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Approved Location The New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters on Ossus

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Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
The New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters
On Ossus

A frontal view of the Inquisition's Headquarters from the surrounding mountains.

  • Structure Name: New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters
  • Classification: Temple, Library, and Administrative Complex for the New Imperial Inquisition.
  • Location: Ossus.
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, New Imperial Inquisition, Grandmaster Aculia Voland.
  • Accessibility: The NII Headquarters is several days walking distance from Knossa and Ossus City, built directly atop the ruins of the old Great Jedi Library which had been destroyed and left to rot by the Sith Order several decades prior. A deep lake was created around the complex which can now only be accessed by a single, carefully guarded bridge and several small shuttlepads in the fortified complex itself. Public access, while not entirely forbidden, is strictly controlled by the New Imperial Inquisition who require permits and an escort for anyone wishing to visit the area, usually the noteworthy archives, which can be granted by order of the Grand Inquisitor, the Moff Council, or the reigning Emperor or Empress.

The NII Headquarters is a large, fortified complex situated on a moderately sized island in the middle of a deep manmade lake surrounded by hills and mountains with new growth forests as part of a wider climate restoration project of the area. In keeping with prior Jedi and Sith tradition, the original structure was repaired and expanded chiefly with Duralium-Lanthanide alloy, this time given a façade of white stone over it rather than the original obsidian to give it a more traditional look while retaining the strength necessarily to withstand potential assaults and provide security to the local Inquisitors and staff.

The main attraction of the island is the New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters, set at the back of the island in a commanding position which can survey both the small town beneath it and the surrounding area. It is comprised of a single, large building with numerous windows, and a tall jutting crest atop which rests the emblem of the Empire. The visible portion of the building is reserved for administrative purposes and training, while the attractions most come to visit, its Hall of Knowledge and various chambers containing more dangerous knowledge are kept in labyrinthine secure basements hardened against bombardment and other forms of destruction such as fire.

The Office, often referred to as the Gardens, of the Grand Inquisitor is located at the very apex of the structure with a secret elevator capable of taking him or her to any level of the complex within moments. Regular visitors must make the trek up to see him or her by foot, a practice justified by the idea that no one would climb the five hundred steps necessary to personally visit unless it was well and truly worth it. Upon finally reaching the massive black oak doors and receiving permission to enter by the guards, one will find themselves in the midst of multilevel gardens with waterfalls meticulously designed to ensure a maximum of peace, privacy, and relaxation to the often stressed Grand Inquisitor and provide a calm place for meditation and thought. At the very top of these gardens is a small, white marble structure where various office amenities and the Grand Inquisitor's desk can be found, but more often conversations and business are done in the gardens proper.


The Hall of Knowledge: Much like the Sith and Jedi libraries before it, the NII headquarters maintains a large library complex comprised of various reading rooms, lounges, offices, archives, and galleries. The knowledge contained here has been deemed comparatively safe for public access, containing works of history, philosophy, basic Sith, Imperial, and Jedi texts, scientific works, and all sorts of material ranging from the ancient to the modern, available mostly in digitized form but with the originals being available upon request. The most likely visitors to those portion of the complex would be beginning Inquisitors, non-Force Sensitive scholars, and various lower ranking permitted Force Users.

The Chamber of Antiquities: Deeper in the complex than the Hall of Knowledge, and accessed by far fewer individuals, is a storehouse of Jedi, Sith, Imperial, and Gray force wielder lore considered to be worthy of a moderate level of value and danger, akin to that which a regular Inquisitor, Jedi Knight, or Sith Knight might need to know. This includes a wide variety of holocrons, sacred tomes, star charts, tapestries, forbidden books, and the more basic, moderately powerful artifacts. One will often see Inquisitors here, but only rarely the occasionally permitted Force wielder.

