Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Monk and the Sorcerer: Fight!

Location: Jutrand Academy
Outfit: Academy Uniform
Equipment: Practice saber
Tag: Viers Connory Viers Connory

Eira had been nervous about her opportunity to join the academy. She had been eager to show her abilities were far greater than someone who history would forget. She wanted to be remembered, to be feared for years to come. For her name to be etched as someone powerful and deadly. It was selfish ambition that drove her, a determination to show those that mocked her, humiliated her, attempted to restrict her potential how wrong they were. She was aiming to be one of the top students, even if she was standing near the bottom of the list of successful applicants looking up at the steep climb. Eira was going to reach the peak and show everyone that she was worthy. She just needed practice and she needed to turn her greatest weaknesses into reliable skills.

Fighting with a weapon was never going to be a strength for her, she could feel that every time she trained. But it was something that Eira needed to overcome so that her instructors did not get the chance to fail her on anything. But this meant that she needed to train more in fighting, to seek out those who were skilled in weapons to spar with and learn from. To likely get beaten over and over again until her stubborn determination to overcome her flaws allowed her gain power. She could not let herself be held back and so she sought out another academy student who seemed capable in fighting.


So, she sent an invite to Viers to join her in a sparring room. The other student had a strong frame and there was something curious about the way she held herself, strong, definitely a fighter but not the typical kind that a Sith or Jedi was. Eira was curious as what style of fighter Viers was and perhaps taking the things that Eira could learn from her fellow student and use it as a way to gain favour in the academy. Power was knowledge and the more she knew, the better her chances in the academy were going to be.

Hopefully Viers would show up to the training room and she would get the chance to learn.

//: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn //:
//: wearing //:
"The Force is with me," Viers spoke aloud, strained as she switched hands. Her left was her strength, but her right was a mistake. She shifted slowly. The first two hands were on the ground, and then she slowly lifted the left while balancing on the right. "And I am one with the Force," Legs spread slightly at a right angle, allowing her to maintain the balance of her handstand. "And I fear nothing," Viers readied herself when she gained complete balance and control of her body. Slowly, she made a small push-up motion with her right arm and then used it to spring up. Twisting at her core, she brought her knees to her chest and flipped backward, landing gracefully on two feet. One foot was sliding back, and her knees were bending in a ready position to strike. "Because all is as the Force wills it."

The mantra was well rehearsed and committed to memory. It was simple, but it helped ground the girl in her training. Everything at the academy had been overwhelming, so Viers could feel her core scale slipping. She had been trained to remain neutral, steady, and balanced in the Force. But being surrounded by so many dark-leaning energies threatened to throw her out of alignment. The mantra had done its work, and the girl felt whole again. A fist made contact with her open palm, held in front of her chest, and she bowed to the invisible entity. Giving thanks to the life Force was demanded in their ways.

Viers yawned while she wiped her face gently with a towel. Despite its rough entry exam, the academy treated the students with some semblance of comfort. However, Viers couldn't comprehend comfort. Anything nice was considered a luxury to her. Spending her life in a sham of an orphanage would do that to someone.

As the young woman began to eat the snack she had prepared before her meditation, a small chirp interrupted the silence of her tiny room. Peering over at the device, she saw a message from another student. The last thing Viers ever expected was someone reaching out to her. Her eyes narrowed as she drew closer to the communicator. She knelt down, bringing herself to eye level with the device. "What secrets do you hold?" Viers raised a brow as she contemplated the small machine.

Staring in silence, Viers finally reached over to the device and scrolled through the message from someone named Eria Dyn. Curious, she remembered seeing the girl at the tests but couldn't quite put her finger on any conversation they had. Viers stared hard at the device, trying to think of something to say and put a face to a name.

Completely failing, she still responded with a Yes.

The time between then and now passed quicker than Viers anticipated. Her biggest dilemma getting ready was what she was going to wear. Was she supposed to wear her uniform? Could she wear her usual attire? Panic set in, and she decided to stick to Old Faithful. The loose clothing allowed her to move and conceal any sleight of hand. Viers preferred the traditional robes of her Order over the uniform. From the standard set, though, Viers wondered if she would pay the price for it.

