier. The snakes reacted to him soothing them, calming their thoughts and sending them back off to their homes. The pirates took awhile to get to their feet but when they did they held a knew fear in their eyes and began scurrying off. They were cowards, they thought they could abuse nature. Take what it offered for their own gains, but they offered nothing in return. "Scum of the galaxy." Xion said turning his back on the fleeing pirates and released his connection to the force. Disconnecting himself from it allowed the boy to feel just how exhausted he was after his showcase. His knees shook and he had acquired a slight nosebleed. Head pounding like someone beating on a drum Xion stood proud of the stand he had just taken against the pirates. He was now free to do what he had came for.
Hours later Xion emerged from the mines covered in dirt, grime and only who knew what else. His hair was slicked down from all the sweating he had done and his body shook even more as though he were on the point of collapsing, but in his sack that now sagged beneath the weight of all the phrikite could be seen hanging out the top. He had taken so much that it weighed just as much as the mining equipment he had brought with him. He had even went through the trouble of discarding the equipment down in the mines leaving it for whoever came next. His muscles ached and the veins beneath his brown skin stood out from all the stress he had put his body through. Yet there was still a sense of satisfaction at what he had done. Xion had protected a portion of the forests from pirates hoping to take it, and had acquired enough phrikite for his future endeavors. A smile spreading across his feminine face Xion yelled a shout of excitement out into the air.

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