The Nar'Rator
NAME: Known by many names to many people, but goes mostly by the name of The Nar'Rator
FACTION: True neutral unaligned, the Nar'Rator rises above petty differences
RANK: No rank and all ranks
AGE: Elderly, but with a childlike sparkle behind the eyes
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.88m
WEIGHT: Has the gravitas of a black hole
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
SKIN: Dark
Irresistable voice – While the Nar'Rator has no force tricks to rely on, the power of his voice is irresistible, able to both sooth passions and rouse the dead in equal measure.
Knowledge of the ages – Having held many roles, including that of a god gives the Nar'Rator great knowledge and experience to work with.
Intangible spirit – The Nar'Rator is a pure being of energy, and whilst his voice can be heard by any who choose to listen, he has no way of interacting with the physical world.
Rule of free will - whilst he can describe what he sees and has the appearance of control, he has no power over free willed characters
The Nar'Rator appears as an older human male with dark skin, light hair and brown eyes. He cannot interact with the physical realm except through manifestations in dreams and through his voice which is famously soothing whilst having a special kind of gravitas that lends itself to any occasion.
The Nar'Rator has been a god, a political leader, a legal expert, a soldier, and has even spent time incarcerated, His wisdom is now used to guide others forward, coming to them in dreams and using his voice to write their story.
The Nar'Rator has no physical form so requires no starship to travel around the galaxy, her may appear whenever and wherever his ministries are needed.

NAME: Known by many names to many people, but goes mostly by the name of The Nar'Rator
FACTION: True neutral unaligned, the Nar'Rator rises above petty differences
RANK: No rank and all ranks
AGE: Elderly, but with a childlike sparkle behind the eyes
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.88m
WEIGHT: Has the gravitas of a black hole
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
SKIN: Dark
Irresistable voice – While the Nar'Rator has no force tricks to rely on, the power of his voice is irresistible, able to both sooth passions and rouse the dead in equal measure.
Knowledge of the ages – Having held many roles, including that of a god gives the Nar'Rator great knowledge and experience to work with.
Intangible spirit – The Nar'Rator is a pure being of energy, and whilst his voice can be heard by any who choose to listen, he has no way of interacting with the physical world.
Rule of free will - whilst he can describe what he sees and has the appearance of control, he has no power over free willed characters
The Nar'Rator appears as an older human male with dark skin, light hair and brown eyes. He cannot interact with the physical realm except through manifestations in dreams and through his voice which is famously soothing whilst having a special kind of gravitas that lends itself to any occasion.
The Nar'Rator has been a god, a political leader, a legal expert, a soldier, and has even spent time incarcerated, His wisdom is now used to guide others forward, coming to them in dreams and using his voice to write their story.
The Nar'Rator has no physical form so requires no starship to travel around the galaxy, her may appear whenever and wherever his ministries are needed.
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