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The New Class (SJO, Open to Light/Grey Jedi)


With her advancement to the rank of Knight, Arisa looked to shift her focus into teaching to help do her part developing the next generation of Silver Jedi. The recent string of downfalls of long standing members had also prompted her new drive for instructing. If one had looked closely, the signs for exiles like Connor's and Aria's corruption had been there all along, but they had failed to catch it. She was hoping that by getting a little more hands on with Padawan herself, the Shadow could address some of their issues early on, rather than allowing them to fester into much more serious problems later.

She arranged an informal morning gathering right inside a conference room within Voss Academy. As a bookworm, it was one of her favorite places to hang out in her downtime during her stays on Voss. The center of knowledge seemed like a fitting place to kick things off.

Along with an announcement for the seminar, she had also provided a rough outline of topics of discussion. Things would start out pretty basic topics about the history of the Jedi, and their values, and their role in intergalactic society. However, in later lessons, she aimed to cover rival organizations like the
Sith, and delve into the Dark Side. She also had some more mundane topics in mind, like how to find balance as a Jedi between one's personal life and responsibilities. Along the way, she'd allow everyone to throw out questions as they came and she'd try her best to answer.

She would be the first present, appearing quite early in the day to study her notes and prepare. Admittedly, she was quite nervous. It was nothing for her to present briefings or reports as a soldier, but trying to teach people about the Jedi was a whole different thing. She wasn't sure if she was ready for such an undertaking, as few could agree on what a Jedi should be, and she herself was still very much a student on the Jedi path. But be that as it may, she would take the first step and try to do her best.

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Elizabeth"] [member="Rakieh Atur"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"]
Voss Academy was massive, a least compared to the training rotunda back in Rosedge, and Azu loved it!
Azu had been brought along with his nephew Articus by [member="Nefertari Sovint"]. Azu had only ever received training from his sisters, so this would be a nice change of pace from training and Nefertari's attempts at swimming lessons; the thought of those made the youngling shudder. Who knew? maybe he could find a master here?

Azu took a seat in the conference room next to Nef and watched Articus with a coloring book. Particularly, Azu hoped to learn more of what it meant to be an actual Jedi...and more about who the Sith are. Miyuki, his reformed sister, had been rather tight-lipped about her experience; only telling Azu to turn back quickly if he should ever find himself on the path of the sith.

[member="Arisa Yune"]​
The sound of the repulsor shoes as they went down the hallway were something. To get tino the one conference room as the young teenager was letting herself go through. She had worked and made the effort so that she would be able to roam around with the others. After her larger adventure to parts in the galaxy she had recovered a little. The nasty scar she had gotten and the information from the different holocrons as well as their own records on the library. It made it all better before the padawan arrived in the room looking aorund to see who else was there with them. A better chance for the silver jedi to meet up and get to talk or if some others wanted to join well go through security checks here on Voss.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was spending more and more time on Voss and less on missions. It was the price she paid for having so many Padawans, but it was worth it in her eyes. The greatest gift she could bestow upon the Jedi – of any denomination – was to be part of the plan to generate the next generation.

And her friend Arisa had mentioned an open class she was holding and so Sorel naturally volunteered to participate.

She walked through the corridors in her standard Jedi robes – albeit they were so dark a shade of brown as to be confused for black in low light, and she carried her twin sabers on her belt – although they were hidden from view by the folds of her cloak as she walked.

Finally she arrived at the room and gave a short bow to those already assembled. “I’m Sorel,” she said by way of an introduction and wandered over to where Arisa was. “I’m sure between us we can handle most questions. Especially if you consider there are rarely any hard and fast answers. The Code is susceptible to interpretation after all, and we are but Jedi.”

[member="Elizabeth"] [member="Azu Sovint"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
While she waiting for people to appear, she would direct them to a small spread against the wall in the conference room. Snacks, vegetables with dip, and some warm and cold beverages. All made by herself with some help from some volunteers working the kitchen. She herself would soon be munching on celery sticks (having had her fill of doughnuts on the way to the library!).

