Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Moment of Truth

"You may not remember me face-to-face, but we were on Kashyyyk on that same battlefield. You caused me to trigger the zombie protocol"

For a while now Jessica has felt as if some external entity was just using her as it would a computer on multiple occasions, and she feels uncomfortable thinking that she may be mentally ill, or ruthlessly used by third parties. Her last attempt at finding answers led Jessica to suspect that she was, in fact, a latent Force-sensitive. Equally uncomfortable was her possibly being a space witch, of which she was suspected on multiple occasions of being, both in her pre-teen days and now. But it may just be her (hyper-?)active brain playing tricks with her: she was mentally active after all. According to her train of thought, if she was regularly used by Force-users for her high-level cognitive functions, they must have been pretty nicely developed, at least to a Force-user using her to think in their stead. She was always one to see her own smarts in a positive light, and several Force-users she knew, which may or may not be those using space magic to exploit her cognitive functions, liked that aspect of her. Like [member="Joza Perl"] (even though they only knew each other pretty much by name only), and these two Force-users in her love triangle, [member="Summer Sovereign"] and [member="Warren Century"], both commented on it.

"Jack, if there's a reason why I'm here today, it's because I suspect my malaise to be a manifestation of a latent Force-sensitivity"

This round of malaise began when she began designing some AI almost all by herself over a few days - she had to acknowledge that her malaise is not your everyday mental malaise. Oh, her track record as a component designer was still pretty good, that malaise didn't prevent her from designing that hypervelocity cannon all by herself. That is, until its prototype is actually built - you just can't build a 380mm-caliber hypervelocity cannon by yourself. You're talking about a weapon requiring a heavy turbolaser hardpoint to mount on a ship.

"Do you want more information about how these malaises are manifesting themselves?"

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Jack was eating some scrambled eggs when his datapad beeped. Odd.

He hadn't had much interaction with many folks since Kashyyk, preferring to hole up in the Witch Coven he'd help build upon Serpena. Most people were not aware that it was the Witches that were influencing what crops they were growing. Most of the place was a blasted industrial complex, and the soil was not ripe whatsoever. some called it a miracle, Jack just called it a days work blessing farmers fields.


He shoved another bite of scrambled egg in his mouth and grasped the datapad with both hands.

It was Jessica. She'd been present unleashing hordes of Zombies on the beach after Jack had pretty much gotten crushed by Vizsla.

He sent a message.
,<<<"Dearest Jessica. The holonet, no matter how secure you thin it may be, is not the place to discuss such matters. Come see me on Serpena and our Coven can assess and assist you however you need. Hope you are well, P.S. Don't bring any zombies with you, locals are scared enough.">>>
The trick was that Jessica actually had no hand in creating Wookiee zombies. She only referred to zombies as such because she would attempt to confuse these Mandalorians back then. She remembers very clearly that, when that zombie protocol was triggered, she also said that there was no space wizard to kill for them to stop spawning. Not even her. And nevertheless Dead Fantasy 2 depicted her as being able to hold four senior Mandos in terror, including a ranking Alor'e Council member, which she forced off a wroshyr tree, even inducing PTSD in one of these four. When she began embarking on a quest for answers, she first saw that Jedi healer. She might not have had what she came for, but she chanced on another woman that had what it took to be another Force-computer in a similar way she was herself. She prepared to depart Ringo Vinda for Serpena, wearing that light floral-motif dress she usually wear when on Ringo Vinda's surface (even when she worked in orbital offices). Before her departure, however...

"Don't worry about me bringing zombies: it was purely a feint to distract Mandos. I had no hand in creating zombies. I will come to that witch coven on Serpena"

[member="Jack Raxis"]

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