Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nexus-Breaker Durability Training Droid (N.B.D.T.D.)


Image Credit: I found it on the Bomberman wiki under Regulus, so copyright goes to whoever made the Bomberman series and whoever scanned the pic

Intent: To make a droid for every faction's use
Development Thread: (Not mandatory on creation, but helps give insight to a submission and shows effort. If not included, depending on the submission, a development thread might be asked for before final judgement)
Manufacturer: Baktoid Combat Automata (If Alli doesn't want this to be so, I'll change it)
Model: D.T.D Model (Durability Training Droid)
Affiliation: Anyone can use this
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Turadium (body), and Desh (internal workings)
Description: The Nexus-Breaker Training Droid is a powerhouse of Turadium and Desh metals. There are however, a few weak points to this droid, as it is meant to be a test of endurance for low level force users and normal people, rather than masters of the force. The Nexus-Breaker Training Droid may be made of Turadium, but it generally fights with Durasteel weapons, severely limiting it's fighting power for the lower level force users to combat it. It is normally programmed to stop fighting when it's weapon is broken, this can be bypassed by either reprogramming it or simply adding a newer intelligence to it thus completely rewriting it if the brain doesn't recognize the new intelligence as it's basic one, which actually happens every time. The Nexus-Breaker Training Droid is named such for the man who over 100 years ago requested this very droid type be created, and they made it of Turadium for his request, but couldn't find enough Durasteel for the inner workings, so they used Desh instead, much to The Nexus Breaker's behest even though they waited about 50 years to make the requested droid, which took his life in the process of testing.
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 2 meters
Height: 550 lbs
Movement: Repulsorlift & Bipedal
Armaments: A durasteel vibrosword, grenade belt on it's waist that carries six grenades of different types, a holster for a single blaster pistol on the left hip, and lastly,
Misc. Equipment: Scanners, 2 red 'eyes' under a big visor

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
  • All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. This means no giant humanoid mecha, no super crazy transforming vehicles, etc.
You will require a new image. @R'Ikk Zikk
Two things I find wrong with your current judgement...

1. It is not a giant humanoid robot in the picture, it's a cyborg suit from a N64 game...

2. I cannot find a better picture if I even tried cause this is literally the best I can possibly think of to fit the role of a heavily durable droid... if you won't let me use this image even after my clarification, tell me what I CAN use, please

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@R'Ikk Zikk
My judgment was that this is Star Wars, and your image isn't. I'm going to deny this for refusal to make required edits. If it's second-chanced, or for your next submission, please spend ten minutes browsing a Google image search or DeviantArt for 'assault robot' or 'large droid' or 'training bot' or anything along those lines. I guarantee you'll find what you need.

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