She waited a while, until it looked like no one else would show, then launched into her presentation after finishing her last celery stick.

"Good morning to you all," she greeted while wiping her hands. "I'd like to thank you all for coming out here today. This is an informal presentation, so feel free to move around and continue helping yourself to the spread as I'm speaking!"

"First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Arisa Yune. I'm not one big on titles, so you can just call me Arisa. I've been with the Silver Jedi Order for about a year I'd say, but I've been working with them for the better part of the last three years while I was with the Republic. I'm not on Voss very often, as I'm the Watchman of the Kiribian Systems Union, but when I am around here I like to do what I can to help out around here."

"Before I get into the presentation, I'd like to take the time to go around the room and make introductions. Please share your name, how you came to be on Voss."

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Elizabeth"] [member="Azu Sovint"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Elizabeth was looking at who was there and her eyes flicked around as she saw them. Allowing the force to give her a better idea when she tought about the things that Master Jarl had taught her. Prepared for anything that might come up when the one leading them brought up introductions and how they should say how they came to be on Voss or in the orde she was guessing. "I am Elizabeth, I came with a small handful of padawans from the Children of the Jedi island that Master Crieff and Ike. Once more contact was established a few of us were ableto come off to join and help ot the jedi to see training as well as progress with them in many of the different ways."

Echob Krirgo

He walked through the halls of the Voss academy, a place he was very familiar with. He had decided to come, because part of him becoming a Knight would be learning the ways of the Force. Maybe he could also learn why some people feared him at first glance. He still wasn't sure if his parents had anything to do with it, or who his parents were for that matter.

He thought most of the lesson's teachings would be useful later on and help him in becoming a Knight, but the one part he didn't like was the Dark Side. He had learned basic info about the dark and the Jedi who had fallen before, and was a bit nervous at the thought. However, he knew he had to overcome his fears. So he walked on.

Eventually, he got to the conference room. When got in, he saw the class beginning. He had made it just in time. He heard the teacher ask for an introduction, and replied. "I am Echob Krirgo, I have lived in this temple for nearly all of my life. I decided to come here to learn a bit more about the Jedi teachings."

[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Elizabeth"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Azu Sovint"] | [member="Catherine Soja"] | [member="Carith Vastili"] | [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"]
[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Echob Krirgo"] [member="Elizabeth"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Azu Sovint"]

She was there with the other knights and masters quietly awaiting her time to speak. Once to her she breathed in. "I am Catherine Soja. I before joining the silver jedi was a member of the order within the galactic republic. When it crumbled I then spent time among the black rose covenant. From there I drifted and wandered until arriving here in the order maybe a year ago. My rank is Knight but I won't require you to call me any title. I simply request we all respect each other." She breathed in again. "I am a Guardian so much of my knowledge and specialty outside of technical stuff is geared more towards that side. However I will work to answer on any topic I can. Also if you wanna learn to understand astromech let me know."

Carith Vastili

Carith stumbled into the conference room, aware that he was late. He only arrived to Voss a mere week ago and didn't entirely have the area mapped out in his head yet. After the fall of the Galactic Republic, having no place to officially go, he returned to his home and family. As someone who grew up in the Jedi Order, he had very little contact with his family and took the time to get to know them, assuming his life as a Jedi, despite just beginning, was over. He wasn't very knowledged in the history of the Silver Order at the time and didn't know that many of his old Jedi brothers and sisters fled to the Silver Jedi. After a year and a half or so of living a normal life and bonding with his family he never knew, one of his old friends from the Jedi Order reached out to him, explaining what happened to many of the old Republic Jedi and offered an invitation to join him with the Silver Jedi. Carith, missing his old Jedi life and feeling of importance and adventure, accepted the offer and took a transport to Voss.