She headed towards the sparring rooms; others had the same idea. Fighting and constant power struggles were the way of life for the Sith. The continuous conflict kept their talents up but never having peace harmed their mental state. The ceaseless struggle only beats down a soldier, and in the end, their life remains unfulfilled. Viers wondered how long she could survive, long enough to escape.

Walking into the room, Viers held onto the leather strap that crossed her body from shoulder to hip. Attached to the strap was an old stave with prominent work done on it. The staff didn't look average, nor like anything imbued with Sith alchemy, but a small dome with a kyber crystal was visible at the very tip. Viers smiled and offered her hand like she had seen others do before.

"I'm Viers. I saw your message about sparring. Anything in particular you're looking to work on, or are you thinking I'm an easy target?" The latter was a revelation that Viers had picked up on other large named Sith. Others had come to win, and getting an education was a by-product of being here. Still, Viers decided it was a learning opportunity.

Viers sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck as she laughed, "I am very thankful you reached out; I hope we can become friends."
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Location: Jutrand Academy
Outfit: Academy Uniform
Equipment: Practice saber
Tag: Viers Connory Viers Connory

The training room was ornate and there was writing of Sith language, something that Eira had yet to comprehend, there was weapons all around. Ones that looked odd or puzzled Eira in how someone could wield for combat. Her hands glided against the surface of the walls, thinking of the ship's training room that she had trained with Iuuna. How it differed to this room, how it was similar and what admired about the setting. The training sands was a different surface from the ship which would make things interesting. She was intrigued by the benefits of using one since she had little experience with training surfaces and which were the best to hone one's skills on. For all Eira knew, these training sands were the worst to practice on and would be more of a struggle.

When her thoughts were disturbed by the presence of another entering the room, her blood red eyes shot up and stared at the new person. It was Viers which relaxed her a little. It was the person she had invited to this place and not some stranger. However, she was still cautious, this was a Sith academy and no one was truly here to make friends. It was all about bring honour to those that sponsored them, proving their worth to the Sith Order and if they could achieve it, demonstrate what made them worthy of being the next leader. Having friends was trivial in Eira's mind. There would be alliances and truces, that made sense. Friendship was a weakness in her mind.

Her movements were graceful as she approached, a cat on the hunt, Eira got as close as Viers would allow it. A smirk etched on her lips as she tilted her head, "look at you. A rule breaker from the start I guess." Eira giggled slightly as she placed her hands on her full hips, "guessing you aren't a big fan of this uniform either then, huh?" She asked as she assessed the attire that Viers had chosen to wear. It was baggy, loose on the body which meant her figure was somewhat hidden and the choice of white in a Sith academy was definitely going to make Viers stand out. Perhaps she wanted to stand out. The other student had made an impression on their peers during the tests from what Eira had observed.

Friends? Oh... Viers was so naïve. It almost seemed cruel. Almost.

"Friends? Oh darling... you'll have to buy me food for that privilege." Eira gave a smirk before taking a step back, "today, I wanted to spar against one of the best fighters here." Eira admitted, deciding that she could give a small amount of honesty to this woman. "I could tell that you are skilled in combat. I need to get better."

Tilting her head, something dawned on Eira, "a way to break the ice between us. Friends like to spar, help each other grow stronger and keep their training together a secret, correct?" She was not keen on others finding out that Eira was training, or that she was not as capable as she presented herself to be. This way, she could seem naturally gifted in all trials the academy threw at them but only Viers would know of her weaknesses in combat. And Eira was hoping to use this friendship angle to ensure Viers' silence.

//: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn //:
//: wearing //:
"My uniform is currently being laundered, I had nothing else to wear, and I've discovered it's improper to show up to a training meeting unclothed." Viers' voice was a matter of fact; her first week at the academy had been bumpy, so she had been threatened with being tossed into a Sarlacc pit. A punishment the Corellian welcomed, only seeing it as a challenge. Still, she wanted to explore more, and Viers was having fun at this academy.

