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The Mortal Hunt (Open to Sith)

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Japrael System

The Eidolon exited hyperspace within the confines of the sector of Sith space. Bearing the markings of a privately owned vessel, which it was, and having its historical records scrubbed clean from before it was registered to its new owner, it would more than likely draw little attention from anyone looking for threats. Still, its crew was more than happy to submit proper identification to anyone that wished to check on it. The vessels primary mission in the sector was not one of aggression towards the Sith or the people of Onderon.

No, Leos had brought it there for exploratory purposes. He stood on the bridge, allowing the captain the comfort of its main chair. One thing he determined over the course of owning the vessel, and from historical documents, was that a captain was more amenable to taking orders if he was afforded his creature comforts. Prefering a good crew rather than a fearful one, he deferred the chair to the captain of the ship.

"Captain, take us down to Dxun."

"The moon, sir? You don't wish to land upon Onderon?"

"No. I could secure what I wish there, but the people might not prefer our presence. As I have no intention of causing a scene, Dxun would be a better choice. Fewer people call it home due to the dangers."

"Understood," the Captain said before turning to the crew. "Find a suitable spot on Dxun's surface and set the ship down. We'll be staying for a bit."

The crew set about its task and Leos took his leave of the bridge. His interest on Dxun was scholarly, but also practical. Many creatures roamed the planet that could be of use to him, and he wished to build his repertoire. Predominantly, he aimed to gather a mating pair of Maalraas. The creatures were fierce, but if he could bend them to his will, control them, they could be deadly companions for him.

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
The ship piloted through the upper atmosphere and made its way through the clouds in search of the selected landing site. Once located, it settled down with a jolt. Bigger corvette's weighed a lot. Without the appropriate uplift from the repulsors, there was going to be no small amount of settling and jolt. It was simply unavoidable. Fortunately the crew was more or less used to it and only reacted minutely to the change in gravity that they now felt. Each went about the normal business of post-landing flight checks, and began relaying information to the captain so he had an understanding of where they stood.

Leos, for his part, left the bridge and headed for the aft hatch. When he went out, a small team of heavily armed troopers went with him. Though he was confident he would be successful in this hunt, he was more than aware that even with his attunement to the Force, and his capabilities, this world was a danger to anyone, and especially so to someone traveling alone. Leos was not foolish enough to try it.

"What exactly are we searching for, sir?" The lieutenant in charge of the squad asked.

"Today we are searching for Maalraas. You won't see them because they are adept at hiding using the Force, but they are out there. I'm here to tame a pair of them."

The man shifted his foot in the dirt and glanced at his fellows.

"If we can't see them, sir, how are we of any use to you?"

"A good question. I could say you're fodder to draw them in, but that wouldn't be factually accurate. No, you're here to watch for the other creatures, and to help keep them at bay. Most specifically, I want two of you watching the sky at all times. I'd prefer not to have any of us become a meal for a Dxun."

One of the guards audibly gulped, and Leos couldn't help but smirk a little bit. Fear. It was a useful tool to ensure that people kept their guard up. This moon was as dangerous as the planet below, perhaps moreso. If they were going to survive, then they needed to be on their toes. The fear of death with nowhere to run to was a good way to keep them at the ready. Enough so that he started walking into the forest, and they quickly moved to follow.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Within a tree on Dxun I sat in its branches looking to the sky for my fellow Sith to arrive. It had been mentioned quite a while ago that this Ignus was coming to the world of Dxun, for what was none of my business. Dxun for now was my temporary home, becoming one with nature was necessary if I ever hoped to regain the abilities that had been lost to me over time. Centuries ago this moon would’ve been under my control, its beasts my servants and the environment my weapon. Aw those were the good days, when I was so powerful that merely the mention of my name would cause beings to shake in their boots. Snatching a fruit from the branch above me I brought it to my lips. The flesh was red and the taste sweet. Pink juice frothed out coating my lips and giving it a thin sheen. There were no rules on Dxun, no laws to hold people back from doing as their wished. This was the jungle, and here there were no rules.

