OOC Account
The Baccara was silent throughout the ship where the others slept and the vessels navigational computer held them on a course that would avoid most known and public shipping routes. Everything had changed since Eriadu, since Shinju Ayasha had found him on the run, seen the potential in him and taken him in only to have him turn his back on her and her order a standard year later. Since then, he'd struck out on his own, found a few like minded people and gotten it in his head that maybe they were all meant for something more, something that they can build on their own, to fight for and elevate themselves above societies pathetic expectations and the cycle that was their past soon to be broken and founded anew into the future that awaited them.
Eventually someone would move to take what they had, Zarack knew this more so than most, he'd seen it happen time in and time out, where one person profited, another secretly desired. It wasn't just the Dark Side and it certainly wasn't the way of the Sith, Zarack knew nothing about the latter but knew sentient design well, their ambitions and their selfish ways that all people eventually fell in line too, no matter their cause. Rather than run from it, Zarack had owned it, never once claiming but to anything of a good person or trying to live by a morale code; with everything on the line his way was simple. Take what you want, honor those loyal and forget about the rest.
His breathing had become staggered, fast paced and difficult as his hands pressed against the durasteel grating of the cargo bays cold floor. Stripped of his upper half, Zarack pushed himself away from the floor using his arms, his toes keeping his lower half from relaxing as he continued to do his press-ups for the morning. Sweat rolled down his forehead, from around his neck and chest as he neglected to give the burn his body wanted to acknowledge, a moment of his focus. His muscles ached but he was not listening, his mind was elsewhere, always looking ahead, always with his eyes on his goal. The Covenant of the Black Rose had introduced him to his abilities, his proficiency in the Force and started him down the path with his two lightsabers and little more than an instinctive learning of swordsmanship yet he was far from being at his best. He knew not the complexities of the force, understanding only the basics despite how he talked himself up. He had managed to keep himself alive, fighting off bounty hunters and fleeing at the opportune moments yet that wasn't enough for him, he needed so much more. Zarack was too proud to forever be on the run, where his opponents found him, he wanted the power to cast them down like the galaxy had done to him and his family, not to run but to strike them hard and without flaw.
He had left his former mentor because he refused to bow to any person, man or woman. He would not conform like a dog, and yet her training him had not been allowed to finish because of it. He had chosen his moments all wrong though his self involved nature of the time wouldn't allow him to see this to come, instead he was on his own now where his abilities were concerned and without proper guidance he had come to decide that the best way to move forward was to focus on his physical self, his body mass and skills in the lightsaber arts. His unorthodox and improvised style of swordsmanship.
Eventually someone would move to take what they had, Zarack knew this more so than most, he'd seen it happen time in and time out, where one person profited, another secretly desired. It wasn't just the Dark Side and it certainly wasn't the way of the Sith, Zarack knew nothing about the latter but knew sentient design well, their ambitions and their selfish ways that all people eventually fell in line too, no matter their cause. Rather than run from it, Zarack had owned it, never once claiming but to anything of a good person or trying to live by a morale code; with everything on the line his way was simple. Take what you want, honor those loyal and forget about the rest.
His breathing had become staggered, fast paced and difficult as his hands pressed against the durasteel grating of the cargo bays cold floor. Stripped of his upper half, Zarack pushed himself away from the floor using his arms, his toes keeping his lower half from relaxing as he continued to do his press-ups for the morning. Sweat rolled down his forehead, from around his neck and chest as he neglected to give the burn his body wanted to acknowledge, a moment of his focus. His muscles ached but he was not listening, his mind was elsewhere, always looking ahead, always with his eyes on his goal. The Covenant of the Black Rose had introduced him to his abilities, his proficiency in the Force and started him down the path with his two lightsabers and little more than an instinctive learning of swordsmanship yet he was far from being at his best. He knew not the complexities of the force, understanding only the basics despite how he talked himself up. He had managed to keep himself alive, fighting off bounty hunters and fleeing at the opportune moments yet that wasn't enough for him, he needed so much more. Zarack was too proud to forever be on the run, where his opponents found him, he wanted the power to cast them down like the galaxy had done to him and his family, not to run but to strike them hard and without flaw.
He had left his former mentor because he refused to bow to any person, man or woman. He would not conform like a dog, and yet her training him had not been allowed to finish because of it. He had chosen his moments all wrong though his self involved nature of the time wouldn't allow him to see this to come, instead he was on his own now where his abilities were concerned and without proper guidance he had come to decide that the best way to move forward was to focus on his physical self, his body mass and skills in the lightsaber arts. His unorthodox and improvised style of swordsmanship.