Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Odd Couple [Siather]

[member="Siather Det'aan"]​

A light ground transport's engines hummed as Coci waited for her Padawan. Today's mission is primarily for him to construction his own lightsaber. She will take him along the Old Path. Some of which has been well trod by the Silver Jedi, to the caves at least but beyond that, it is uncharted ground. Much beauty much mystery still remain and dangers yet to be controlled.

She did not pack components for his saber, her Padawan always several steps ahead would have gathered what he required before time, she had no doubt of this.

Coci placed her backpack on the back seat, full of supplies and water as this will take some time, in fact he has all the time needed. Lightsaber construction is an art, a skill and one not to be taken lightly, if one is to succeed. She stands in her off duty clothes, cream trousers and white shirt, knee high boots of black the only sign of her usual attire. Her saber with the purple blade clipped to her belt, the other, hidden in a strong box, her blue blade only required when she takes the role of Creimire.

It is early in the morning, the avian creatures reach for the skies on their wing and whistle a song of greeting to the sun. The air is cool, and the morning mists cling to the ground slowly fading with the burning of the sun's rays.
Assembling everything he need Siather gathered enough gear that it would present a challenge to carry for the stocky Gand. He anticipated the trip would be difficult already but he felt it necessary to push himself a bit harder. What little he knew of this part of Voss made him believe that he would be well suited for the challenge, he wanted nothing more than to gain anything he could from the experience.

Leaving bunk behind Siather ensured his training sabers were clipped firmly to his belt. He stepped out of the room and headed for where his master was already waiting with her own kit loaded on a nearby land transport. He was dressed in mostly traditional wraps, comfortable brown boots but in place of a brown cloak he wore a weather beaten duster. Also on his belt the Gand kept a holster with a small blaster just in case something proved to be too dangerous. He didn’t wish to kill anything or anyone but if it was necessary he would be ready to do so.

Stepping up to the transport feeling the cool against his face the Gand could almost taste the morning mists, it was a very comforting to be cloaked in the wet morning mists. He grinned as he approached his master and bowed. “Gand is prepared to depart whenever you are.” He put his heavy pack down on the seat across from [member="Coci Sinopi"].
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

"Good morning Siather", she replied with a small smile. Climbing into the drivers seat Coci began to move the transport forward. They would make their way out over the grasslands toward the edge of the forests. The Old Path, deep within it and accessible to those that know its location. Some of the Old Path is open for others to explore, while some is restricted and yet to be checked by the Jedi or the Shadows of the Order.

They soon came to the point Coci sort, the fork in the road so to speak and she pulled the transport to a halt. "We begin our journey here", she said in a low tone, the journey to the caves as well as the journey of Master and Padawan. He is able to be recognised by her now, his signature attuned to hers and so the link between Padawan and Master had began to be established.

Coci grabbed for her pack and placed it around her shoulders. As she waited for him, her black penetrating eyes looked toward the Path, she knew the way of course but wanted Siather to do so through the force.

"We stand at the fork in the road, tell me Siather, which way to go", she smiled as she turned to look at him. "Reach out through the force and see if you sense the caves .. the crystals".
Sitting in silence as his master flew the transport to their destination, Siather silently prepared himself for the mission ahead. He had done some reading in the temple before they had departed, to get a sense of what he had in store for him, it wasn’t exactly clear to him where they were going but he trusted his master would get them there safely. They came to a halt and his master spoke giving instruction that they would begin from there.

He was as prepared as he was going to be, he reached out with the force sensing the cool resolve of his master nearby. He grabbed his own pack slinging it over his shoulders, he stepped down off the transport following her instructions. He paused, hands at his sides as he reached further into the force as he touched a nearby tree, and he felt its age and those that had passed by it before. The world itself guided him, he could sense the crystals in the distance but he trusted not his ability to sense them, he trusted the world itself to guide him. He grinned as the tree revealed its secrets telling him of the vast history of this place. He turned back at [member="Coci Sinopi"] and pointed off into the distance.

“Our path is before us, please follow this one, the past shall be our guide on this journey.” Siather said his grin growing as he started down the path towards the caves trusting his master to follow.
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

The Path that her Padawan had chosen would lead them into the Serenity Valley. At the northern end they would find the Shrine of Healing but that was not their destination today. The caves are located along the Path once hidden by years of reclamation by nature. Within them are the many colours of crystals including focusing crystals. As they walked onward, Coci took some time to take in the landscape, the Path lined with unique trees, twisting and churning within one another, there is no undergrowth only the soft grasses with pave their way. Frolicking among the branches small avian creatures chasing the various species of insect life that co-habit the Path.

"Siather", she began as she had taken to speaking his name rather then title. "There is an area up ahead where we can train in Telekinesis before we move on to the caves. We also must be vigilant, this area is known for Nexu so keep your force sense alert, keep a strong and constant connect to the living force as we proceed".
Heading towards Serenity valley Siather could sense the land around him guiding them the creatures milling about in the background, the birds in the sky, and in the distance the crystals they sot. It was beautiful in every way, and he got to appreciate it in ways his master could not. He felt the force tugging him towards the old path guided by the Jedi long since gone but still present in the impressions they left behind showed the way. He expanded his senses further into the surrounding trees looking for hints of the approach of any Nexu.

