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Private The Monster's Lair

Tiric Sar'andor



The Monster's Lair

Location: Nuba City, Nubia, Core Worlds
Unit: Midnight Team

Objective: Take down the Averill Cartel
Secondary Objective: Assassinate Tez Averill
Equipment: Combat Knife | Steed | Combat Armour | Dual Feverwasps

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke


They were getting antsy, and he could most definitely sympathise. Stray breezes blew air through his long black overcoat as if it was a cape. Underneath, light armour that he had hastily thrown on for the mission shifted around uncomfortably on him. Waiting was a large part of the job, and it had taken some getting used to. Waiting for orders, movement, snipers, the works. Sometimes it seemed that they just waited for waiting's sake. Finally, he placed a hand on the shoulder of the black-clothed operative next to him who handed him a pair of macrobinoculars.

Laying in the prone position, he raised them to his eyes, squinting as the world around him transformed into the infared spectrum. Two orange blobs stood guard at the front, more heat signatures appearing to him as he shifted to the tall milk-glass building next door that rose up and pierced the jagged Nubian skyline. Handing the binoculars back, he pulled himself up and moved from the open window, another black clad operative in position and clasping a sniper rifle. "Not yet.." He said to himself, sauntering through the barren room, filled to the brim with his unit.

Members of Midnight Team, chatted, cleaned rifles, observed maps and schematics and prepared for the mission ahead. Tiric ambled out of the room, turning a corner and crossing the threshold of a large space dotted with couches and tables that might once have been a homely living room. However for their purposes, it had been converted into a makeshift command centre, a large holotable patterned with a myriad of buttons and screens showed a holographic schematic of the two buildings, one for the cantina on the left and one for the larger headquarters of the operation. All around the couches, troops readied themselves, took power naps or played cards, standing to attention as he entered and interrupted their moment of peace.

The units leaders had assembled around the holotable as he nodded to a dark haired woman who was somewhere in the room, knowing how invaluable she'd be to the mission. Seems like his handlers had really sent for the cavalry. Tiric moved toward the centre, the deep blue light filling his eyes as he yawned. After this, a long nap seemed in order. Running a hand through his close-cropped brown-blonde hair, he paused for a moment, as if to find the right words.

"Right, uh, I would say thank you all for coming, but most of you are contractually obligated to be here." The Intelligence officer earned a few chuckles from the crowd that gave him the confidence to go on.

"The big-wigs up at SpecDiv Headquarters have assigned us to this mission because they wanted to pull out all the stops to nab this guy." He nodded to a younger officer who enlarged the first image.

"The first image you see here is of The Dark Side of the Planet cantina, a pillar of the local community and where our guy likes to get wasted. It is also where he meets periodically with other heads of the spice families and cartels every year. From our informants we know they're shaping up for a big Spice Deal that will involve most of this Sector and others across the Galaxy. This is our only opportunity to capture all our eggs in one basket." The holotable shifted to the next image, which showed the schematic for a large complex of offices.

"This second image is of the CaxCorp Headquarters. To maintain legitimacy, it takes up the appearance of a regular office complex, but none of the workers there work a regular nine-to-five. It is filled to the brim with illegal weapons, accounts, dirty money and guards. Attached to the complex, to the right here." He gestured to a few large tent-like structures tucked to the corners. "Is some of the most notable spice dens this side of the Core, getting out shipments to customers across the galaxy."

A coarse voice came from near the back of the room.

"HQ dragged us out here to do a glorified drug bust? Why couldn't they have gotten regs or cops?" The feminine voice asked.

"Well, this isn't going to be an ordinary drug bust. A whole army's worth of troops is stuffed in that complex, guarding the den and the trucks that take out the shipment." The other officers erupted into mutterings. Tiric clapped his hands to get their attention like an exasperated schoolteacher.

"That is why, we have been called in, along with some help. Officers from the Nubian Security Forces will be joining us on route, and a prestigious, might I even say, legendary space wizard - I mean Jedi, has been assigned to this mission. It is my pleasure to introduce Master Allyson Locke." Some of the others immediately ogled at her as if she were an art exhibition. Moving on quickly, he hit a button to enlarge the image of the complex.

"From what we know, Tez Averill, renowned lieutenant to the Spice Lord Yan Averill and COO of CaxCorp will be leaving the complex in a few minutes from now and heading to the Cantina to eat and talk business with Yan and his drug baron friends. We have snipers positioned and ready to take out the frontal guards, but there are surely more around. Tez likes to take two exotic dancers out of the club and back to the complex, but they're members of Intelligence who'll capture him using a Force Application vehicle, courtesy of the Alliance Army." He wrung his hands together, seeming to grow more uncertain as he continued, the pink-orange horizon provided a sort of closing ambience as he talked, his voice still coming through loud and clear.

"Two of our own who have been impersonating guards will distract the others a lead them out as the rest of Team One pulls up in vehicles along with Nubian Security Forces and engages the rest of the Heads and their guard detail. I will lead Team Two as we rappel up the complex, slice into the databanks and engage the guards. Master Locke will lead Team Three in more vehicles and engage from the base of the tower. They should be able to establish a bulwark at the base move on from there, rendezvousing at the top of the tower where Rork Timson, another Lieutenant will be having a meeting with the other high-ranking members of the Cartel." Tiric instructed, making sure to pause for breaths as he relayed a mass amount of information.

"Any questions?"


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