A week later, and here he was. The Silver's offered him a simple room to stay in and were looking to get him involved with a master to evaluate his current abilities and to continue his training, but they said it may take some time. So out of boredom, Carith decided to step out and go to one of the group classes offered in the academy. He decided that [member="Arisa Yune"]'s class was a decent one to take to re-learn and remember some of the lessons he learned with the Republic. "Uh... Hi, sorry I'm late, I was a bit lost." he said, obviously nervous. He knew the old Jedi Order from birth. He was comfortable with the teachers, the peers, the masters. Here, everyone was a stranger. He was definitely out of his comfort zone. "I'm Carith Vastili. I was a Padawan of the Galactic Republic Jedi Order. After it's fall I took a hiatus from training, but I want to relearn the ways of the Force and train to become a Jedi again, so I took the trip to the Silver Order. I'm attending this class in the hopes that it will help me get back into the groove of learning again while I wait to find a master. It also wouldn't hurt to meet a few people as I only know the desk attendant in the main lobby." He then took a seat towards the front of the room, eager to learn again.
Vitha walked into the room as introductions started. Spotting the snacks table she started making her way over to it and eyed it. Mostly, what they consdiered, food that she couldn't eat however there was some small meat bite thingies. Leaning down she picked one up in her beak and swallowed it down. Tasting fairly salty and uncooked it was quite a tasty morsel. Once Catherine finished her introduction Vitha spoke up, "I am Vitha Sat-thuron, I came to the temple interested in trying to learn how to control the force. I thought it would make me a better hunter and be a useful asset to the crew I was with. Trandoshians are not typically trained in the ways of the force so the captain agreed it would be a good idea. Oh and Master Arisa suggested I should be here, something about needing to learn jedi ways."
The young boy by the name of Kayda had been wondering the halls of the large Academy only to realize he was running late to his master's lecture. Kayda quickly made his way towards the room he was informed to meet at. Once the boy made it to the entrance, he peeked his head through the doorway. Seeing all the new faces caused the young boy to grow intimidated, so Kayda quickly shuffled his way over towards his master's side. Now by Arisa the little boy began to speak, feeling more comfortable by her side.

“ My name is Kayda, I've been training with Arisa for quite sometime now. I came to Voss Academy along with her, so that I could engage in my studies. “

Not wanting to say more about himself, he simply stayed quiet. Almost lurking behind his Master.The young Padawan wasn't exactly shy, but certainly meeting new people had him timid. Eventually in time Kayda would find himself acting too shy, as if he were some lost puppy. So he reluctantly dragged himself out from behind Arisa, giving a friendly smile towards the other's in the room.
Jakkor had arrived per [member="Arisa Yune"]'s request of discussing what it means to be a Jedi, he would be most happy to share his view point as he had many things to say. He had traveled to the Voss temple for that purpose, he walked in a stride purposefully down to the archives ignoring the stares of teachers and students who were looking at him with slight curiosity of why he would show his face again. He did not care for their looks he had only come here to establish his view point and he would do just that as he carefully made his way into the archives, he was in awe as a Jedi Consular he had wanted to become a Jedi Historian before the Clone Wars. He had scene the collective of Jedi as well as Arisa and decided to come forth listening in closely on introductions before making himself known.

"Greetings my Brother and Sister Jedi. My Name is Jakkor Kess a relic of the Old Republic, Why Am I here some of you may ask? I am a Jedi Knight who was once a Jedi of the Old Jedi Order. I have fought in the Clone Wars witnessed as Palpatine killed my Master with Order 66 and Vader captured my best friend and turned her into an Inquisitor using her Love against me, and I was forced to kill her, and I nearly gave into the Dark Side facing Vader himself. I was than locked in an Ancient Sith Casket for 800 years. Now why Am I here again well allow me to get to that. I have been disgusted with the Jedi of this age, they have fallen into the same trap as my peers did during the Clone Wars, I have fought in the Omega Wars and I have been disgusted with all that I have done as it is not the Jedi way or is it the will of the force to loose ourselves to such destruction. I believe it is time that has been long overdue to train more Padawans as peacekeepers than Warriors for that has been going on for far too long."

@Kayda Vrieska [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Carith Vastili"] [member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Echob Krirgo"] @Elizabeth @Sorel Crieff [member="Azu Sovint"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
When it was her turn, Sorel spoke briefly.

