Moff, Director, Father
Location: FIV Anastasia, Captain quarters/office.
Gear: Officers Uniform, Relby-k23 Blaster Pistol
Meeting With: [member="Rowena Ewesa"]
Captain Von Strauss was sitting at his desk, which took up the majority of the room in his quarters. There was a small wardrobe in the corner and a standard First Order pull down cot on the side of the wall. Behind the desk, being illuminated on the wall was his set of Chromium Officers' Armour, along with his matching G-11F. His Lieutenant Commander was sitting in the chair to the right of Karl's desk, going over the damage reports from the invasion of Skor II. Currently, he was going over the loss of fighter squadrons during the battle. "-from our ship alone we lost several good pilots and the entire squadron of bombers. Sir, are you even listening?" To be frank, Karl wasn't listening at all but answered anyways. "I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I already know about all of the losses on every ship, I finished writing all the letter to their families earlier today." He let out a deep breath. "Is there anything interesting on my schedule today? Meetings? Anything at all?" Karl asked. His XO swiped on his holopad and then spoke. "Sir, today you have a meeting with a Flight Officer from Pixie Squadron, which you would have known if you were listening earlier. Her name is Rowena Ewesa, and she's, ugh, a near-human, disgusting."
After hearing that remark come out of his own XO's mouth he proceeded to stand up and walk around his desk. "Lieutenant, stand up." The lieutenant did what he was asked of, and immediately Karl slapped him across the face with a loud 'thwack.' "What was that for sir?" asked the Lieutenant backing up, scared and obviously confused. "You will never disrespect any race in my vicinity! They are fighting for the same purpose that we are! For the same Supreme Leader! Do you understand?" Karl was obviously angry, he hated racists. Everyone had a right to be in this galaxy and they had proved it for millennia. The XO nodded in understanding. "Now send her in here when she has the chance." The XO spoke up, "She is already outside your office, and I'm pretty sure she probably heard everything you just said too." Karl stopped for a second, he looked to the door to his office, he recently had his metal door changed out for a wooden door made by the craftsmen on his home planet. It was actually quite durable, but sounds would leak through if you were loud enough, and he was just yelling a minute ago. He brushed off his uniform and said, "I'm sorry for striking you suddenly lieutenant, please send her in as you leave." The lieutenant nodded and opened the door and closed it on the way out. He looked at Rowena sitting in the chair outside Captain Von Strauss' office and said "The Captain will see you now. Please knock before entering." He then proceeded to leave. Karl sat back behind his desk and pulled up her file on his holocomputer.
Gear: Officers Uniform, Relby-k23 Blaster Pistol
Meeting With: [member="Rowena Ewesa"]

Captain Von Strauss was sitting at his desk, which took up the majority of the room in his quarters. There was a small wardrobe in the corner and a standard First Order pull down cot on the side of the wall. Behind the desk, being illuminated on the wall was his set of Chromium Officers' Armour, along with his matching G-11F. His Lieutenant Commander was sitting in the chair to the right of Karl's desk, going over the damage reports from the invasion of Skor II. Currently, he was going over the loss of fighter squadrons during the battle. "-from our ship alone we lost several good pilots and the entire squadron of bombers. Sir, are you even listening?" To be frank, Karl wasn't listening at all but answered anyways. "I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I already know about all of the losses on every ship, I finished writing all the letter to their families earlier today." He let out a deep breath. "Is there anything interesting on my schedule today? Meetings? Anything at all?" Karl asked. His XO swiped on his holopad and then spoke. "Sir, today you have a meeting with a Flight Officer from Pixie Squadron, which you would have known if you were listening earlier. Her name is Rowena Ewesa, and she's, ugh, a near-human, disgusting."
After hearing that remark come out of his own XO's mouth he proceeded to stand up and walk around his desk. "Lieutenant, stand up." The lieutenant did what he was asked of, and immediately Karl slapped him across the face with a loud 'thwack.' "What was that for sir?" asked the Lieutenant backing up, scared and obviously confused. "You will never disrespect any race in my vicinity! They are fighting for the same purpose that we are! For the same Supreme Leader! Do you understand?" Karl was obviously angry, he hated racists. Everyone had a right to be in this galaxy and they had proved it for millennia. The XO nodded in understanding. "Now send her in here when she has the chance." The XO spoke up, "She is already outside your office, and I'm pretty sure she probably heard everything you just said too." Karl stopped for a second, he looked to the door to his office, he recently had his metal door changed out for a wooden door made by the craftsmen on his home planet. It was actually quite durable, but sounds would leak through if you were loud enough, and he was just yelling a minute ago. He brushed off his uniform and said, "I'm sorry for striking you suddenly lieutenant, please send her in as you leave." The lieutenant nodded and opened the door and closed it on the way out. He looked at Rowena sitting in the chair outside Captain Von Strauss' office and said "The Captain will see you now. Please knock before entering." He then proceeded to leave. Karl sat back behind his desk and pulled up her file on his holocomputer.