The Father
I grew up in the interim period between The Original / Classic Trilogy and The Prequels. During this period, we fans had The Expanded Universe to keep us content till George Lucas finally decided to green light the Prequels. In the period I remember enjoying being Dash Rendar in Shadows of the Empire N64 Game, playing as the much more down to earth and reluctant Jedi named Kyle Katarn in the Jedi Knight games, and of course the Emperor's Hand herself, Mara Jade Skywalker, who is one of my all time favorite Star Wars characters, in fact, I remember when the SW Insider issue arrived with the model who did the live action images so that Mara could be in Decipher Star Wars Trading Cards, I had her Rare Card from the Enhanced Deck that I coveted, and I loved playing as her in The Masters of Kesi fighter game on PlayStation. For full disclosure I just got a mint condition set of all of Mara Jade's Emperor's Hand Comics by Dark Horse as my late Xmas present..
I call this the Old Expanded Universe to distinguish it from Expanded Universe of Revan, Malak, Darth Malgus, Cade Skywalker, The One Sith, and a lot of Prequels tie in stuff. While I love those too, I kind of wanted to reminisce with anyone who remembers that Intertrilogy period, between OT and PT, when we had to fill our time with books, comics, toys, and video games to get our Galaxy Far fix. I marvel at how now we get major Star Wars content every year now, with shows, and the upcoming movies, in a way I miss having to wait five to ten years for a new trilogy, it made the anticipation fever pitch, and made everything feel grander; though do not get me wrong, I love the constant Disney era Star Wars content.
So who was your favorite Old EU character or characters, story lines / arches, additions to the lore that Disney has even included in some of newer content like Force Heal and Malestrome?