Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The New Office

Soft tapping filled the small meeting room in the rather opened building that served as the headquarters for the newly founded and eager Praesitlyn Trading Company. A young woman sat at the head of a large table, her gaze now and again shifting to the binary load lifters that moved in the large open warehouse that had been purchased to serve as the headquarters of the company. It wasn't like many of the companies in the Core Worlds with their towering plasteel covered towers, and it was more than needing a good dusting as some movements would often kick up little clouds now and again. The building itself was old, nearly ancient and had been around for nearly a couple of centuries, though that was the type of building the woman had wanted her company to start off in, something solid and enduring for the ages; exactly what she wanted to turn the Praesitlyn Trading Company into.

Of course her own impatiences was beginning to get to her as the tapping became more rapid and louder as she let out a heavy sigh. Quickly looking to the timechrono that was hanging on the wall a bit crooked, she sighed once more. It was nearly ten minutes since the meeting time and of course her mind was already beginning to race as to the reason that could be for. Was the person she was to meet with running late, or had they decided to just forgo the meeting and not bothered to tell her.

As her frustration continued to grow, it was only alleviated by a bit as the sound of the squeaking door brought her attention upwards. A protocol droid standing there, though it had only really been purchased to serve in the capacity as a secretary. Taking a moment, the young woman pushed her seat out before brushing herself off, some dust flying off as she herself had been helping with moving into the new building before the meeting.

Running a hand through her hair, she sighed softly before the clicking of heels could be heard as it nearly echoed into the room. The boots as well showing that they were just as well worn as the rest of her outfit as she held an older model of datapad in her hand. Nimble fingers ran over as she brought up whom she was to meet at that moment before she stepped out into the front lobby. It was a small room, nothing to brag about as she looked up before speaking.

"Mr. Corek, I'm Miss Vixen, the Owner and CEO of Praesitlyn Trading Company. If you'll follow me we can get this meeting underway."

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Maya Vixen"]
Noah sighed as he sat there, unlike most times, Noah was dressed in simple Omega Pyre fatigues, with a brown leather bomber jacket over his form, obviously clashing with the grays and black of his fatigues, which the sleeves of it were rolled up just above his elbows. Of course the outfit was practical and hid the custom WESTAR-35 blaster pistol hidden under his armpit, cradled by a Bodo Baas gunbelt, though it was for self defense and Noah would use it on Maya, unless of course she presented herself as a enemy of the Protectorate. Noah smiled at the woman as he stood, hands on his hips, inadvertantly showing off his rippling muscles and mistakingly giving her a glance at the blaster pistol. "Please Miss Vixen, Mister Corek was my father, you may call me Noah." Noah told her as he extended his hand for her to shake. "I must admit I was intrigued to find your message in my inbox, your request for security from the Pyre and Protectorate is a smart move considering our closeness to your territory. Hekler'Kok will also be willing to provide resources in getting your personal defense weapons program off the ground."
At the moment Maya was doing her best to hold herself back from rolling her eyes from the sight of the male whom stood up. The slight glance at the blaster pistol and how he stood and spoke seemed to avail just how his personality actually was when dealing with others. Still being prim and proper in her own way, she merely looked back to her datapad before clicking a few notes on it before looking back up. The Praesitlyn Trade Company didn't need help setting up the personal defense branch of their operations, nor had she directly requested security for her company from the Protectorate. Musing to herself for a moment she looked back to her datapad before looking back and speaking up once more before turning towards the double doors.

"Either way Mr. Corek, I prefer not to be on a first name basis with potential clients."

Maya spoke before pressing one of the doors open, and stepping to the side to hold it open for Noah before she motioned. Taking a moment she sighed before she brought her hand up in the common one moment signal. Taking a step over the clearly marked yellow line, which she was hoping that Noah would be smart enough to remain behind, her voice boomed slightly as she directed her ire towards two employees that were seemingly sitting on the job.

"Get those crates loaded! They need to be out of here in the next hour or we're going to fall behind!"

With the booming voice of their employee seeming to take over the loud noises of the other shuttles being loaded up, the two employees quickly scrambled up just from the sight of Maya as they began to rush back to loading their shuttle. Taking a deep breath, she managed to put a smile back to her lips she motioned towards the meeting room, the door squeaking as she held it open.

"This way Mr. Corek."

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Maya Vixen"]
Though Noah's outside appearance was that of a air of over confidence and narcissism, Noah at his core was a very honorable and respectful, though he took on a facade when any business deals were involved, mainly to keep people of balance in case of a fight or to just seem like a good business man, this time was not different. "What ever floats you boat." Noah wasn't a slob by any stretch, but he hated when people were uptight and people who had their underwear in a bunch and found that some times a personal approach to business was before than a impersonal approach, though Noah wasn't looking to enforce his ideals upon others. Once he looked and walked just a little past the yellow line and looked at the operation that Maya was running and for such a small company he had to admit, it was pretty well oiled. Noah followed the woman into the meeting room and quickly took a seat, hanging his jacket on the back of the chair as he leaned back in it and made sure that he had the view of every exit, entrance and area that a enemy could enter, you know what they say: 'Old habits die hard.'

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