Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Negotiations Were Short

Hans for his amusement had become the under study of a rather reclusive Jedi from Taul. The only reason that Hans was taken as student was that he did not desire to be a Padawan, to ascend in the Jedi ranks, rather to learn the Light Side and how it is harnessed. The two of them found themselves in middle of a dispute on Tiss'sharl a world with predatory Sauria people who had snouts with sharp teeth and itchy trigger fingers. They were much like Trandoshans, save that their snout was elogated and they ran at a pace that was unrivaled when they broke into full sprint, their feet having massive sickle claws and their tails acting like rudder as they moved in air like a ship going at thirty knots.

Hans spun his glowing green blade, slashing through a Sauria with horns, it was one of their subjects, who had tried to blast him. Master Musterion with his purple blade swept it through one of the other Sauria.
"Well Master, it seems negotiations have broken down," shouted Hans as be backed up against the Jedi, who said in his hood,
"You should have just eaten the raw meat.. you offended them, it was blessed."

Hans did a flurry as he met a Tiss, who had Vibro Axe and let out a growl as its long tounge came out like pink tentacle. Cutting through the weapon, Hans pointing his hand threw the create which let out a shriek:

Suddenly two of the Tiss'shar came running into the room, fore claws poised as weapons, snarling and shrieking, their teeth bearing to take a bite out of them. To this Hans said to His Master,
"I think running is a good idea!"
Mustarion gave a nod and the two of them began to sprint, with their blade still aglow down a hall with vines decking metal structure of deep copper, they began to navigate the halls of this maze like temple, they could hear the shrieks behind, and thuds of those sickle feet hitting the ground as they gave chase. It was becoming evident that they needed to get somewhere they could regroup, and seal themselves behind a door. Seeing an open chamber, Mustarion dashed, and Hans leapt in, the Master using the Force to close the Copper doors of metal, when a head broke through the slight opening with those lizard green eyes, and mouth chomping at them, a shriek most primal, the Tiss was pissed, and it was snapping it jaws at Hans who thrust his green tip into its nose, making it jerk back as Musterion began to use both hands to draw the metal doors shut. There was bang on the other side of the door, the metal bending a little as the shrieks (listen to vid above) could be heard.

Both Master and Pupil were panting as they deactivated their sabers. Hans let out a sigh of relief,
"I think you are right, I should have just eaten the meat."
The Jedi Master nodded,
"As a Jedi the goal is to cause the least offense. Not all sentient life takes insults well.. they can as you have seen can harbor a great resentment when they feel they are wronged."
Hans let out a great breath as he leaned against the stone wall,
What are we to do now? Clearly they will not simply let us go on our merry way."
Musterion took a seat on block of black wood, one of the seats of these Tiss.
"With negotiations broken down, our recourse is to fight our way out and get to our ship. However, they may have already disabled it, which in the frenzied state they are in, is almost a certainty. We need to plan for another way of escape."
Hans sighed some more,
"I know you frown upon my darker powers, but I think in this circumstance you are going to have to forebear me using them."
The Jedi Master nodded,
"I hate to admit that it certainly will make things easier.. though be warned Hans, drawing on the dark side is like a drug, at first you tap into it just for need, to help in situations such as these, in time it gets where every circumstance seems to be warranted to use it. That is the problem with absolute power, it corrupts one competely. I cannot stop you from using it, and a part of me would encourage you to, but there is always a cost with the Dark, as there is with the Light, and you have to decide each day which cost you are willing to live with."
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