Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mission Terminal Read Me First

  • Thread starter Generic Fill In Account #1
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Generic Fill In Account #1

Mission Terminals and You.

Welcome User.
You have successfully logged into one of the many Encrypted User Terminals and connected to the Galactic Employment for Contracted Professionals Network. From here you can access your personal profile and see the various offered contracts from various employers around the galaxy who are looking for highly trained professionals just like you.

Your ability to take these contracts is simple, choose a contract, post your claim with a simple post and then depart on an adventure to complete said contract. Once the conditions have been met proof of the contract should be posted in the original contract thread, tagging the attention of the Terminal Master and await confirmation of completion and payment by the representatives involved.

Remember however that you can only take one contract at a time and only upon completion of said contract can another be selected. Don’t be a contract hog. Nobody likes a contract hog.

For any further enquiries please contact your nearest Terminal Master.
Thank you and have a safe and pleasant day.

These are the contracts that shall continually flow to allow those members of the Scum and Villainy to have a constant stream of potential thread ideas for their enjoyment. Treat them as small quest ideas and inspiration, we give the outline and you make the adventure.

There are naturally a couple of rules and they are as follows.

  1. Once someone has taken a contract it is theirs until completion or if they fall inactive for two weeks (14 days). The original contract taker can state if they wish additional people to be involved, but it is their decision unless the contract states otherwise.
  2. To complete a contract a thread of at least 5 posts must be posted in the original contract. This will allow the moderators to read and approve the contract to allow payment. For each additional character on the contract another 5 posts must be added to a maximum of 50 posts.
  3. Have fun, these are guideline quests designed to flesh out your character and their chosen field, be inventive, be spontaneous and most of all show off how awesome scum characters are.
  4. The Faction Moderation team has the right to change these rules, the contract guidelines or participation at any time.

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