Millicent Tharoul
Sneaky Thief
The Nar Shaddaa Rythm
Sector Q-11 "The Merchant's Sector"
Local time 21:44
Millicent leaned back against the handrail by the edge of the platform, her eyes watching out over the ever thickening mass of people that were gathering by bridge. Things were starting to get rowdy - they had been for the past few nights. She had been told that the locals were fed up with being extorted by the local criminal gang: The Red Bolters. Everything she had seen so far indicated that it was true. It didn't matter much to her. She had a good nose for trouble and had known when it was time to disappear before things got too bad. This was not that kind of occasion. The night was still young and she knew that they locals wouldn't get too worked up until much later. All she needed to do was to wait for a little bit.
Letting her shoulders fall as a big breath escaped her, Millicent's eyes started wandering upwards. She could see the outlines of Nal Hutta from where she stood. It was night 'up' there - unlike Nar Shaddaa, the planet which the moon circulated around actually went to sleep. In a way, she longed for the peace which could be found there. But then, if the stench of Nar Shaddaa could be rivalled, it would be by the stench from Hutta.
With a little shove, she left the handrail behind as she started to move into the crowd. Dressed casually and her shoulders pulled in, Millicent soon blended into the crowd, slipping in and out between groups and making sure not to bother anyone, in large part thanks to her small form. Still, she refrained from striking - the timing was not right. Many seemed to be somewhat alert and she didn't see any marks who were obvious fits. Patience was the name of the game. And as it seemed, that would pay off. In the distance, by the other end of the bridge - she saw a group of people around the same age as herself - one of them had an open backpack with a large bag inside.
She had long since trained away the smirk that would appear upon spotting a good mark. Instead, Millicent continued with determination, slowly but surely creeping closer to the group. Once near enough, she waited until a larger person passed them by and used the 'cover' that the created to snatch the bag from the open backpack. It was an easy steal and before anyone knew better, she was once more part of the busy crowd. Her luck ended there - because once she got far away enough to inspect her prize, the thief discovered that the bag just contained some posters, a couple firecrackers and a worn photograph of an older couple.
Another sigh escaped her - this time, she was distressed. Her eyes fixated on the worn picture as her mind wondered why they didn't just get a new picture. The potential answers were many - but most if not all of them were tragic. At this point, she didn't even bother looking for a wallet. There was only one thing to do. It was to give the bag back.
After taking the hoodie off and putting her hair up in a bun, Millicent walked back to the group - they had not even noticed that the bag had disappeared. "Hey guys" she said, her voice careful with a hint of uncertainty "I just found this back there" she continued, pointing behind her with her thumb. The mark had a look of horror spread across his face as he frantically took off his backpack to see that the bag which had been inside was missing. "Yes!" the response was quick and lacked hints of any doubt. I warm smile spread across her features as she took a step closer "Well, you better take it back then" As she spoke, she stretched out an arm to give it back.
Kaz Vizsla