It was unfortunate for Eira; she didn't get as close as she had hoped. Viers quickly picked up on the huntress' movements, and the quarterstaff she wore on her back appeared and rested against Eira's shoulder. Viers didn't like people she didn't know getting too close to her. She may come off as naive, but survival was at the forefront of the young woman's mind. Eira would be kept at a distance until Viers could assess the situation. Easily, the pair were a safe distance apart, and Viers tilted her head with the words coming from the Sithling's mouth.

"Interesting," she started trying to understand the first statement, then the follow-up in which Eira wanted to be secretive. Viers didn't comprehend the need to keep things quiet, and by the logic of the other girl, they couldn't be friends because the food wasn't shared between them. Her brow furrowed as her calculations of social interaction didn't add up.

"I don't understand." Viers finally admitted, the staff dropping from Eira's shoulder, spinning and finding its way back into the clip of her robes that kept it steady. "How are we friends if I haven't gotten you food yet? I just learned about this custom of making friends just now. So we would be strangers fighting, but then I wouldn't have to keep things quiet." Viers regurgitated the things Eira had told her to better understand the woman's thought process.

"But why do you want to keep training a secret? It's something we all do, just like eating and drinking. Training only makes us stronger. Wouldn't you want people to know that you're stronger?" Viers folded her arms in front of her chest. None of this made sense and had nothing to do with the training they were supposed to be having. It was frustrating, especially since Eira was making things more confusing.

"I just finished my daily training; why would that be kept a secret? You're confusing, and you should organize your thoughts before thinking of physical training."
Viers pointed to her own head, "If this isn't together, your body will not follow." Arms folded in front of her body as she stepped back to allow more space between her and the Sith. "Is it normal to hide one's training from others and to demand secrecy from the training partner? How do you enforce that type of loyalty without friendship?"
Location: Jutrand Academy
Outfit: Academy Uniform
Equipment: Practice saber
Tag: Viers Connory Viers Connory

"Only improper to those who are prudish." A devilish grin appeared on her lips as she dared to imagine Viers turning up nude to sparring session, an amusing, entertaining thought. Though she doubted that the other student would be so bold as to turn up to a training session nude. When she felt the quarterstaff touch her shoulder, there was a fury burning in her eyes as she looked at the staff. Only being skilled with Force Lighting, there was nothing she could do to the staff to demonstrate her power and the errors that Viers had done in using a weapon against her. But the fury faded from her eyes as she looked back to Viers. She was not here to scare or intimidate the other student, Eira needed Viers to help her train.

Looking softer in the eyes, hoping the split second of fury had not been caught by Viers.

"Do you... do you not comprehend what a joke is?" Eira tilted her head, how had Viers been placed higher than her during the trials. It seemed impossible just conversing with Viers but facts were facts. "I was joking that you needed to buy me food. Seems you need an education in humour and social skills. Never going to survive this academy without gaining the ability to understand sarcasm, flirting and trickery." Eira only offered the warning since she wanted to stand against the best and demonstrate her abilities without a question mark of how she got there.

She laughed, "keeping it under wraps isn't because we shouldn't do it, it is because I don't like others knowing what I am doing. The other students will take any opportunity to use knowledge to tear us down." Making it out that it would be something she would never do, which was far from true. "My thoughts are organised."

The accusation from Viers that Eira was unorganised stabbed deep. She sighed and stepped back.

"This is a Sith academy. You understand that, right?" Eira glared over to Viers, "everyone here is looking to reach the top. They will do whatever it takes. That includes crushing others like you, like me." Eira stressed, "being open, honest and revealing secrets to anyone, everyone, will only ensure that they have ability to eliminate you. So, when I say it needs to be a secret, it is to protect you."

She placed her hands on her hips as she studied Viers closely, "I am trying to build a friendship Viers." She sighed, not comfortable having to make her play so open and revealing but she was starting to suspect that Viers was too dense for anything but bluntness.

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