“I wish you could see this. You would’ve loved it.” I said looking over to the empty spot on my right. Was it foolish to believe Shiva still watched over me? I had heard and even seen beings that used to force come back as ghosts. But if it was possible why hadn’t Shiva returned to say anything? Suddenly I felt a moist and damp sensation on my cheeks. I knew what they were, any fool would. Sith weren’t supposed to cry were they? The ones I knew never did but all hearts are broken eventually. The sounds of engines on approach filled the jungle and above I saw the vessel Eidolon descending. It was time so I wiped the tears away composing myself for the meeting. Appearing weak before the Sith was not advisable, any sense of weakness and they would devour me.

Grabbing the vine I had secured earlier I grabbed ahold of it and leapt from the branch supporting myself. Wind whistled in my ears as the swing came to its Zenith, time for me to let go. I was flung through the air at an incredible speed. Quite exhilarating once you got used to it. Straightening out I reached out grabbing a second vine to slow myself before releasing it. Flying out of the trees I landed before my visitors in naught but a pair of torn black pants the rest of my body laid bare. “Ignus I presume?”

[member="Darth Ignus"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Well, this was certainly entertaining. He hadn't expected another Sith to be present on the moon, but it seemed that his plans had been leaked by someone. Curious, that. Of course if it was a member of the crew, he'd get to the bottom of it. Or, rather, the captain would by combing through the communications logs to find any anomalies. The captain was a good man who liked his job. He was certain to make sure none of his hand picked crew mussed things up for him. If not, Leos himself would get to the bottom of the matter and someone would be losing their head. He couldn't have any loose lips on his ship.


The troopers had their guns raised, but he motioned with a hand for them to lower them. Though this was certainly another Sith, and though he couldn't immediately ascertain the mans strength, he wasn't all that concerned.

"It seems you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don't know yours."

Probably a nobody judging from his garb. Some lost soul that had ended up among the devil beasts of Dxun. Or it could be a ruse. He wouldn't count out his fellow Sith in pulling of an endeavor such as that in an attempt to blindside him. Though the war waged between them all was of a more genteel nature, it was still a war, and an ally was just as likely to stab you in the back as they were to help you in a crisis. Indeed, he had no idea who this man was or what his intentions were, so he would treat him with care, though he'd make sure it seemed as if he were indifferent. He might be in a trap, or he might bait a counter trap.


Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
I smiled as the sun shined on my silver skin, that alone confused most on what species I truly was. Firrerreo usually had golden skin but after accepting my role as a Sith mines had become a permanent silver. What had caused me to smile was the mundane beings that the sith had brought with him. Nothing but sheep that would eventually be led to the slaughter fighting for one who cared nothing for them. A sign of weakness maybe? Why would a sith of strength walk with a contingent of soldiers and guards unless he was too weak to defend himself? “Listen to your…” I started to say to Ignus’ soldiers before I glanced up and down his being trying to find a word to describe him. “Master, let’s not get violent, I’ve dealt with people like you long before I touched the force.” It was a warning and the furthest thing from a jest. I had even slayed Vong warlords in my time.

Looking past, the Sith and at his soldiers I offered a taunting wink. They were after all on my turf and at a disadvantage if things went on to become violent. “As for you.” Pointing a finger Ignus I offered the Mirialin my attention though he was no master nor knight. I didn’t have to, I chose to. “I know your sith name, not your real one. However, looking at yourself and those accompanying you I believe you’re nothing but an acolyte. Did you claim a Sith name because you thought so highly of yourself? That you’re more powerful than the other acolytes?”

My questions were legitimate as most sith didn’t claim a Darth name till they had been accepted into the upper echelons of the Sith. “No need to answer of course, go on and continue deluding yourself as a great and mighty Sith. Now… What brings you to this wonderful world? I’m sure it’s not the venue? The ancient tombs perhaps? Oh do you wish to join me in living here? There’s plenty of room.” A condescending chuckle said how I felt about the meeting. I hadn't even answered the other Sith's question.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
He laughed a bit. The arrogance was preposterous.