The Chamber of Mysteries: Located in the most central part of the complex with constant, round the clock security, the Chamber of Mysteries is where the most dangerous collected Jedi, Sith, Imperial, and Gray force wielders knowledge is stored. This contains dangerous or unknown artifacts, holocrons, scrolls, and various other materials considered far too risky to show to most. It is accessed only by the Grand Inquisitor, High Inquisitors, or by those considered to be the Empire's most trusted allies and it is rumored that it is rigged to explode in the event of an invasion to protect the secrets within from being used by the Empire's enemies.

The Catacombs of Despair: Found in the previous Jedi ruins at the very bottom of the complex, the Catacombs of Despair are exactly what they sound like. Various interrogation rooms and cells for Force Sensitives are located here, under heavy guard of Inquisitors who are under strict orders to kill rather than let them escape. It is even rumored that there is an execution ground here for the most damnable of inmates, capable of handling up to three hundred prisoners sentenced to death per hour if necessary.

Kilran Memorial Hospital: Located in the upper, surface wing of the complex is Kilran Memorial Hospital, named after the late Emperor. It is a well-stocked facility particularly known for being a trauma hospital capable of handling all kinds of injuries, which is useful when Inquisitor training becomes a little too rough for some of the recruits.

Training Complexes: Numerous training complexes are located in the upper portion of the headquarters, in white stone plazas and theatres where Inquisitors can be seen testing out their new powers and abilities, often watched over by High Inquisitors or even the Grand Inquisitor.

Deathtrooper Barracks: Nestled securely inside the main structure's grounds are the barracks and training areas for a battalion of Imperial Death Troopers, the Empire's most fearsome ground troops. They are fanatically loyal to the Emperor and often spar against the local Inquisitors as a means to learn how to fight Force Sensitive opponents and vice versa for the local Inquisitors learning how to fight skilled non-Force Sensitive opponents.

The Town of Kanniton: Named after the reigning Empress herself, it is a peaceful, orderly small town mostly serving the needs of the Inquisition. Several small, charming hotels and eateries exist, along with a good number of highly skilled weaponsmiths, armorsmiths, and tailors who are happy to take the business of the Inquisitors. A few small residential districts exist for those who are powerful and wealthy enough to avoid having to sleep in the Inquistorial barracks, or for those who take advantage of the Inquisitorial parent fund, as the Empire likes to encourage known Force Sensitives to marry so as to have a reliable stock of children attuned to the Force.



Although it is not the most fortified bastion or citadel in the Empire's space, for its size the NII headquarters is difficult to assault. Thick walls, turbolaser towers and other anti-air emplacements, a strong Inquistion presence, a battalion of death troopers, and only a single land bridge to the city that can be blown at any time make it difficult to assault conventionally without sustaining high casualties. Stealth, too, is risky given the high percentage of Imperial Inquisitors who are known for focusing on their abilities in the Force over other considerations, meaning those highly skilled in Force Sense, Foresight, or Telepathy are quite likely to be around.

The Great Library of Ossus, now known as the New Imperial Inquisition Headquarters On Ossus, has a long and storied history of conflict between various factions warring over the treasure trove of knowledge it has guarded throughout the Millennia. In recent years this trend has continued with the original ancient library being destroyed by the First Order in its conflict with the Silver Jedi, then being rebuilt in its present location by the Sith Empire, then reclaimed again by the Jedi, then ruined once more by the Sith Order under Darth Empyrean, and then finally being claimed by the Empire of the Lost's New Imperial Inquisition due to its historical significance and being close to its capital of Lianna.

The current reconstruction of the library as an inquisitorial headquarters has been spearheaded by Aculia Voland, former Moff, now Grand Inquisitor and advisor to Empress Kanni. She has strived to make it livable once again at considerable personal expense, envisioning it both as a place to work, knowledge, and somewhere the tired agents of the Inquistion can have some rest and relaxation. Public access is restricted to those with differing tiers of permits, but anyone can apply for such a permit, so Jedi, Sith, and those somewhere in between or not at all can feel free to put in an application and visit-if the Inquisition deems one worthy.

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