“I am Sorel Crieff. I have been a Jedi for most of my life — well since I was about four. I started life as a Youngling on Coruscant and when the Sith took the planet, I was relocated to Ossus. Then, sadly, my Master died and I wandered for a while — rudderless. But I found the Silver Order and they gave me direction again. I found a new Master and I have been here ever since.”

[member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Kayda Vrieska"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Carith Vastili"] [member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Echob Krirgo"] [member="Elizabeth"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
Azu spoke up when his turn came around

"My name's Azu. When I started out on Chandrila, my gray sister Miyuki was training me. The Jedi weren't really a thing...and I don't really get what happened, but here I am; far in the future with my other big sis and nephew. I want to know more about the force since I didn't get much training before I ended up here."

[member="Sorel Crieff"], [member="Jakkor Kess"], @Kayda Vrieska , [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Carith Vastili"], [member="Catherine Soja"], [member="Echob Krirgo"], [member="Elizabeth"], [member="Arisa Yune"]​

Echob Krirgo

He felt a bit scared of Jakkor, and what he had said about the past. The Jedi weren't supposed to be soldiers, and he didn't even understand what all these wars were. He moved a couple steps away, then calmed down. He was now ready for his lesson, and to see what he could learn about the Force.

[member="Jakkor Kess"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] (Just shortening it to be clean)

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Though he wasn't late by much, or, for that matter, much later than Carith Vastili, he couldn't have known that. He didn't.

In any other situation, be it social or an instance organised by himself, Rakieh wouldn't have been too worried about it. That being said, as per his studies, Arisa Yune was one of most respected masters of the Silver Jedi Order, as per his studies, and, as a self-viewed studious individual, being late to a class hosted by a respected master was, well, simply disrespectful.

So Rakieh found himself running in fear of being late.

With what little materials he had on hand, having ran from one end of the Academy to the other —namely the Archives to the conference room—, Rakieh quickly, but as quietly as he possibly could, in fear of the class having already started, bursted, for the lack of a better word, through the doors of the conference room and stood there, exhaling harshly in an attempt to start catching his breath.

"Sorry I'm late," he said half-winded. "I've yet to learn how to properly manage time when splitting it between studying and mediating on the aforementioned."

When he looked up, he was surprised to see that introductions were still taking place. He quickly cleared his throat and stood up straight, hoping that nobody saw —or heard— his blunder.

"Oh..." the unenthusiastic exclamation was mostly under his breath. He cleared his throat again, not to garner attention, but rather to ensure his voice was clear. No more blunders. "I'm Rakieh Atur, a Padawan here at the Silver Jedi Order. I'm not particularly well versed in anything... simply studying so that one day I might be so. It's a pleasure to be here and a pleasure to meet you all."

After his introductions, Rakieh's head was almost immediately drawn to the left by the growing feeling of hunger, and in an attempted sly and sneaky manner, he nabbed what he assumed to be a tomato of sorts —as he had never before seen a tomato, and had only come by them in more miscellaneous studies— and quickly ate it. His eyebrows raised in surprise at the delicacy of the food he had happened upon.

"These are quite tasty. As anyone had any of these?"
[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Azu Sovint"] | [member="Elizabeth"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Echob Krirgo"] | [member="Catherine Soja"] | [member="Carith Vastili"] | [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] | [member="Kayda Vrieska"] | [member="Jakkor Kess"]​
As each attendant introduced themselves and provided a little background on their road to Voss, she would learn that the room was filled with people from all roads of life at different points in their development as a Jedi, from raw initiates to masters. She welcomed the variety, as she hoped to avoid providing her lectures in an echo chamber and encourage candid discussion.

"Excellent, again thank you all for joining me today. Now I think we're ready to begin."

At the center of the table, there was a small whine of power as small dome holo-projector came to life, to display a cube of slides that displayed
panes of bullet points about her lesson objectives.

"In the first modules, we are going to cover the history of the Jedi, going all the way back to the original Je'daii Order of Tython. Now, Force organizations existed well before them, like the Dai Bendu or the Infinite Empire, but it's generally accepted that the Jedi trace their lineage directly to the Je'daii Order, so I will begin there."