"I call myself Ignus, not Darth Ignus. Not yet, at least. The title of Darth has yet to be earned. Your presumption of egotistical assumption on my part is insubstantially supported at best."

The troops weren't watching their surroundings since this Sith had appeared, so he waved his hand at them to remind them that they were on a thoroughly dangerous world and needed to be mindful of their surroundings. It was also a signal to them that he didn't feel threatened by this man, and so they need not worry themselves so greatly. Leos was not one to be threatened easily. Facing down large creatures did not frighten him. Facing off against Master's of the Force would do little to frighten him either. Perhaps that was why some people found him so unsettling at times. His calm nature was rather off-putting.

More and more questions came and Leos could only chuckle. The need for self-aggrandizing behavior that this one exhibited, albeit it backhandedly, was amusing. He was attempting to belittle Leos, and so make himself appear better. Ego stroking. Such a waste. The truly powerful never claimed that they were powerful, just as he never claimed to be powerful. Same as he hadn't claimed the title Darth, but had had several individuals use it when addressing him. Respect was earned, not taken.

"I've come here in search of the Maalraas. I intend to tame a pair of them if I can, actually. Very handy creatures. Perhaps you might know where I could find some since you're familiar with this place?"

Yes, stroke the mans ego a bit. Signify a bit of reliance. Keep him off guard. Always a game. Always. Well, almost always.


Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Talking to the sith did nothing but brighten my day more and more. Not because I craved human interaction or was glad to meet one of my peers. No it was Ignis’ attitude that made him entertaining. The calm nature reminded me more of the jedi than a Sith. Oh I was going to enjoy conversing with him. “So Ignus is your name? Hmm, not one I would’ve chosen but…” Shrugging I saw the motion signaling for the soldiers to go back to their duties of securing the area. “Any particular reason you brought the mundanes with you? This isn’t a place for them.” Sneering I watched them in their armor, along with the ship Ignis had arrived in. People like this had little respect for the environment around them and often cared not for the damage they caused it.

Shame I cared little for the prestige that would come from subverting this other Sith or else I would lead him and his troops into a trap leaving their fate for the jungle to decide. No, this one wasn’t worth the time, nor was whatever prestige the other sith offered necessary. I would gain prestige on my own and off the back of my own abilities. Not off the backstabbing so many prided themselves on or let consume their time. What was the point in working against people that shared the same goal? Well not exactly the same, some Sith would see themselves as rightful rulers and wished to gain power to rule. No I worked towards something far greater. True freedom, the only way that could happen was to topple those in power.

“Taming you say? Do you mean actual taming or do you simply mean forcing them to obey your will?” While I did respect nature itself even I had to admit that the Maalras caused more harm than good. They endangered the weaker creatures of the jungle but they also served their own purposes. Waving my hand dismissively I brushed the thought away. “Perhaps, they have been becoming a nuisance. I was actually going to descend upon a pack within the next few hours while they’re resting. I’ll take you, however if you want your guards to come they must leave behind any weaponry that would damage the environment. That includes slugthowers, blasters and whatever other manner they carry. Blades will be sufficient for this endeavor. Or leave them here.” This was absolutely nonnegotiable.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
"Awful confident of your ability to force people to do your bidding aren't you?" he asked of the man.

Here he'd been told off for being presumptuous when he hadn't been, and this man was then trying to order his own men around. Rather absurd, really. Just for that, he chose not to answer the question about what his methodology and reasoning were. That was for him to know and this man to guess at. Needless to say, Leos had his reasons for wanting to obtain the Maalraas. Some of them were good for the Maalraas. Some of them weren't good, but not horrible. It wasn't as if he had plans to experiment on the beasts or something like that. He was a Beast Master, not an alchemist playing games with DNA and the Force.

