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Approved Lore The Obscurium

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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders

  • Intent: Create an intelligence and infiltration branch of The Quasesitorum
  • Image Credit: Created by me using Gencraft AI
  • Canon: Jedi Shadow
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: The Obscurium
  • Classification: Intelligence Branch of The Quasesitorum
  • Affiliation: The Quasesitorum, Empire of the Lost
  • Organization Symbol: See above
  • Description: Provide intelligence and infiltration agents for The Quasesitorum
  • Headquarters: Quasesitorum levels, IE Tower, Lianna City, Lianna
  • Domain: The Obscurium works throughout the galaxy, they officially hold no territory on their own.
  • Notable Assets: None as an organization, everything belongs to the Empire or The Quasesitorum
  • Hierarchy: Headed by Spymaster Dextra Tane Dextra Tane who has senior, field and junior “Obscurers” underneath her.
  • Membership: Chosen from the Aspirant class of The Quasesitorum the Obscurium is a relatively small group at the moment, but will grow as the influence of The Quasesitorum spreads increasing the need or as more intelligence minded Aspirants graduate to Squire.
  • Climate: Covert Intelligence Organization
  • Reputation: The Obscurium is a shadow organization. The threat they present is most likely feared, but most galactic citizens will never know they are face to face with an agent of The Obscurium.
  • Curios: Field personnel will likely have employment credentials for the front company Intergalactic Exports
  • Rules: Do what is needed to get the job done.
  • Goals: Facilitate the spread of order throughout the galaxy through covert actions.
Dextra Tane Dextra Tane

Formed by Grandmaster Teckla Tane under the direction of her sister Dextra, The Obscurium serves The Quasesitorum in the person of spies, assassins and saboteurs.
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