Wesa new palos!

Image Source: Deviantart. Link Here
Intent: Create a book or tome to be left in Nulgaths Cave. A book that contains all his written knowledge of Sith magic and Necromancy
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Nulgath Zardai
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Nulgath Zardai
Modularity: Yes, Can be added to and written in. Thats it though.
Production: Unique
Material: Alchemized Parchment, Durasteel, Leather & a Lignan Crystal.
Weight: 25kg
+ Contains all of Nulgaths knowledge on Sith Sorcery and Necromancy
+ Darkside Artifact
- Can only be opened by Darksiders
- Unnaturally Heavy. Purposely made to stay in one location or not to be moved far.
- Writings are hidden, Physical eyes will see a blank pages.
- Limited ways of reading it. The three ways are...
This is a book of great knowledge... for those who can read it. - Nulgath Zardai
Nulgaths Necrotic book is something of a Relic and master piece in the Sith Lords eyes, The book bares a inquisitive alchemists touch. The Necrotic book holds all of Nulgaths knowledge on Sith magic and Necromancy. The book does not simply instruct how to use spells as well. Each spell and power is formed around Nulgaths personal experiences and how he perceives magic as an energy. Each Sorcerer sees the manifestation of magic differently making the texts hard to translate for someone else who manages to read it. Assuming you can find the book, which is a hearty task. There are several features to discourage others from even begin reading the damn thing. Here we go.
The Weight
The book is unnaturally heavy and was purposely designed in such a way to discourage thieves from picking the Necrotic Book up and simply walking away. The book weighs 55 pounds and will slow down most humanoids.
The Lock
The book is locked. Yes, But how it is locked is unique. The Outside lock bares a embedded Lignan crystal and with the assistance of alchemy Nulgath has created a locked that cannot be opened by anyone other than a Darksider. Those who use the lightside will not be able to unlock the book. The only way to get around this feature is to used the darkside and align ones self with the Lignan crystal or hand it to a darksider to open.
The Text
Before you get too comfy after unlocking the book, make sure you prepare your wit. The pages are altered with sith magic to hide Nulgaths text from physical eyes. An adaptation and idea given to him by Sith of Lord who would hide texts, glyphs and symbols in plain sight via the Force. Only the most inquisitive of people could solve the puzzles of old and the book adapts that very idea into its pages.
The Book can be read in any of these three specific ways.
- Force Sight. Its the easiest way to read it and Nulgaths preferred way to be honest. That says alot right there.
- Sith Alchemy: The Book was created with Sith alchemy and likewise can be reverse engineered in the same way. This way is rather difficult and would take a person with Adept experience/knowledge of Sith Alchemy.
- Sith Magic. This is also a very easy way to read the book but is only available to those with the inherent gift of Sith magic. As said before each sorcerer can see manifestations of magic energy in different ways. The very pages are coated in sith magic making the book rather easy to read if a sorcerer focuses on the page. In the end its fair to say Nuglath favors those who that are similar to him.
Abilities written about are...
Sith Magic
- Force Walk ( No mention of the Cure )
- Aura of Uneasiness
- Qazoi Kyantuska
- Sutta Chwituskak
- Force Blast
- Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut - Sith Necromancy
- Chant of Resurrection - Nightsister Necromancy
- Creation of Sith Runes
- Creation of Sith Swords and Armor
- Creation of Sithspawn