The troopers looked at him confused and he just waved them away. They seemed reluctant, but obeyed. He'd brought them when he was on his own to help him keep watch, but having a local as a guide would make it unnecessary for such. Even though he didn't trust the man any further than he could throw him, he suspected he'd be able to reason out of he was being led into a trap before he was in it.

"Lead. Daylight is wasting and darkness will leave us at a severe disadvantage."


Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
“If by my bidding you mean protecting the environment around us… Then yes. If I wanted to double cross you or betray you I would attack you. I wouldn’t spend my days plotting your downfall or plans of attack. I’d come for you directly. My ultimatum for you and your men on this day is for the benefit of nature, not myself.” My voice wasn’t lowered nor hired. It kept the even tone I had held the entire time. Whether the guards heard it and took it as a threat was of no concern even if they did what would they do? “So chin up mate.” Patting Ignis’ cheek I turned away from him my back completely open. The gesture had been partially condescending, another part playful.

Reaching into a pocket of my robes I pulled out a small flask. It had been filled with Corellian Ale, not very environmentalist of me but we all had our habits. A quick swig filled my throat with a tingling as the alcohol made its way down warming my body slightly. “Shh.” I said when Ignis told me to lead. A finger raising as I would a child when telling them to be quiet. “Just enjoy the scenery, we’ll reach it before nightfall. Don’t worry. If we don’t… Well, you’ll be fine.” Chuckling I waved my hand motioning for them to follow. The direction I had come from had been near the pack nest, a mile or so off from it but close enough. Swinging through the vines above would be by far the faster alternative, yet couldn’t expect Ignus and all his guards to do it and keep up.

“Surprised you came for a Maalraas, you’d think that someone would be hunting Drexls’ instead.” As if on cue the sharp shrieking of a Drexl filled my ears. “Speak of the devil. If your men don’t want to get snatched up I suggest they avoid any openings in the canopy.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
A snort passed through him as the man gave his cheek a pat. Impudence. Oh well. He wasn't out to fight anyone, so even though he felt absolute disdain for this man, he decided to let it go and focus on what he'd come there for. At present, a battle with him would serve no purpose except to draw the unwanted attention of native carnivorous life seeking to capitalize on a weakened foe for their dinner. He needed his strength for dealing with the minds of the Maalraas, anyway. So he ignored it, and ignored being shushed, as well. All he did was roll his eyes at that one. Nature was great. He did really enjoy being in it, and felt a deep connection to it, but he didn't like to be told to enjoy it.

Eventually they actually started walking. A miracle! His men started walking the other way, having been dismissed. Nomar mentioned Drexl, and soon enough they heard one. Its ears must have been ringing. Either way, he shook his head and glanced back to his troops. They were staring skyward in fear.

"Stay beneath the trees," he told them. "Don't break cover unless you know it's clear. I'll be back later."

Soon enough they were out of sight and he forgot to care about their well-being as they traveled further into the wood. Despite the danger, it was actually rather peaceful. Until Nomar spoke again. That would break the tranquilitiy. And no, he didn't say anything about why he wanted the Maalraas. That was for him to know.


Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
“Pretty good at ordering those soldiers around… Be careful not to do it too much or.” Stopping I made a finger gun at the man pulling the trigger. Messing with Sith and toying with them was the best way to figure out their temperaments. How far you could push them before they broke, the fact that this Ignis had already stopped speaking did nothing but tell me I was pushing in the right direction. The silence didn’t bother me an ounce, I had been pinned to a pillar for over five centuries hearing nothing but the creatures of Dathomir and drizzling rain. Silence was nothing new, but the fact the Sith was still so even tempered spoke well for him. Perhaps he wouldn’t be the type to fly off the hinges trying to attack another. Good to know everyone in this organization wasn’t bloodthirsty heathens.

