Glee Anselm, Sith Academy
It was a normal day in the academy, people were training, some were reading. It was normal; a slight chilly breeze fled through the academy, as the doors would open on one of the incoming submarines to the facility, the stairs would fling down onto the platform from the submarine and clicked into place with the platform. Out came a tall, light blue furred, dark haired Nelvaanian who would climb down the steps, his large feet clanking off each of them. Before he stood out onto the platform, as the submarine was released of his weight it shook slightly, before re-submerging into the water.Honas'di would release a quiet grunt, as he would stare around taking in his surroundings. A young human male would attempt to quickly approach him, attempting to welcome him - he must have been new also - before the Nelvaanian would side step to the left and toss the man into the water, continuing on forwards into the academy.
The patterns on the pillars and walls intrigued him, he wanted to actually know why he had come here, why he was told to come here. He eyed where all the loud sounds of fighting where coming from and headed straight towards it with narrowed eyes. Upon turning the corner he would release it was a training area, where people would spar and practice their abilities. He seemed to like it, slightly. He stood there for a few moments, before releasing another loud grunt, turning to his left and walking ahead slightly. Observing the acolytes train.
He would come across another hallway with many doors, he tilted his large head at each door before leaning back onto the wall shaking his head slightly. Before his hands absent-mindedly begin to scratch the wall, he remained there.
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