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House Name
House Summary
House History
House Resources
House Members
House Grayson

"Our purpose has always been to serve the people. We have done so since the first councils of the Galactic Republic, and will continue to do so until the stars themselves burn out."
House Grayson serves as the center of the Grayson Imperium. The Graysons proudly claim that their family has been involved in galactic politics since the dawn of the Old Republic. Records dating back as far of the Great Hyperspace War have recounted the exploits of the Graysons, ever the epitome of the Jedi ideal. The Graysons are by far the most powerful family within the Imperium, and are the de jour lords of all its holdings. The House is generally made up of Jedi, and they are known for serving in roles of leadership, whether it be in governance or war.
House History
The Graysons are one of the oldest galactic families still in existence. It is unknown when exactly they came to prominence, though the farthest reaching record speaks of Corlion Grayson serving the Jedi Order during its conflict with the Legions of Lettow.
Throughout history, the Graysons served as staunch allies of the Old Republic. Members of their family have fought in nearly every major war the Republic was involved in, although they tended to be somewhat excluded from the greater Jedi Order due to their beliefs in family. The Graysons generally remained within the Order, their relationships often secretive in nature. By all accounts, most of the Graysons seemed model Jedi Knights - it just so happened that children that looked like them, spoke like them, and shared the same last name tended to pop up as younglings every few decades. Certainly no connection there.
The Graysons found safety on the world of Ession during the Gulag Plague, and soon came to be the world's primary Jedi defenders. They came to call the planet their homeworld, eventually starting a Jedi temple there that trained a militarist sect of the Jedi that called themselves Essonian Knights. Under Cyril Grayson, the Grayson family took over direct governorship of Ession, inspiring a religious renaissance in the planet's dour populace.
After the second fall of the Republic, the Graysons were left alone with a burgeoning Sith Empire on their doorstep. The Essonians fought with every ounce of their being to defend Ession, but they were no match for the Sith war machine. The once sprawling ecunemopolis that spanned across the planet was reduced to atoms. A campaign of genocide followed, and the surviving Essonians put into forced labor camps to mine the remains of Ession's resources.
The remaining survivors fled to Ruusan, the Graysons' ancestral homeworld, in hopes of returning to their former glory. For many years, the Essonians prepared. The time came when the Core Imperial Confederation fell, leaving the core in a state of chaos. The Essonians and their allies swooped in, subjugating the remaining imperial warlords and putting their liege lord Cedric Grayson on the emperor's throne.
House Grayson holds absolute power over the entirety of the Grayson Imperium, though it allows lords and ladies of other minor houses to carve out their own fiefdoms, so long as they pay fealty to the throne. With the vast majority of the surviving Essonians enlisted within the Sons of Ession, House Grayson has a private army of religious fanatics numbering in the low millions. Its fleets are similarly vast, composed of dozens of warships from countless eras cobbled together in the form of an imperial fleet.
The Graysons also have a small order of Jedi Knights loyal to their cause. Almost all of these knights have been trained by Cedric Grayson himself, and thus their bonds of loyalty are stronger than almost any other within the Imperium. Additionally, Cedric Grayson is the wielder of the legendary Blade of Ruusan. The weapon is a nexus of the Ashla, and serves as the mark of station for any future Imperators.
If it so wished, House Grayson could direct the entire might of the Imperium wherever it wished. It is only their desire for democracy and rule by the people that has kept them from establishing full centralized control over the populace. Time will tell if this decision was a wise one.
House Grayson has de facto claim to all the realms within the Imperium. It allows the other noble houses to carve out their fiefdoms as they wish, though the majority of the Imperium remains directly under the House's control.
Notably, House Grayson claims Tython and Coruscant as its core worlds, a castle on Ruusan, and a claim to the ruined world of Ession in old Sith Space.
House Members
Cedric Grayson
[member="Talaya Rade"]
[member="The Mephirium"] (Deceased)
[member="Caida Grayson"] (Deceased
[member="Feena Mason"] (Deceased)
[member="Cyrene Grayson"] (Deceased)