Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mistake That Worked Out


Location: Naboo Bureaucratically House
Time: 0215

A man sat in the office of some bureaucrat he had meet a couple of days ago. The meeting of the two were planned, the Shadow Legion sent him to make contact with him to talk about a political position off planet. He had peaked the mans interest and the shadowy figure was made to meet the man here tonight. This place was larger then life, and he was just in the office. He had some of the men searching and securing the perimeter.

This was Tydus' environment, he wanted the meeting between him and Mr. Duanna, a politician of Naboo who had connections to many within the Royal Family of the planet. This would be a major influence within the Syndicate, allowing a new stream of information to flow through the Galactic Alliance that they didn't have before.

Tydus sat in the office in the corner facing the door. He was not told of where Mr. Duanna lived, but that he owned a rather large Lake House. As he waited for the man to greet him, he heard the lights in the hallway turn on. He figured that was Mr. Duanna. Little did he know it was actually [member="Effie Duanna"], his daughter.
[member="Tydus Wryeens"]

Effie gazed at her reflection in the mirror making sure every inch of her looked up to 'business meeting standards'. Business meetings were not exactly her forte, but her father was summoned elsewhere so Effie would just have to do. Noticing a stray hair dangling over her eye prompted her to swipe it up with one finger and tuck it behind her ear. Effie was about to make sure there were no faults with her dress again when she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Miss Duanna, your guest has arrived" An employee of her father's office said. Without taking her gaze away from the mirror, Effie said softly.

"Thank you. I will be right there"

This was it, showtime. Effie took a deep breath, turned on her heel and made her way out of the room. In truth, Effie actually had very little knowledge about the topic of this meeting, she was told to look out for things her father might find beneficial. Beneficial? something else Effie felt she was not a good judge over, but she would help where she could. The same servant who had informed her of her guests arrival ushered her down the hall, flicking lights on as he went. He bowed his head and left when Effie reached the door causing her to smile at him.

Effie placed her hand on the handle of the door and stood there for a moment. She took another deep breath and walked into the dimly lit office exuding fake confidence. Effie approached the man, hand held out to exchange in a shake.

"Hello sir, my name is Effie Duanna. I am Mr Duanna's daughter who unfortunately can not be here. I shall be filling in for him today".
Tydus was expecting Mr. Duanna, this was something entirely different. He was now meeting with the mans daughter, [member="Effie Duanna"]. This women wasn't even on his radar, she wasn't on anyone that he knew, but Naboo was outside his area of influence. He didn't think she would of any interest to the organization, but something about this encounter was interesting to him. He decided to see where this would lead.

He stood up and reached out. He still wore his faceplate and a tailored suite. His body language showed confidence, but not enough to make the small women fear him. His cybernetic arm reached over to the small frail hand and took a hold of her hand. A mechanical laughter came from the masked man, "It is rather nice to meet you young Madam Duanna, I hope I haven't inconvenienced you with this visit, I just have some buisness with your father, is it alright to have you as his stand in?"

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