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Approved Starship "The Nucleus" Institution-Class Science Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Very Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • Standard Starship Systems
  • Armories
  • Medical Bays
  • Animal Storage Bays
  • Stasis Sample Storage
  • Engineering Laboratories
  • Scientific Laboratories
  • Bioscience Laboratories
    • Hydroponics Farm
  • Vehicle Garage
    • Vehicle Repair Bays
  • Escape Pods
  • Advanced Shields and Armor: The Institution has an advanced shield system with a few of them being triple redundant and an advanced armor scheme that protects vital areas.
  • Advanced Hyperdrive: The Institution has a hyperdrive system with a class of 0.6. This allows the Institution-Class to get where it needs to go quickly.
  • HIMS System: The Institution has a HIMS system. Due to the sensitive nature of being a science vessel, having something that nullifies interdiction fields is a must.
  • Where is it?: In order to keep the crew and important data safe, there are only three people who will know where the ship's route. These three are Karl Von Strauss, the Emperor, and a Moff the Emperor appoints.
  • Built like a Needle: The needle-like construction of the ship allows it to go fast, in a straight line, with minimal turning.
  • Large Hangar, One Ventral Exit: There is only one exit from the main hangar, if it is destroyed or blocked in some way, nothing is getting out.
  • Backup Hyperdrive: Due to the immense power the ship uses regularly, they don't normally have power diverted to the backup hyperdrive. So when the primary hyperdrive goes out it takes upwards of three minutes (without damage) to get it online and functional.
  • Huge Target: Not only is the ship large, making hard to not hit, it also has hundreds, if not thousands of the Empire's best and brightest scientists/engineers on board. Taking out this ship would inevitably hinder the Empire's technology creation.
  • Built like a Needle: The needle-like construction of the ship means that at higher speeds this ship cannot make hard turns. Additionally, the ship is just slow to turn.


(Just pretend that the Imperial-Classes are just small escort frigates. The Original Arc Hammer was HUGE. thx)​

Karl has always liked to create vessels of war, like the Duchess and the Imperial-X MkVa, but with this design, he strayed away from making a pure vessel of war. While it is still heavily armed, this ship is not designed for war, but for defense. Defense of the Empire's best and brightest scientists. This ship is meant to be a research and engineering vessel that protects and moves around its occupants, never being in one spot for more than a few weeks. For Various safety reasons there are only three people who will know the ship's current location, course, and route: the Emperor of All Imperial Kind, Velran Kilran, Karl Von Strauss, and a Moff appointed by Emperor Kilran, [currently not appointed].

The ship tours around Empire of the Lost space on a course set months in advance. Its course is predetermined by AI algorithms, and checked by Imperial navigators to ensure its safety, once the ship has finished a route another is generated and checked. If something is going on in a system, both the AI and navigator will change course to protect the vessel. Although the ship will have at least two Ardent-Class escorts at all times, the Captains of those vessels will not know the course, as hyperjump coordinates will be sent 2 minutes prior to jumping. However in the case of an emergency jump, due to being found and attacked, the ship will randomize its hyperjump coordinates to a system known to be safe, and jump. It will then send where it is to the appointed Moff, who will then send them to the Ardents if they escaped. Or to new Ardents in case of destruction. Discretion is highly advised. (NOTE: the coordinates will also be sent to Emperor Kilran, but he is much too important to move escort frigates around and they'll be sent to Karl Von Strauss, but he will likely be aboard the ship.)

In addition to its predetermined route, the defenses of this ship are second only to larger capital ships such as combat battlecruisers, super star destroyers, and dreadnoughts. The armor and shield systems the ship carries are purely for its defense, as there are many HVTs onboard, precious data, designs, and other research-related items. The hull itself has many layers to protect those inside, and the seigurium plating on the columns, which are crew areas and laboratories, and the bridge increases the resistance to those hard points. After all, this ship was designed by Karl, who has the philosophy of "The Crew Comes First."

The weaponry of the Institution-Class again is mainly for defense, despite being quite heavy with it. While designed for defense, Karl knows that eventually there will be a time when the ship has to fight, which is why he designed it as such. With a large compliment of starfighters and bombers, the ship can hold its own for some time, although if engaged it will send an alert to nearby fleets for immediate assistance and the appointed Moff.

Additionally, Karl designed this to make a bastion of technological research and to hopefully show the Emperor that he is a valuable asset to the Empire, and for his aspirations of becoming Director of Naval Engineering. He knows that this will take time, but he hopes this is a step in the right direction.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a mobile bastion for the EOTL's scientists
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: (Just the design)
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Karl Von Strauss, Any other EOTL scientist that would want to work on The Nucleus.
Model: Institution-Class Science Cruiser
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Research
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: See Above
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

See Above

Minimum Crew: 9300
Optimal Crew: 50800
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Very cool ship, nice job! One thing, individuals cannot own/field battleships more than 500 metres, because of this (and due to the fact it is a unique ship), I would like to ask you to remove your character and the "Any other EOTL scientist that would want to work on The Nucleus." from the affiliation.
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