The Mirage
Name: The Mirage or Mirage, real name unknown
Faction: Fel Empire
Age: nobody except for his mother or maybe his dad or any siblings he might have had, and him have only seen his face, and only the people mentioned knows his age
Sex: male
Height: 6’3
Wheight: fit enough to walk around in heavy ish armor every day
Force Sensitive: Not, unless you call luck part of the force
Strengths and Weaknesses: He’s a positive scoundrel, with a sarcastic humor. He likes to out think his opponents and confuse them, which usually succeeds. Is packed up with a good amount of weapons. Has spent most of his credits on inventing a new type of hologram that can be solid. However, he can get too cocky sometimes, and although he is lucky, he also has bad luck. Bad luck of always taking the wrong jobs. He’ll do quite a bit of things for money, other than just being a bounty hunter/assassin, which is most of the time a bad thing. His hologram tech has its flaws, it can quickly fool someone, but, when you really start looking, you can easily realize that it’s a hologram, it flickers, and has a slight blue tint to it. He has a set of commands for the holograms, but sometimes, he has to think of a command and then input it, which in a desperate situation, will not go well for him. He also has to have a medium ish white tech pack on him at all times, to project the holograms. The tech pack is big enough to be a good target.
Appearance: (the image is just the only suitable picture, it will be changed later to fit better) He wears shiny white scout trooper armor, with some extra tech on top of it. Torqoise blue pauldran. And some extra little tid bits
Biography: (short) he was always a scoundrel, even at birth. Something could be mentally wrong with him, he’s always making everything into a sarcastic reply. He’s been in near death experiences lots of times, but he’s always been sarcastic as ever through those times.
Ship: a modified fury class interceptor, equipped with 4 laser cannons, and two missile ports, and a self made hologram projector. It’s colored a blue ish white
Items: de-10 blaster pistol, custom made hologram tech pack, custom made hologram arm control panel, e-22 blaster rifle, mandalorian sniper rifle, smoke grenades, thermal detonators, rocket boots
Faction: Fel Empire
Age: nobody except for his mother or maybe his dad or any siblings he might have had, and him have only seen his face, and only the people mentioned knows his age
Sex: male
Height: 6’3
Wheight: fit enough to walk around in heavy ish armor every day
Force Sensitive: Not, unless you call luck part of the force
Strengths and Weaknesses: He’s a positive scoundrel, with a sarcastic humor. He likes to out think his opponents and confuse them, which usually succeeds. Is packed up with a good amount of weapons. Has spent most of his credits on inventing a new type of hologram that can be solid. However, he can get too cocky sometimes, and although he is lucky, he also has bad luck. Bad luck of always taking the wrong jobs. He’ll do quite a bit of things for money, other than just being a bounty hunter/assassin, which is most of the time a bad thing. His hologram tech has its flaws, it can quickly fool someone, but, when you really start looking, you can easily realize that it’s a hologram, it flickers, and has a slight blue tint to it. He has a set of commands for the holograms, but sometimes, he has to think of a command and then input it, which in a desperate situation, will not go well for him. He also has to have a medium ish white tech pack on him at all times, to project the holograms. The tech pack is big enough to be a good target.
Appearance: (the image is just the only suitable picture, it will be changed later to fit better) He wears shiny white scout trooper armor, with some extra tech on top of it. Torqoise blue pauldran. And some extra little tid bits
Biography: (short) he was always a scoundrel, even at birth. Something could be mentally wrong with him, he’s always making everything into a sarcastic reply. He’s been in near death experiences lots of times, but he’s always been sarcastic as ever through those times.
Ship: a modified fury class interceptor, equipped with 4 laser cannons, and two missile ports, and a self made hologram projector. It’s colored a blue ish white
Items: de-10 blaster pistol, custom made hologram tech pack, custom made hologram arm control panel, e-22 blaster rifle, mandalorian sniper rifle, smoke grenades, thermal detonators, rocket boots