The OOC One
He liked books. Books helped you find locations, and locations were good. This time he was leaving Bespin for Alderaan. Jardo had managed to work out the location of the original Grey Jedi temple, and he was going to head over there and find it.
Personally he just wanted to be away from Bespin, the warehouse street The New Grey Jedi were working out of. It wasn't very good, he was willing to admit that one, but he was working on making it better. He was working on getting back to glory.
Slowly he shook his head, stood on the boarding ramp of his ship. Something didn't quite feel right about his final location, almost as if he could feel some sort of force flowing from the temple. He wasn't quite sure what to expect really.
Personally he just wanted to be away from Bespin, the warehouse street The New Grey Jedi were working out of. It wasn't very good, he was willing to admit that one, but he was working on making it better. He was working on getting back to glory.
Slowly he shook his head, stood on the boarding ramp of his ship. Something didn't quite feel right about his final location, almost as if he could feel some sort of force flowing from the temple. He wasn't quite sure what to expect really.