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Approved Species The Mnemos Dug

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Caedyn Arenais

Species > Fauna Template


The Mnemos Dug

  • Intent: To create a canine species wild and unique to Mnemosyne.
  • Image Credit: Click here.
  • Canon: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: Mnemosyne (Custom Planet).
  • Name: Dug(s).
  • Designation: Semi-sentient.
  • Origins: Mnemosyne.
  • Average Lifespan: 20 Galactic Standard Years.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary.
  • Description: These hairless canines roam the barren plains of Chīmalmā, scouring the land for scraps and weary travellers within the harsh desert wilderness. While not typically hostile on their own, as a pack these canines are extremely dangerous and known for attacking the local populace if desperate and hungry enough.
  • Breathes: Type 1.
  • Average Height of Adults: Male: 71–76 cm, Female: 68–71 cm.
  • Average Length of Adults: 50 - 60 cm.
  • Skin colour: Pink and brown.
  • Hair colour: N/A.
  • Distinctions: The males of the species are built slightly larger than the female dug's and are prone to being more aggressive, attacking on-sight and extremely territorial, whereas the females will tend to protect their young or their mate if provoked.
  • Races: N/A.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive.
  • Pack-hunters: In the wild, these predators roam and hunt best in packs, most often seen in groups of three or more.
  • Skilled trackers: Thanks to their canine senses, these hounds are quick to pick up on a scent and hunt it down.
  • Extremely agile: Built to be fast and agile, what these predators lack in strength and body mass, they make up for in speed and agility.
  • Tamable: If on the rare occasion one happens to find or get their hands on a pup, these predators can become trained companions with the right care and discipline.
  • Scavengers: Thanks to the hard-lived climate of Chīmalmā these animals are often on the prowl for food and sources of nourishment, constantly having to battle against the risk of dehydration and starvation, leading them to act irrational and out of desperation at times.
  • Strength in numbers: While alone or within smaller numbers the Dug will be far less prone to going on the attack against something of near-human size.
  • Slender build: These canines are small in frame and lack the strength of larger predators making them an easier target when outnumbered and alone.
  • Diet: Carnivore.
  • Communication: Barks, growls, whines and yips.
  • Technology level: N/A.
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A.
  • General behaviour:
The Mnemos Dug is more of a pest than it is an apex predator; The canine species are born scavengers and once taking an interest in something, be it person or creature, they may well follow it for miles if it strikes them as a potential meal.
Moving in packs, they roam the wilderness of Chīmalmā, never often staying in one area for long before migrating once more in search of a new hunt, unless however during which the females of the species birth their pups, the males then becoming extremely territorial and protective of the young.
For locals, there isn't a great deal to fear from these creatures unless one roams across their mating grounds and comes into contact with the pack itself. In this case, it is strongly suggested that they hightail it out of there, for the pack will become violent and while their bites may be small, they will rip and tear until they've had their fill.

The Mnemos Dug has been a notable wild animal of Chīmalmā since the World's known settlement. They are fairly common to come across in the wilds, yet stray far from local settlements and tend to keep out of the way of traffic moving in and out of Chīmalmā. The Dug is obviously related to the Canine species, however, it is not clear which particular Canine the Dug has descended from, nor how they came to be on Mnemosyne.
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