“This one understands, Gand will attempt to guide us along a path that bypasses those predators but if necessary we will at least be the better hunters and ensure we have the upper hand.” Siather replied as he stepped along the path carefully trying to find the spot [member="Coci Sinopi"] was referring to.
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

They had walked for about one hour. The morning had advanced but did little for the atmosphere of the forest, which was pleasing as Coci enjoyed the quiet surrounds. Her eyes glanced over to Siather every now and again and could sense he too enjoy the walk. Then they came to the marking tree, a tall one among the few and straight unlike the rest. Before the Silver Jedi had arrived, the making tree had been obscured by the over grown forest as was the Path, this tree denoted the start of yet another path and it is this path they would take now.

"Saither, we will walk this way", she pointed to the right on his side, "Ahead is a place where we will train". Coci pushed on ahead now, her quickening steps bringing her to the a small patch of cleared land. The trees of the Path surrounded the edge of it and in the center a designed garden, simple and elegant. Among the small shrubs, white stone arranged in a pattern without fault, lay in a circle unto themselves.

Coci walked to the side of the garden and placed down her pack. She watch her Padawan to see what reaction he might have of this place, if any.
Having for about an hour the Gand reached into his pack grabbing himself a small snack from one of its many pockets. He was munching on it contently when his master spoke up. He paused and looked at the arrangement of small shrubs and white stones, the stones obviously arranged in some form of pattern. Siather certainly didn’t recognize any significance of this place other than the stones would certainly make for good practise for his telekinetic abilities if that was their purpose.

He finished his snack and put his pack down as his master had done looking to her for guidance as to what he should be doing. “Interesting place, is this the place you were referring to as a good place to train this one's telekinetic abilities?”

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

Without a word, Coci extended her hand and several small white stones levitated in the air above the stone garden. As they rose, she began to rotate them around each other slowly at first. As the seconds moved on, they would grow faster and faster and develop into a blur of white. This was the basic level of this ability one she knew he would easily have the capacity to achieve. Her other hand elevated now, and more white stone came up, until the entire bed of white stone began moving around each other and became a wall of rock by all accounts.

Her hand would slightly move as she worked, her focus through the force narrowed to the stones as she lifted them higher until they are well above the ground and past the tops of the trees. Then she simply dropped her hands, and the entire white stone dropped to the ground in one loud heap and a mess. Before this, the stones had been arranged in a pattern of precision now not so.

"Your turn, show me what you can do, and we will work from there". She moved to the side to allow her Padawan choice of position.
Watching as the stones whipped around from their normal spaces, Siather knew that telekinetic displays like this were possible before but had never born witness to one so obvious. He touched the force silently as the white stones swung around in the air trying to grasp the concept by sensing it through the force. He really didn’t have a chance as the stones fell into a pile with a rather loud noise that fully distracted him from his goal. He examined the pile of stones carefully before turning his attention to his master.

Without a word of response the Gand stepped forward towards the pile getting close and personal with it. He reached out into the force trying to sense it he was confident that he could lift at least a couple of the stones individually, he was also confident he could lift larger clumps of them together given the right circumstances but he didn’t understand the concept well enough to put on a display anything like his master had achieved. He lifted the first few stones into the air using the force and began almost juggling them using the force to accelerate them up into the air long enough that he could turn his attention to other stones and add them to the mix. He had a dozen or so of them on the go at the same time but their position in the air was certainly precarious at best. It certainly wasn’t anywhere near as controlled as he would have liked but he didn’t have the skill for better.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

(Sorry for the long wait, hectic week probably only going to get worse as he head towards Christmas)
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

Coci paced around as Siather began to work the stones. Her mind completely focused on her Padawan and his skills, her eyes watching what he was doing to achieve the levitation.

"Siather, I know you will have an understanding of the laws of gravity, this is how we use telekinesis to greater effect". She stopped as a few more stones rose up to the others.

"It is a way we manipulate this law to achieve more. What you saw me do was akin to Ballistakinesis used by the Jensaarai to accelerate objects at high speed. Use your knowledge of gravity and use that with your skill".

Coci moved to walk once more away from him to continue this training. She positioned herself on the edge of the clearing. "Couple this with your understanding of the nature of the stones, make them 'light' in the environment, understand their structure and use it. Do this and you will have the ability to lift the greatest of volumes".

(I understand completely, take your time with this. I am a bit busy too) :)
Having never really thought of it that way the Gand let the stones down again before making another attempt, he was very visual, he visualized the stones as being lighter than they were by imagining they were bubbles of air rather than heavy stones. The weight wasn’t an issue for him though, how he was to juggle so many stones at once was what was escaping him. He raised stones into the air an almost casual gesture of his hands, he managed to suspend a couple dozen in the air this time. They floated just like bubbles suspended in air held in place by an invisible force.

“Gand has no issue with the weight, it is how to keep control over so many objects at once that confuses this one.” He lifted what he had under his control higher into the air to demonstrate he had the concept of weight handled. “If you could help Gand understand how this one could keep control over so many objects at once he is confident he could manage to return the stones to their rightful places.”

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Siather Det'aan"]

Moving around the area, she listened to his words. "That part is all about belief. Have confidence in your self and your force ability to do it. Use your mind's eye and see them together, raise one at a time if you have too, but visualise it as each one joins the other".

She pulled back to allow him to take the time needed to achieve this. She cared nothing of the mess of stones, and she will remain here with him until he has achieve this in part, enough to construct his saber.

"Make them form any shape you wish. This aspect of TK will give you the means to construct your saber using this ability, it will give you skill to move objects much heavy to lift and you can use this to form a weapon for defense or attack, if required". Just like any force skill.

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