"The story of the Je'daii begins over 37 millennia ago, with the sudden and mysterious appearance of alien vessels known as Tho Yor, whose origins still remain unclear to this day. They would settle on Tython, which at the time was inhabited by the Dai Bendu. After the appearance, the monks of the Dai Bendu would attempt to commune with these ships to unlock their secrets. After a thousand years, in 36,453 BBY, the ships would finally open up to the Dai Bendu and allow them entry and passage. From there, the Tho Yor would rise up from Tython and take to the stars once more."

As she spoke on the topic of the alien ships, the hologram would switch from the panels of notes to a colored
high-resolution renderings of the ships she had mentioned, the pyramid structure quite unlike anything used today.


((So from here on out about every two or three days I will come back to this to make a new post, giving people enough time to ask questions to spark discussions as this lesson goes on.))

[member="Rakieh Atur"] [member="Echob Krirgo"] [member="Azu Sovint"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Kayda Vrieska"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Carith Vastili"] [member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Elizabeth"]
There will be snacks.

Four simple words had drawn Valae Kitra to the center of knowledge. If she’d heard correctly, much of the food provided had been prepared by [member="Arisa Yune"] – a fellow jedi and a friend. She’d had the pleasure of meeting Arisa on Klatooine a while back, and she’d also experienced the young woman’s cooking first hand. She certainly wouldn’t miss a chance to connect with her friend, and she would not miss out on free food. After all, she had a reputation to look after…

The petite woman made her way through the halls of Voss Academy, and could help but reflect upon the time she had spent here herself. It wasn’t truly all that long ago, but it seemed like ages had passed. The brunette was a bit of a wanderer nowadays, and had not counted herself among the Silver Jedi’s numbers for some time now. However, Voss would always hold a special place in her heart, and she could not deny that it was nice to be back. Despite the fact that she’d left her brown robes back on the Tumbleweed, there was still part of Valae that felt very much at home here.

She slipped into the conference room without making a fuss, almost like she was merely a shadow moving across the back wall. Arisa was speaking and she did not want to interrupt. If any happened to look her way, they would see a sheepish and apologetic smile, and a tiny wave that seemed to say ‘don’t mind me.’

Quietly as she could, she took a small plate and loaded up with snacks. Valae took one of each pastry, but her hand skipped right on over the healthy offerings. With a full plate and a napkin in hand, she had a seat in the very back of the room, a spot chosen for its proximity to the refreshment table. Chestnut eyes scanned the room, there were many familiar faces here. Perhaps she would catch up with them after the seminar. And while she enjoyed her mini-feast, she would listen and give the presenters her attention.
Makari had always enjoyed a good history lesson. In fact it was the only subject at school he excelled at. When he learned that the Jedi Knight Arisa Yune, was giving a seminar on the history of the Jedi Order, Makari knew he had to be there. He was going to be late arriving, but not arriving at all seemed like the bigger crime. He could hear that the class was already in session when he approached the doors of the conference room, but Makari wasn’t shy about making a late appearance.

Giving a respectful bow to the Jedi Knight and his fellow Jedi who were already present, Makari found a seat and quietly listened while Arisa talked about the Tho Yor whom Makari wasn’t too familiar with. The class was already starting to peek his interest.

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Rakieh found himself in the awkward position of not knowing anyone, and as such, having snagged a few more tomatoes to eat, continued to munch as he moved along the edge of the conference hall in order to avoid the spotlight of the effective snack bar.

Rakieh had always loved history, not because he knew it, but because it was always unknown to him. Particularly in regards to the history of the Jedi, Rakieh found himself most intrigued by the prospect of this presentation, he knew little of it and wished, almost above all else, to learn of it, and fell very silent. The majority of the content she was to speak of was content he found hard to access in the Voss Library, perhaps due to a lack of skills in scavenging or a lack of information on the topic available where he was looking. It was the perspective that he desired the most to have, and it was a very broad one at that. Everything. He pulled up a random seat from the edge of the room and sat down as he began to listen intently, bitting into a tomato every so often.

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