Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nekromonga Cometh

Hi All.

I'm Nekromonga. I have an itch for Star Wars roleplaying. Hope to meet new friends here and get some roleplaying done :D

bout me: I come from a superhero rp website and eventually developed a roleplaying itch for Star Wars.

Because of my avatar some people just call me Nekrobear.

Some use their Writer account to role-play, others use it for OOC only. For each new character you write (that's not an NPC), you would make a sub-account. You can do this by going to your profile page, click "Characters", and "Add subaccount". You can create as many as you want, and switch back and forth depending on who you're writing at the moment.

You can find the character template here. Character templates do not need to be approved, you're free to write them as soon as they're posted

Hope you found this helpful :)

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, enjoy yourself and just shout if we can help you find your way.


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