Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Old Grey

He liked books. Books helped you find locations, and locations were good. This time he was leaving Bespin for Alderaan. Jardo had managed to work out the location of the original Grey Jedi temple, and he was going to head over there and find it.

Personally he just wanted to be away from Bespin, the warehouse street The New Grey Jedi were working out of. It wasn't very good, he was willing to admit that one, but he was working on making it better. He was working on getting back to glory.

Slowly he shook his head, stood on the boarding ramp of his ship. Something didn't quite feel right about his final location, almost as if he could feel some sort of force flowing from the temple. He wasn't quite sure what to expect really.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jardo Snow"]

Alexandra saw the ship coming in the direction of her home long before the man even set it down, following its path and finding where it took its place. Her hands curled around her saber at her waist as she hid from sight. Both physically and through the force she remained invisible and her eyes traced the man that stood there before she drew in a breath and spoke from cover. "Who are you and why in the seven correllian hells are you at my home..." She stared through the foliage, waited to see his reaction and even added a bit more in order to elicit a rather controlled response. "And drop your weapons if you have any, otherwise ill shoot you dead faster than you can count to two."
It was a welcoming he wasn't really expecting. Slowly he let his eyes drift around, looking for something that he couldn't actually see. He hadn't expected a person to be here, never mind live here. Instead he had expected the temple to be empty, he had expected to be able to stroll down the halls looking for any books or CCTV that explained why this temple became empty.

Slowly he slid Drakton from his belt, the lightsaber hovering in front of him. He allowed the blaster to slide from it's ankle holster and join the lightsaber. The Sith Hidden Blade was staying on his wrist, his form of protection just to be sure this woman wasn't mad. He shook his head lightly, nodding.

"All my weapons, here" he told the girl, letting them fall away from him. "Why am I here though? I am looking, the old temple of The Grey Jedi has a certain.... connection. Currently having regrown the Grey Jedi I need a home, the old temple being the smartest idea" he told the air, nodding.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jardo Snow"]

Alex's body move the moment the metal touched the ground as her body started from the forest behind Jardo and charging towards him with feet light across the ground. Whether he reacted or not she would stay out of his reach as her target was his saber which if he allowed she would snatch up. Only then would she activate it and stare at the blade for a moment before tossing it away to the ground and looking at Jardo now. Her violet eyes narrowed as her body was still in an animal like shape by the way she stood, black hair drifting over her face and her tail curling a bit as its ebony color stood on end. "And why is a Sith of all creatures here...." Her hands drifted over her own sabers, staring at Jardo and waiting for his answer while she stood there. Behind her hair the violet eyes and soft face actually showed no hostility, simple calmness only.
He stared for a moment, dark robes behind him. He hadn't really thought about changing out of the gear that made him look like a Sith. He guessed it was that and the lightsaber that kind of gave away his former connections. He slowly shook his head, shrugging. "I have no connections with those animals, not any-more" he spat towards the female lightly.

"The One Sith turned on those who helped them, turned on me. I don't want anything to do with them but I can't forget what they have taught me. I can't forget any of it because it is all useful, in the same way as force healing for example. Why do you think I put my life into bringing back The Grey Jedi?" he asked her lightly.

The old transport ship "The Rogue Skipper" behind him. He would have to upgrade at some point, anything better than a rusty old transport ship armed with guns by pirates. Perhaps an X-Wing craft or one of the older Jedi Starfighters. He let his gaze drift to the temple behind them.

"It's good, I'll give the designers that"

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jardo Snow"]

"Your first mistake is assuming this is a former residence of a group of Grey Jedi. The former residents were in no way Jedi and sought knowledge only, not to protect the galaxy. Secondly, forgive me if i don't believe you... Sith have a rather constant tendency to lie and those that aren't sith do too so how about i just turn you around and send you back to those creatures." Her eyes stared at the man as her hands relaxed. She was a bit more comfortable with knowing what this man's past was but she was in no way dropping her guard as the force continued to consume its place around her. She was visibly within her capabilities of bringing to her the strands of the force as anyone who could see it would see her drawing it in. "Now, are you going to leave?" Her brow raised as she waited for his answer.
"How about if I prove it to you?"

He was an idiot, mentally beating himself up. Couldn't just keep quiet could he? Now he had to come up with a way of proving to this female that he wasn't a Sith. Then it hit him, he had a datachip in his pocket. The datachip contained all the information about the temple and what he sought to do. It wasn't the best idea in the world though, so Jardo figured perhaps that would be the last resort.

"Look, look at me a moment. The Sith caused all these wounds to me, they left me broken when I could be no use to them. How do you think I learned to do this?" he asked lightly, using the force to pull a twig to him. The twig he got was sharp, which was all the better for this. He almost prayed that the force wouldn't let him down.

Slowly he brought the twig to his palm, digging it in and bringing it across in a diagonal, groaning slightly as the blood started to pour. He cupped his second hand over the wound, trying to remember his time in Silver Jedi captivity. He had watched so many healers at worked, and he had watched to try and learn how this worked.

Never too late to learn a new force power.

Slowly he called on the force, trying to force the cut to close. He felt the warm, sticky blood pour and yet slowly he felt it slow. He let the force carry on doing it's thing until he felt the cut close lightly. He removed his hand away, nodding at his work. He'd left a scar, but all in all not a bad job.


[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jardo Snow"]

"Cute..." Her hands uncurled as she looked at the and and shook her head. "Mediocre at best... i assume you learned by watching, i don't even want to begin looking at how many cancerous cells you created doing it that quickly..." She sighed and her shoulders moved back into place as she took a more human stance and tone in her voice now. Almost caring as she looked at his wrist and sighed. "That too... You really expect me to fall for something ive had to face before. Let me guess, you were one of Krest's kiddies."

Her body moved towards him as she motioned to his wrists, knowing there was something more there from simple feeling alone. She had fought with the sith and against them long enough to know the feeling that they left on items especially the kind in which ferus had created. The man had once been a colleague of hers and she knew how he operated. "Oh and, don't try to hide things from me again, i could have killed you with a flick of my wrist if i wanted but you know, i dont have the time right now so how about we talk while i repair the damage you did in your haste to prove to me you are not a sith... which mind you proves nothing."

She shook her head and sat down on a rock, waiting for him to join her without any weapons or otherwise dangerous items.
"Who's Krest?" He asked lightly, actually unsure. It was a name he was unsure of, and he pondered it lightly as he went and joined the woman on the rock. He untied his hidden blade, tossing it onto the ramp of his ship, using the force to push everything else back over there as well. He didn't want to leave anything on this rock.

"I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't working with the Sith. I left them after they tried to kill me" he told her lightly, offering his hand. "I hadn't even finished my training when they just threw me aside like trash" he muttered again, sighing. "I guess to get revenge I figured I needed to learn how to balance the force my end to learn the light and dark. Then I decided that The Grey Jedi hadn't been seen for a while so I did some research and found that this was the last place they were seen" he told the girl slowly.

"I decided to regrow the order, mixing with the Non Force Users. Currently we've been working out of warehouses on Bespin but I figured I should come check this place out, see if it was up to sustaining us... at the moment the three of us"

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

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