As Ignis followed he’d be able to see the wide scar on my back a darker silver than the rest of my skin. It wasn’t from a lightsaber but had obviously been from a metal sword. Usually Firrerreo’s healed and no scars remained for long. This one would always mark my past of being confined by the nightsisters of Dathomir. I had a matching one right beneath my heart where the blade had been stabbed through. It had taken many to bind me, but once they had I was weak. I had become nothing when they had done that. Never again.

Raising my hand to signal a stop me and Ignis came to a drop off that led deeper into the forest, at the foot of it a dark opening that led into a cave system. I had often seen Maalraas entering and exiting it. IF we were too loud they would wake. Jumping off the drop I fell ten meters to the ground below. Gravity took effect dragging me to down to the earth but at the last second I summoned a gust of wind to catch myself bringing me gently to the ground. The entrance to the cave was still shrouded in darkness and the deeper one looked the darker it became.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
"I need not fear such things. I don't use the same techniques as most Sith do when dealing with other people."

It was the honest truth. Though he gave his men orders, and expected them to obey, they were practical orders, not demanding ones. That and he rewarded his people for excellent services rather than treating them like playthings. It was just another way he differed from the average, everyday Sith. Not that he went around flaunting such a thing. Doing so would put a target on his back from some of the others. He wasn't foolish enough to provide them with that sort of ammunition. No, this was something he kept largely to himself, just like he kept the fact the he owned two sizable corporations which raked in a lot of money to himself.

As they walked he did indeed notice the scar, but he said nothing of it. Scars were commonplace among warriors, and considering the man appeared to be living among the wilds of Dxun, scars were to be expected. Leos had never actually encountered a Firrerreo before, so he didn't know that was what Nomar was. The species was few and far between thanks to their history. Unfortunate, but still the truth.

They came to a halt at a drop off. Below, a cave. Nomar signaled for quiet and Leos complied, though didn't acknowledge the signal. He was too busy feeling out through the Force to try and discern if there were any awake creatures within the cave. If there were Maalraas within, likely sleeping, there would be at least one of them awake. Even animals slept with guards when they lived on a dangerous planet, or moon. Nomar lept off, and he followed suit, sailing smoothly down to the ground, though he wasn't quite as adept at telekinesis as he was at beast mastery, so his landing was forcible enough to make him crouch.

His eyes turned briefly to Nomar, and his brow lifted as if to ask if they were going in, but he waited all the same.


Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Such a unique spin on the Sith Ignis was, he had the ambition of most Sith. Yet he tempered it with patience and an understanding of a jedi. Better than the Sith I had dealt with in my own youth though I hadn’t made a habit of fighting them. I was no jedi nor was I some man with a squeaky clean record. During those years the jedi hunted me just like they did the Sith, though I think anyone would when you participated in the kidnapping of a jedi Master. The Grandmaster at that. You’d think that the Grandmaster would’ve been impossible to capture, but when faced with Vong weapons she crumbled beneath the pressure.

Closing my eyes, I raised my right foot stomping it on the ground one time. The sound from it was blanketed by the leaves and was more of a soft thump but it accomplished its goals. Focusing on the earth I used the vibrations caused by the stomp similar to how some Aquarian creatures use echolocation. Through this I saw without my eyes yet there was no color. Instead it was grays and whites. What I sensed were four creatures within the cave. Four that lay resting while the other two roamed within the cave most likely guarding their sleeping kin. It was more than I had been expecting to be in the pack, during my initial examinations I had always only seen four but it made sense. The other two on guard would rest while the other pack members were awake.

Ingenious, maalraas did indeed deserve some of the praise they received. Raising up both my hands I held up six fingers showing them to Ignus. I was never a military soldier so the hand signals they used were lost to myself. Lowering the extra hand, I raised two fingers then flipped them over as though they were legs making a motion like someone was walking. I could’ve whispered it but I had already risked alerting them with the stomping maneuver. Motioning with my head I signaled Ignis to follow. The cave was dark and there was only one way down, we could use a light but once again that would alert the creatures. Hopefully Ignus had a technique for seeing in the dark. I used the vibrations from my own steps to map out the tunnel.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

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